Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1126 lets you step

"Xi'an Iron Awards, Jun, Ha Hao, huh! It is a bit mean." After listening to Meisi's explanation, he said that the low voice repeatedly slammed a few words, it couldn't help but laugh, this name is better than what machine Tiger, is so much, I learned that the new names of the names are somewhat joy in my heart, and the smile on my face is even more gaining.

Long Sun Ze is now very angry. If he doesn't understand his own, there are those words that they can have laughed, and Yan Yan is slightly in love with idiot, falling in his eyes, naturally being treated as himself. Disdain and contempt.

"Yan Taoyou, is the old man, is it funny?" Chang Sun Zhizhu pressed the fire in his chest and asked in the rumor.

"Not laugh, just after I have listened, I am very happy." Yan Yan said that the smile on his face was gradually convergent, and the long and grandchildren who looked up to the horizon of the horizon. "" The old senior, it seems that the fire is not Small! "

"Hehe, the old man is good! If you change today, you will have a tease for a jade. I am afraid that the pavilion is going to be overturned by you." Chang Sun Ze is so laughing.

I didn't speak to this, I didn't speak against it, I nodded. "You said yes, if you change to me, I have already bloodped into the river today, hehe! Unfortunately! My cultivation is low, but I The colleague is high! This kind of teasing them have experienced four or five times, but I have just experienced it. "

" , our Tianchie Court has our difficulties. How can this come to a toys?" Chang Sun Zhi Ze listened to the words of the words.

"Get! Don't be difficult to live in this world! Chang Sun Chang Lao, some lies say twice a time, say more I believe it? My investigation hall understands that you are difficult, but I have to kick us. Is it mud? Is it a three-point fire in the mud? "The nose of the nose calls out a breath and cold:" Today, I am here! Either now, I'm going to walk less with me. From me, the moth, or continue to put the gambling, I will take you behind you! "

"You ...!" Changs and Sun Zhizhu pointed to his hand, I can't say it when I arrived! In fact, when I guess the reason, Chang Sun Zhizhu has already baked, except for the It is only responsible for himself.

So, if you can give a step, he will take the other party's invitation under Shundo. Who knows that this is really like a rumor, it is not allowed to leave, and the attitude is aggressive to let him ride the tiger. How to decide.

"Faster! The elders of the Tianshuge will use such a simple decision to use so long? Then I really regret it, according to your efficiency, you will be able to translate the text, I am afraid that it is also organized. Don't force us to delay our time! "The rumor speaking, the sight of the long Sun Zhizi, I aim to my body after the sleep, I feel that I hide my eyes, slightly smile:" Oh, if it is so difficult Under the determination, I don't want to be a long grand generation! I am not sweet, I am not sweet, I am like a malicious person, so that you don't dare to fight and don't want to fulfill your commitment, then you will be a little bit of admission! I don't force it. You are leaving, so as for the text interpretation, our investigation department wants to solve it. "

It is said that he said that he said: "It is only a few days ago to listen to the outside world. It is all of some of the sects to compete for power, and the existence of the old waste logistics is not worth mentioning, I At first, it is disdainful. How can this important place for the local Linghaow? How can the unmanicate people? Now ... oh ... ! "

The brighter is the expression of this register. The longer the face of Chang Sun Ze, the more ugly, only waiting for the words, he will not bear the name of his name to drink: "Hey is here to show this tongue, with this excitation Law is nothing more than wants to make this gambling, huh, huh, huh! Little generation, you and relax the heart today, the old man will be fighting with you, even if it is not enemies, I will have a day, I will have someone to give me. Deliver your gambling with you! "

"Good! The elders of the grandchildren are ourselves!" Yan Yan went to smile and smiled and praised him: "Since the old gentleman is willing to fight and then the next battle, then I can't be too small!" Said The waist should take a smile: "I don't say it before, I can let me move this place, I will lose me, I will return it again, I will let you first fight, I will let you two legs, if you fight me Leg counterattack is also lost! "

This words are full of surprise, including the onlookers, etc., they believe that the words are too big, everyone believes in the ability of him to win, but in the face of a nine-order A eight-step Ashura, the active station does not move in the ground, it is already a big concession. This time, it will make your legs, this is too small to have a righteous opponent!

"Radiant! Shi Shi, with me to fight this!" Although the long and grandchildren smoke by this speech, but the hearts of the hearts, the move of the kitchen grave may become a chart in Today. The opportunity, so he pulled down the brother of the face of the mother of the mother and talked to attack together.

"Aba! Aba!" There is another person who has been silent after the appearance, and when the long and grandchildren, I called the mouth, I got up and followed the brother, and I found this person. It is a dumb.

This is a rare thing in the practice of the training. Because of the birth of the born or growing, the practitioner is not a small number of physical missing, but most of the practitioners can rely on merits. Law or external force improvement of this kind of defect, not to say that this is a small thing, even if the real scorpion is destroyed, you can simulate the sound as much as the source of vibration can simulate the sound. This means is not high to introduce the monk.

However, such a eight-order monk still maintains a state in which it cannot be opened. Is this either hidden or something related to his skills.

Lenovo, this is a vigilance to the longitude of this surname stone, and the mouth is blowing. Blowing is not a good thing to blow out, that is the matter! I didn't want to turn over the yin, which was really hit into the latest jokes in the road.

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