Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1127, the sword

In view of the encounter of Ge Yongshou, Chang Sun Zhizhu has a certain understanding of the manipulation of the sources of horror, although it is too trivial, but considering the opponent's legs. Situation, the advantage of the advantage of the advantages and disadvantages, he still chose to cooperate with the brother, close and ! He believes that with the ability of the two, it is not a difficult thing to be a good one.

"Oh? Is the sword yes! Just just concluded something that is still in the future, I tried it today, today you practice your hands!" Two people who rushed to themselves, and smiled in front of him. Tao.

The voice just fell, and the right arm was rushed. I saw the two people. I saw the two sources from his fingertips, and Chang Sun Zhizhu saw this situation and his brother. I didn't dare to immediately pull the sword to block the sword. The source of the body of the body collided on the long sword is actually drawn, and the interlaced between the two is actually sent to the sound of the gold iron collision.

"Swords!" Changsheng Zhizhu took a step behind his long sword whispered, and he thought that this is not the result of compressed source, but the road of Jian Xiu is warm for many years. The resulting sword.

No, this is impossible! He has never heard of what attainments in Jun said in Jun Road, and it is the son of the last name of Ye in the house. It is said that it is extremely high, this should be misunderstood! It must be a god of gods, the wrong source will become a sword!

"The old predecessors really see how many people are wide, and the goods!"

The praise of Yan Yan broke the last fantasy of Chang Sun Ze, and his next move, completely overturned its awareness of cultivation, and saw the arms of the two fingers and aligned my arms. Beginning, if a child is in trouble, there is a ridiculous mobility, and a sword with Sen Run is leaning from its fingertips.

For a time, the big square cold light four swords and horizontal, originally established in the field on the field, and the long and grandchildren in the field storm center, the two people, there is no way to eat.

Is the sword! Every breath is a strong pressure, and the biggest difference between the sword and the source is just that the source is just simply simply condensing, and the people of the magical plane may still be In this attached to some magical elements, it produces changes, but in general, the extension of the source is determined by the concentration of the specific power and the degree of condensation.

The sword gas is the extension of the long sword, which contains the momentum and will of the sword to understand the sword, and these trend and will have a long-term temperature of the swords, and the Swordsman will grow together Some swords have even born their consciousness, and they can leave the body care owner at the critical moment, and the destruction of such swordsmanship is much higher than the source of the same conditions. The damage effect of the physical gas method, this is why the French Jie Xiu has been in the magic worldworthy, can't afford the reason.

But today is a valuable sword with every sword, just like the big radishes who don't sell money, there is no such thing as unspeakable, but this seemingly playable play It is a problem that the two people who have been defending from the second day of their source of constant quantities. Don't say that they are always in a problem.

The current long and grandchildren can be said to be a wolf, and the simple and elegant robes have been cut off a dark mouth. The most serious damage is the long sleeve between the arrival of the sword, and the loose long cuff has been Based on the rotten cloth, if the long and grandchildren left and right, if the color is like a colorful flag, the dance is like a grandfather of a square dance, with the appearance of the granddaughter, let the watchman can't help but laugh.

Long Sundi Ze is not to know what the people are laughing, but he has no way, and the number of swords have made him easy, this is mainly the perspective of these swords, there is no law, On the other hand, it is not going to hit it in a direction, so narrow distance is so dense, the sword will inevitably generate collision, the fragmentation of the sword is like a small but powerful hidden hidden, in front of the two To form a sword, the rain welcomes them, so that the two only have the power of the horn.

"Hong Yunjian! Liu Jia's sword! What is your relationship with Hongjun's swords?" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " Qi, or the swords in this sword is unrelated, this sword is in the sword of the sword.

"Hey! I don't know the goods! It's really the older. I will recognize it. If I think it is the sword of Hongyu, and I have happened to be a few words when I just came to the fidelity. How is the grandchildren? I have a model? "I didn't stop the priest of the priest in the mouth."

"This is impossible, and does not say that this is forcibly absorbed by the swords that can be used. It is to use you for you. It is impossible to use so many swords in such a short time! Is there a horses Purple gold gourd give you? "Ask the old days, Sun Ze himself shook his head and showed that there were so many swords than those, Hong Yuxian will send the town door artifact to be more unbelievable.

"Hey, how can I do it?" Its master's talents are really limited, perhaps their own mechanical abilities and roadwork circles are incomplete, for learning skills, the priest, and there are countless times. He can only give up this idea to one side for this purpose.

Until a few days ago, he completely mastered the abilities of the gas, this remembered the kind of gourd sword that he bullied by Liu Xian children's brother, these swords were incompetent, because of the other source of gas, It has been used by its snow in the body, and now has an interest in it.

Yan Yan admit that even now he also can't raise his own sword, this is what is the relationship with him to master the ability of the gas system and the new understanding of gas, he can copy it with it.

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