"I believe, you are my son, there is nothing to believe! Available in the words, you are not afraid of 10,000, you will be afraid of doing things, you still have to be cautious, you don't have to worry about it, I don't worry, I am with you. Mom is now, you have to enjoy your blessings. I still want to get it now, and I have money to go out to travel. Oops! See you now, still staying at home is protected by your colleagues. " The hand stands up and got a long-lasting waist with a long time.

"Dad, in the past two years I will definitely, I will have a hand, I will stay with you and go out to travel around the world," . "

"Well! Now you still be based on your career and your own safety." The old man picked up the empty fish rod, packed up the fishing gear and continued to say: "There is also to take care of your sister, listen to you just talking. For more than ten years in order to alone for more than ten years, now you have grown up, and the man who is in the family will be able to take things. "

"I understand, dad! You rest assured!"

"There is something that is this thing, you are not your sister, will you be with your mother, I estimate that your mom knows now, but you ...." The old is giving up and down, the son refers to his arm: "But you This arm and the eyes are, don't let moms know! She is afraid to be unacceptable, when you perform the task, she has to hang, waiting for your big things to solve, the world is peaceful Find appropriate opportunities and her. "

"I know."

See the sun, the sun, the father and son, packed up, walked home, watching the scenery of the sun, it has already happened, but at this moment, there is no taste sigh: "You this mountain, this lake, there is this day. of?"

"Hey, it is not possible to be a world, the sun is definitely false." Yan Yan Yang looked at the empty road.

"What about fish in the lake? I caught it before caught it to eat! That is fake?"

"That is true! That is to buy from outside fishing ponds to put it into the goods! Here will meet the time flow rate of the outside world, and more entertainment facilities I miss you and my mom, you can After three different five, I came here to scatter my heart. "Yan Yan looked back to Wangquan pond." Our Director, the lake, the fish is more caught, now, how is a fish can't catch? "

"If you have no bloody temperament, if you have no bloody temperament, I can feel so far, don't mention the fish in the lake, after you do you, the lake is round to ten meters. I can catch a ghost without you can catch things. "

It is the case that I came to them. At this time, I already know that the old man who appeared to see the old man, I want to go to the forefront, I don't know the door of the circle, lift it. I don't know if it is with the other person. It is still a boxing, the expression is very embarrassing, I see him so appearance take the initiative to take a call: "Do you know your son?"

"Ah, I know! Grandpa, Hall! My son will still have a lot of care, he still does not understand, and make a penalty for your education education! You don't have to be polite." Lao Yi finally reached out Live the hand of the old man.

"Still calling the grandfather, I can't be a few positions! Your son is very good in our room, you will be very important, we will strictly ask him to do not let him go to the wrong road, ensure that his life is safe after completing the task. Ping An home is gathering with you. "

With a lot of arrogance, I saw that he seems to have something wrong with his own son, and he is in the hands of the son's hand, and he is alone after coming. go with.

"Is there so heavy blood in my body? How did I feel it? I am afraid that my family is very convoluting my breath." Yan Yan smented himself.

"That is because you have long been in the bloody environment, you have already habits such a atmosphere without self-learning, you can cheat ordinary all is truly dedicated as a deep person or a wild animal that is sensitive to death, or can be keen to capture The crisis, I heard, you now have at least three ways of gas-up, and also integrate with a hidden body, but you have not fully integrated this way, you can't do it. It is your defect, which will become a short board in your battle, and give you a crisis. "

"Then how do I correct this shortcomings?" Since the old man will break the way it will have a solution, he is not polite.

"I can't help you! I am not! There are some horses in the hall, I want to see you, remember that the agreement between us will go back and go back to the hospital."

"Okay, I will not forget!"

After bid farewell to the hall, he was three steps and two steps to catch up with the father. When the father and son returned home, the moment to open the door, and the atmosphere did not feel wrong. Looking at the opening of the door, redness To your mother, let's take a look at my sister who nodded, and I know that my mother has known the truth of things from my sister.

Li Yuxi has a lot of words to ask your son, but she still can't stand it first. When the restaurant will be sent to the food, a family has eaten a group round, eat a meal at the table. During the period, several people were deliberately avoided, and Li Yuxuan and a trivial thing got along these days and new neighbors. When these people were eaten, they were always in the ear, and they were always in the ear. It is really interesting to listen to today.

After eating, the old

Because there is a sister's prior pawad, the whole question process is just how difficult it is, Li Yuxuan is only asking questions and is not dangerous, doing these things will not leave sequelae to yourself. I have given an appropriate answer.

Finally, the words still exempt to lick a certain disguise to see the scars of the mother. Although the mother is simple but is not stupid, there is such a while from the story, and if she is hurt, she will not believe, even though lost He didn't dare to show in the arm and the eyes, but only the number of wounds exposed in the upper body, or let the mother fell into tears.

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