"!" prick up your brother's disaster, and a box is covered with a rock.

"Your sister is not very worried, your sister is beautiful, all aspects are not looking for some objects than you."

"Mom! You are saying that I am ugly!" He said that Mom said that he said.

"Who says! I don't say this, my son is more handsome! Is this not a little girl taking you? I am afraid that you will pick up the eyes." Li Yuxa saw his son is really angry, and smile and comfort.

"You still care about my sister! Our unit wants to chase her more than I am looking for me!"

"Really?" Listening to his son, Li Yuxuan immediately vigilant, transfer attention to the brigade.

Seeing that my old man refers to myself, I will have a bad reason, and I have made a guilty gesture. I saw a few fishing tools placed in the horn. I saw it several times, I was so busy. Pick up the fish: "I went out to fish with my dad, I went to eat together in the afternoon! Sister, you and my mother chat! Don't forget to say that thing!"

I said that I rushed into my eyes, and I went out to go outside. When two people got out of the big door, I was relieved, and I couldn't help but sigh on the platform to deal with Nero three. Did not pay for the mother so much.

Looking at the son of the son's appearance, I smiled and smiled. I took my son's hand in the fishing gear laughed: "Go! Don't you want to fish? I take you!"

"Hey, ok!" Yan Yan said around the surroundings around his father, and chatted with the mouth: "Dad, you caught the fish, I used to remember that you didn't have this hobby."

Lao Yi swept a good one means a long way: "I didn't have time before, I am busy with your mother, I am busy, I am free to fish! Now I don't want to open it now. Every month, I will make money on time. If you are leaving a few days, I will give us a housing for the house, my son, this treatment I live in my heart! "

"Ah ~! Well! Very good! You have lived in a big thing." Yan Yan knows that his father's meaning, Dad is young when he is young after the professional, from the breakfast shop a little opened The small restaurant is relying on this income to support their brothers and brothers, which is forced to University, and the father is a person who is divided into the money, and never believes that the sky is good, this The sudden treatment changes to him in his heart, he knows that all this is from his own son, but this more makes him more worried about his son's true work.

"Dad, you can play this resort!" Facing the eyes of the old doubts, the words of the words.

"Hey, there is nothing fun, it is good to be good! These two days climbed the mountain, there is nothing, fishing can also take the boat in the lake, this is also a few gym, I listen to Xiao Zhou, I have to get a swim. Hall and golf course, don't you say that the golf course is not built now? "Lao Wei saw his son did not want to say that he did not ask his topic to reply.

"Ah, this is nothing, this place covered ten eight golf courses no one!" He said that he was laughing, and it was not a place where the mustard space was not.

The father and son have no one sentence, saying that the resort door is going to go through the road. Every ten minutes will go to the lake, watch the fishing terminal behind the lake. It should be that Dad said that he can fish.

Going to the gate of the gate, the old uncle, who raised the fishery, rushed to the fishing rod, and the two quickly taught it, and the old man came back to his fingertips. : "The old uncle, this is my son I told you! He is coming to see me this time."

"Oh! Ok, good! It's a great boy. I didn't listen to your dad in the past two days. I have a good time!" The old man was in the style of the fairy style, and looked at the smile.

"You, how you, ah ~! Well, you will have a good prize! I must do it!" He said that this old man is surprised to grow his mouth, and there is no one to show out the name of the other party, until the old man rushes himself. , . .........

"Okay, don't delay your father and son, go in! Just can't catch fun!" The old man said the door to the fishery, said a smile in the door.

"Hey, Dad, you will take a single sentence with the old uncle."

Old, I looked at my son to see the look of the old people, and I seem to guess what I didn't have much, I nodded and laughed. I took the fishing gear to the lake.

Seeing that Dad gets more and more, I'm going back, and I look at the old man. "How do you come to see the door?"

This is not someone else. It is now a hand of the investigation hall, and he can say that it is the oldest figure in the investigation department.

"I have been busy in this hall, I am not lacking everywhere, I am the most unique, you are fighting for the hall in front of the hall, and your family's seat is guaranteed. This matter always has someone to sit. Ok, I think I am right. "The hall refers to his own fun.

"You are so old! It's still troubled, hehe!" He said that he can't say it. He experienced that the world would know that this may be the means of buying people in the hall, but still can't stand in your heart, do it. In this case, it is also worthy of his days.

"It's all my own people say this!" Yan Lao smiled and swayed, put his hand to the front of his eyes, and asked a little in the eyes: "Is there a smoke?"

"Ah? Yes! Yes!" He said that he took out the box in the box. He usually didn't smoke this cigarette. This is still going home to take a few layered, and take it into the hands of the old man. I looked at the other side to tremble in my mouth, and I was in front of the front.

"Call!" After smoking a smoke, I was closed. After a moment, I said that I said that my body couldn't take me. I don't let me smoke, hey, my body I know, anyway It is waiting for it, it is waiting, is it a good day? You said yes! Xiao Yu! "

"Do you?" He said that he was surprised by this, according to the decision of the old man, it is not as good as the other face monks, but the live three or four hundred years is not a problem, let's think about it. In the words, I remember the earliest of the hall as the hall, leaving too much dark injury in the cultivation process and executive task, plus the life of the treatment, so the life is greatly reduced, thinking of this Stayed the old man's wrist.

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