Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1130, I am good for you.

"Oh, some people can be very excited!" The last smoke was completed, and the two fingertips will reflect the pointed cigarette. "That is to cut this boat out of ho holes and have a good person to find the way. "

"Pei Xiaoyou, do you really believe in such a person in the Wuxi in the Fairy Palace?" After a short story, the voice once again louderly asked with doubts.

"Who knows? Maybe there is no! What do we do is in the case? I understand what you mean, not to say that the Lord is not trust in the Xiancai after the peach blossoms, I want to make a lot of this question. The excuse will give a lot of blood in the Fairy one by one. "

I said that this cold is full of face: "It's a ridiculous! If your Lord is really moving this thought, you think that these small means from you will stop this happening? Maybe it will delay The time that happened, but I think this will only make the Lord's more joys and distrusts, say it back, what is the relationship with us? If you are worried that you will be dragged in the future, there will be Remember those conditions given by your Linglian, do you think we are willing to do this? "

"Hehe, I'm really good for you!" He said that he said to the attic to wake up with resentment and fear of the eyes, looking at him with his finger with his finger with his finger: "You You can choose not to cooperate, but you can't send such things to humilize us! You really think that we have no way to translate the paper. I really can't do it? I tell you how much is, face! This Changshi Chang said just said He can do it, don't pull the face, I can't! Daddy time to go to the hell situation, give you the Lord adult, look at how you should deal with his order, this old guy is not to send people Can you explain this here? Well! Ok! I will come to you, I think the embroidered clothes behind me must be very willing to take over the scenery of the secret. "

Dao Yan said with his fingers and smiled. "When I went to see you, can you be so good?"

"The Tianjing Handicast has been in the fairy hall to come to the jurisdiction, and the mailing method and the way of copying the textbook are only the most clear. Do you think who wants to replace it?" Chang Sun Zhizhu saw the deputy of the rumor The appearance, I can't help but go.

"Oh!" I heard that the long and grandchildren lying on the ground and looked at the side of the ground. He said helplessly shook his head: "Mr. Old, how long is you lived so long than me? Do you want to make your boss feel important, so that he will pay attention to you, but when you let your boss feel that you can't do it, he is ready to train people to replace you. No boss likes to be threatened by his own affordable, before this, is you not alternative? Now? If you really panic? "

The long and grandchildren said that the head of the head of the head and the cold sweat will be in a pensive and bow. Seeing that this look is known that the other party must think of what is awkward, but the words are not asked with hand to shoot his shoulders. The next step forward: "Good! Even if you are right! You are very important for you to replace you, it doesn't matter! You don't know if you have a man's translation, and you only have this kind of paper. Other Zongmen? I changed another Jianjian Villa? "

In the case of the scenery, the old face, the old face, and the sound of the sound in the attic trembling: " , what you mean!"

"Yes! Even if you have a more unique way of encryption, it is the same as the road to the road, and other martial arts can always interpret what to interpret, this is enough! Since your investigation It's rushing, then we are welcome? Truth? Hehe,! Is it important? "

Yan Yan said that the booth opened and wandered around the audience, seeing no one answered himself, he once again, "Not important! I just put this report to the Lord adult, as for her believe that I don't believe it It is her business, and the death of the doubt is nothing to do with me! "

"Hey, you, you can't do this!" The people in the Pavilion were really panicked to persuade the gods.

"Why can't I? I think there will be very interested in me. They don't dare to be interested!" Yan Yan patted her hand smile smile: "So far, the Tianjian Mountain Villa will be happy to help We are busy, they already know that this group of guys in the fairy palace, they don't care about the investigation, they don't care, you want, just make this big things to cover the little, so you can cover the past, let the sky Jian Mountain is going to die! God! The owner of the owner, if you change you, you have the opportunity to participate in the investigation, how do you do it? You are a gentleman, you are all the fairy palace Gentleman! You will not be able to do a small person, I will do it. I will not be the same, I will let the people who want to pay for my death, I can bite one is a way to smear one. The thief bakes a bone three points! "

", , you, you are vicious!" Chang Sun Ze imagined the consequences of this, and pointed it with his hand.

"Virus? Laozi is really vicious today, I will not appear here today! I said that Laozi is coming to save your life. Now let it be!" Yan Yan said with his eyes and sweeping the greatry of the people. More, I don't talk about the famous names, there is no one, don't care much! I will give you a face today, let you give you a step to understand the steps to your steps? One is a unacceptive good heart as a liver lung, a lot of old age dogs! "

At the beginning of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred, he was in a cold. After a pain, he finally had this evil. After a deep breath, this is long: "You pass my original words to the fairy Palace." Wufu, today I have dealmed it to my geoscience, you can continue Yang Feng Yin to illegally illegally, if you don't do it, I will implement everything I have said. I can think about it. By this more vicious, more sophisticated approach, so I hope that you can see the situation, good cooperation, winning, winning, two defeat! "

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