Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1103 is about home

Whether you are in front of the outside, you will always be the child who is easy to be injured in the mother's eyes. Although he is more comfortable, these injuries are skin injuries. I will not leave any sequelae, but Li Yuxi still regrets for the decision that I agree with my son, now my son daughter is engaged in such a dangerous job, and I think that there is a person who can lose them. Li ● 31App download address ● Yuhua I am afraid that my heart is like a knife.

I only told the mother that he has been guaranteed to be in the life of the investigation department. If the brother, the brother is found by God, then they will make a discrimination, and it is unimped to imagine cloud cloud and other assumptions, and ensure yourself If you don't have to fight, Li Yuxian's emotions have a slowness, even if it is still inevitable, he is still a bitterness.

And my family said that everything will be said, there is no worries, and the next two days, a family is gathered together, and the words are used to introduce to their parents. What functions have, most of these circumstances are like the wind bleed bought when they first shopping, there is no need for a source of intravation, only need a little external force, and can inspire the inner effect. Among them, there is a wind chime of the soul, and there is a teapot that improves the body nourishing body.

There is a small part of the leg, which requires a source of gas. It is also arranged for this, and the store will be inlaid in it, which is normal to use, so as long as the church parents can activate.

While the two old people were surprised by these items, they were recorded, especially careful, especially the mother Li Yuxian, and the little book specifically prepared, and how to use each item, how to use it, in her eyes, these are all in her eyes. The fairy homework is not, more important is that this is a filial piety that his children pay.

The time of gathering is always very fast. Three days have passed like this. Although Li Yushua is separated from the children, but she knows from my son, they still have a very important task, which is also a task gap. During the period of time, if they don't go back on time, the other players can't come back and get together.

For this reason, she can only press the worry of the child's safety, and send a sister brother, two people sitting on the outside world, sitting on the window, keeping the parents who fight outside the car, until the figure of parents gradually disappeared In your own sight, you can't see too much emotional fluctuations on your own, but you will have some lonely.

"Whether it is a blood brake, or the blood family must solve it as soon as possible! You can't let your parents will hang the day." Yan Yan leaned down to the window.

"Well!" The second thing to be said.

The bus opened the resort, and the two sisters didn't have a car. Fang was afraid that the public's ability to scare the other family members of the truth, so I had a trolley now has a resort's vision. The two people have no The scruples use the transient method to come to the mustard space to send the law.

The exit of the abventory is the headquarters of the investigation department. It didn't rush to the fracture of the law, but he had taken the reception staff who came to this.

It's not that this time, it is not in the office of the old, but instead of the headquarters training hall, when he stepped into the empty training hall, he immediately felt the seven-eight-level breath. Lock, looking for a breath to find a goal, most of these eyes are from one viewing room on the second floor of the Training Hall.

"You are coming, I see you a lot, it seems that this vacation has been relaxed! This is good to relax! The nerve is very tight, it will be broken."

The speaker is waiting in the middle of the lobby, and Yan Yan will go to him, and the other party will slowly slow down the body, and it is difficult to confirm: "How do you decline so fast?"

Three days ago, I just have seen this old man, at that time, although the source has been approaching the oil, but the appearance looks still a healthy and full of elderly people, and today, when I meet again, I will be poked. Balloon, body-shaped shrinkage becomes thin, dry and dry face muscle collapse is no longer like ever, the whole person is full, and the whole person is curled over the wheelchair, so that he has to hold his slender wrist to carefully control your own force, for fear One does not pay attention to the other party.

"Old fat, the big limit is coming! I just hang a breath, I want to complete the last thing I should do." Tong said that he held his hand and held his hands, and his eyes were floating. Go to the introduction: "I am not saying, there are a few people who have gone to meet you, and this is the main thing! His surname Yue."

"Yue old, hello." Yu Yan saw the old man with the old man, and the old man who declared the atmosphere, the old man is full of fullness, according to the old sayings, if it is with him The person's words, how can his age? The age of ninety, but only the age of five or sixty years old, the body is high-sized, and the smell of the gods, the same is not observed. .

"What is Yue Lao! I will not pull the red rope, my surname Yue called Yue Yong, before retirement, the team leader in the hall, if you can see the old captain!" The old man said to the words. I said that I said that I laughed and said.

"Good, Yue Lao captain!"

"You are ! Very good, it is really a long river, the waves are placed on the beach! I can't do it in the old waves! I have seen it in each game. I didn't expect you to have this young age. The realm, I broke through the eight-step repair, it was almost seventy-seventy-year-old and the realm was stopped in this life, and you are not 30 years old this year! "

Yue Lao said that he reached his hand and pressed his wife's eyes, with a bit of envious of a bit of gratification: "You catch up with a good time, a variety of abilities, this source awakened, there is artifact, these things we have I don't want to think about it! You are the most comprehensive abundant of the way the way, when we have the ability to have you, why soon it is so low in front of other places, and ... "

"Lao Yue ...!"

Yue Lao's words were not finished, they were interrupted in the wheelchair. He didn't breathe, and he didn't breathe. "Don't say it, it's all the things! Lao, you first put you first Things and children are clear, my business is not a hurry. "

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