Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1098 Temples

When I gave my sister, I looked at my sister. I looked at my parents to enter the living room. The girl who turned to the door to do the waiter. I nodded. "" Two days My parents are received by you! " Hey, thank you! Your surname is? This makes you wronged. "

It is also an abilities that don't have a legal person, and it is a matter of gratitude to the waiter for the safety of your parents.

"The team, you are too polite! What is the grievances, this work is much more safe than you, and then, uncle's aunt is very good. In fact, I didn't do anything, I helped to go to the restaurant, then Later, I had a food, I should also clean it, but the aunt said nothing to do it, I am very embarrassed. "Xiao Zhou listened to the face and laughed.

"Hey, you still have to thank you! This is coming for three days. I will not bother you here, I will gather together! Then give me a restaurant to contact me." Yan Yan said he smiled. Respond.

"Well!" Said that Xiao Zhou took a business card from his pocket and handed it to him: "There is a phone call above, there is a telephone number of the resort service, what do you want to eat or need to call it directly, here Electronic equipment can be used normally, it is not to be connected to the outside world. "

Xiaoling said that there was a good time to say that the business card was relieved, and the red face was saying: "That parade, can I ask you?"

"Ah? What do you say?" Yan Yan put his business card back to the rites.

"Do you have two people? Then you sign a name on my clothes!"

Under the eyes of Xiao Zhou Xi, he is a little and then do he have some embarrassment: "You can! Is there anything?"

"Of course! You are already the most popular people in the power industry! Who don't know you throughout the world! I have seen every game! You are too powerful! Take ....

"Good! Small Sound! Small Sound!" Looking at Xiao Zhou, the more excited, the voice begins to say uncontrolled : "My parents don't know this!" , Use your mobile phone? "

"Well! Well! Use me!" Said that Xiao Zhou took out the mobile phone, and he was standing with it in front of him. Xiao Zhou slightly leaned against the fat fat, and the next two people smiled and smiled. A gesture that is more than the heart.

! After the shutter was crisp, he looked at the camera and didn't expect himself. After completing the first request of the other party, he didn't take a pen on my body. "I have no pen on my body." When you leave, come to me, I will sign it. "

"I bring it!" Xiao Zhou said that I was ready to handle it.

"You are still ready." Yan Yan took a pen and smiled: "Okay, where is it?"

In the eyes of the words, Xiaoling unwaped his outside waiter uniform, this is a whitening shirt that wear it in the survey department, just see Xiaowei, refer to his chest, said: "Sign here ! "

"Call! Wow ~ Hey!" Looking at the quite spectacular white shirt with the breath, this time, this time, he was red, and he smiled and smiled in a small week. Xiao Zhou took a three-point temptation to seven points of provocative eyes, hard my heads and signed my name on the shirt.

The small week with the heart is full of smiles disappeared from him, and Yan Yan actually felt a feeling of frustration. He could imagine his own embarrassment. I will have a bigger head because of this game, but I didn't expect to affect my life so soon, ah! It is more calmly tuned, and there should be a word that I have to practice with chicken.

The head smile, I entered the living room, I met my mother, and Li Yuxuan asked her son: "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, I am thank her, and then I don't have to use her for a few days."

"I look at you when you take a group?"

"Oh, yeah! Just, that is, take a photo together!"

"Do you want to call?"

"Ah, this, not, what phone call me." Yan Yan was asked to say that there was nothing to say, and constantly helped his sister, but he didn't see yourself from the box, one One piece takes a gift to parents and a few old people prepared.

"Hey, there is no need! Do you have progress in Xiao Zhao? I said that Xiao Zhao family is good. Although people are bigger than you, but people have a famous university, family conditions are also." Li Yuma's face It is better to pull the hands of the hand.

"Mom, how big is you, the family relationship is all?" Yan Yan Zhang Dazhi looked at his mother, saying that Zhao Yuan Hu is so long, he also has a good sense of relationship with it. Not to get along with the evening, but as long as you take care of your injured action in your team, take care of your sister is Zhao Yuan Hu, but you don't even know how many people have, I have always thought that the other party and myself or more than myself. Small.

"What is clear, I live in a community! Do you talk about it together! I tell you that you are not allowed to steal two boats!" Said that this Li Yushu's face is difficult. .

"Then there is there, the eight characters have not yet been! It's on the two boats."

"How is the eight characters? Isn't there? I am not talking to you last time! Do you take the initiative?"

"Mom! I, I, I don't leave for more than half a month? Where can I get in half a month!" I didn't help but take out two time differences in the road.

"Oh, it is! Then you have also hurry, now the object is not looking for! You will talk about cultivate your feelings."

"Mom, people talk about it! People Xiao Zhao eat a few vinegar for your son, you can rest assured! Your son is now a fragrant." I have been equipped with dumb, I can't help but I can't help it. Plue the words.

"Really!" Li Yuxi listened to the son, and the eyes were smiled and smiled. "What happened to the Mom."

"Mom! I am too big, you are looking for anxious." Yan Yan said with a happy sister, secretly, you don't want to blame me, thinking that this is to look at the mother, say: " It is my brother to find it! "

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