Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1129, Tian Shouqi Home

Seeing that you are hidden, you will not be able to hide in the dirt, and his goal is only one thing to retreat. Now that the other party is just a stone to attack.

However, this will become the end of the world, just in the end of his raising, it is a few tens of handles with a blue arc, he wants to break through with his own personality, but why A strip arc is connected by a strip arc between a flying sword, and all the flying swords are tied as a big net, which is avoided, and he can only help but choose to temporarily retreat.

Zheng Jiaru and Xia Dang took the enemy of the two reinforcements. Chang Sun Zhizhu has also condensed the surgery. When he faces the stone diviner who is rushing to attack the way to attack the way, he drives himself: "Teacher Flash! "

Shi Changshen heard this science and knew that his brother has become a result. He has already bored himself, and he only has to bite his teeth, and the body shape flashes to the brother to make an attack path.

" , eat the husband ...."

"It's confused!"

Long Sun Ze pointed to the merits, and there was a strong voice in the attic, and then the Tianchhou Court door opened an invisible potential from which it was swept away. The entire body was born away from the original place. After the spray was sprayed, the body was quickly wilted before the attic.

"Pavilion, Haki!" Changsheng Zhize was hard to interrupt his trick, not, but no angry, there is a slash, hand-held chest weakness.

"Hey! When you are handing, you should check out your gap with the other party. Use this to live a life, how do you win the other person? Today, if you die in this little thing, you can solve your millennium. "There is a sigh in the attic."

"But the owner is too proud, I have to make this policy to maintain my face of the pavilion!" Chang Sun Zhizhi strongly supported his body with his sorrow and smash.

"What is the face of the face, when we didn't look at its true face, the face was already lost!" After the words, a power was released from the building, and the voice continued to open the mouth. : "Yan Xiaoyou, good means, my Tianshuge is admitted."

"Contact!" He said that the other party has already admitted to him, it will go away from the place, and the flock should be contracted.

"Since I made a convention with you, I will comply with you, just that the long and grandchildren and Ge Chang have not been able to act in the near future. Shi Chang's old man's problem cannot be speech is to send you a document, in the efficiency It will not be too ideal. "

After a long time, I have a little prone that itchy ankles, and when I heard this, my brow is so dark.

"Hehe, Yan Xiaoyou thinks that my Tianshuge has no destruction. They are not convenient to go to me to help others to help. This matter will never have any objection! Let's talk about another thing Let's take a lot of power, the trend of the heavens and the earth's inner array this day is still very fast? "

"Ah ~ um ~!" The previous moment, I also faintly angry and wanted to attack, this moment was revealed to the behavior of my own food, and the old face was a red look. I didn't know how to be my nose. In response, the last sorry showdown smiled: "Hehehe, is you discovered?"

"I didn't know anything. I just thought that the momentum of this halfway is much weaker. I only be an aging of the age, so I didn't put it in my heart and I wanted to wait for it. After seeing the appearance of Xiaoyi, I took a few hands to the test of the gas, I could notice that the matter was not cheat, and I found that you have a stealing ghost to absorb my moment. The momentum formed. Hehehe, Yan, you are not polite, this sucking, I took away the temperament of one-third of this mountain near the millennium, this does not tell you to take it? "


"Nothing, take it! All is the sustain of the Saita Hall before the Tiantang Pavilion." Seeing that he said that he is thinking about the language, the people in the building directly grabbed the first sentence. He later asked: "The old man is only a matter of doing things, I want to ask Yan Xiaoyou."

"So saying that it is good to say! Please don't dare, what is the problem of the old seniors, even if you ask." He said that the other party did not pursue his own array of momentum, the expression immediately turned many smiles.

", with your identity and today's status, you and me clearly as long as you have appeared directly today, I will be a big way to make it convenient to you, why is it so much a big constitution just to retaliate? Pushing, or worried that we will be illegal after you should be underway? "

"Oh, you asked this!" He said that he nodded from the doubt of the Shouguchge main, and pulled out the cigar box from his pocket to open the box. I would like to take a cigar, but I found only only in the box. A cigar, this time I remembered that I have been busy forget to buy it. After sighed, I was helplessly covering the cigar box. I changed it into a cigarette. I took a smoke ring. I'm saying: "There are two reasons! But more important reasons are for you!"


"Of course, it is good for you. The main people say this today, I will tell you about the Fairy Wushu, you can deliver my words to them." He said that he played the smoke of the soot player. : "I have never understood why the fairy has such a big contrary to our arrival, don't say that there is a gas between the fairy Palace, what is the relationship between you? It should be more clear than me, it is nothing more than to benefit, status, rights, and don't want to make other sectors. "

It is said that this is rushing to rushing into the embroidery of Lin Daozi.

", although it is difficult to listen to it." After a moment, the old cabinet was helpless.

"But you [31App download address] Forgot your power, who gave it, and forgot that these power is based on what is the basis! Without your lobby adult, lose the temper of the road to nourish you. The land, everything you have now, but it is the airline of the sky. "

I said that I took a smoke and snorted: "I know that the laigue will happen to the whole organization, but also cover the interests in front of you, this is like the ship died, you are not busy But the people who want to make holes are blocked, huh, I want to ask if the person waiting for the ship to sink the ship, ""

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