Dragon people represent the two parties in the dragon domain have such a different way, but the only consistent is the maintenance of the blood of the people, they can forgive the rebellion, even when these comments come back to challenge the current Dragon King. Decision, as long as they take the corresponding strength, the Dragon's internal and even the ancestors will give them a fair challenge opportunity, but only the cubs that have been in the same year, the entire dragon domain will not allow such things. .

When the Dragon Little Princess Rona was known to everyone, the entire dragon family anger has also supported the original position, and with the in-laws of the investigation, I found my own beast. The group has also happened a lot of people's missing events. At first, the ethnic groups have not been too strong to this type. First, in addition to the low-level beast, most of the high-level beasts have a strong sense of territory unless Most of the family gathering or finding the spouse, most of them like to come into contact with the outside world, some of the dragon people eat for four or five years, no one will really disappear.

"The first few days of the dragon domain with the highest specification of the 24th dragon welcome specification, received a person who came out, according to our online information, this person is The ancestors left the descendant of the cornerstone, and Yan Yan came to the main Lord of the original source of the original, the Lord of the source of the source, should also accompany the dragon domain together, that is, the current dragon domain has two words. The existence of the main source of the source, do you determine whether it will plan to plan within the scope of the dragon domain? "Even if the dragon domain is rebellious, the ancestors are still unhappy in many orchestracy, even Favana The speech is still awarded the meaning of respect.

"What change?" I am asked with Ivan in Nero.

Favar wondered this, and I knew that this person was actually a higher level than Nero. This took advantage of the heart of the heart: "Yes, this lineup is indeed, but you are too sensitive. And now the situation has new changes. "

Ffner got up and down this young man, and used the doubtful eyes to see Nio in front of him. At this time, Nero said: "He said it is right, don't you take a little! From the identity Telling him is my teacher's true pro-disciple. This teacher even sent him to show that our blood brakes have attached to you! "

This Chinese blood curse, and the addition of the blood brakes of the sword conference also contributed to the needle lead.

White Pond!

Favar didn't know that if he would see himself here, he will definitely shout his name.

"Let's come to solve your problem? Is this lineup of the five originals?" Answer the problem of Favana is not Nero, but a person sitting next to Funner, Funna turned After seeing the speaker, I only see a pocket, revealing a pair of faces, but the French is very strange to see his figure in the Jianjian conference, it should be recently relying recently Two local origins of the rewards, newly converted, the origin.

Under such a situation, French had to swallow the arrogance of Nero and others. After the dragon car slowly flew, he slowly said: "We have fulfilled the obligation to do with the brakes. Nowadays, because of these cooperation, we have been revenge from the dragon domain. The space of the ethnic life is constantly suppressing, and now you should make a return. "

The so-called person is not good, Faffner and the Diablo family is now in the state of refunding the Valley, and the blood contaminated with the young generation of their hands, has been destined to return to the dragon. Among the domains, now they can now take the internal high pressure management, and hope that the blood brakes will open the situation as soon as possible to let the family get out of the predicament.

What is irony is that I have dismissed the other party and betrayed the two-party dark tribe of the dragon domain. I have to hold a group under strong pressure, which makes them a series of active actions look so childish. In addition, the blood brakes have been frustrated for this time. There have been a new generation of the new generation of the new generation of the new generation of the new generation after the birth, and it is not meaningful to fight against the dragon domain, these do not have many hatred young people more desire Returning to the dragon domain, there is no need to kill each other with the same family to hide the story.

The culprit is naturally in order to remite the dragon domain, and the darkness of the blood brakes, when the Sword Conference, Nero's breath, the loss of the loss is even more self-evident. There is an answer that the answers are the joints of the dragon domain, and the dragon domains supported by the ancestors have taken the wind in the battle.

If the above, when all people have people who have been missing people, the dragon domain has not attached great importance to the thorough investigation of this incident, and I don't know that there are so many people who think that in sleep or go out of travel, it is unclear. Lost traces, in which two dragons and many high-level beasts, this discovery once again shaken the entire dragon domain, and the two dragons have conducted investigations.

The second reason is because there is an incident of the martyrdom of the animal group. It may be that some ethnic people want to go through the spatial barriers, but more other one monks have to find the favor of their own, Or want to capture some of the veterinary bones and bone medicinal devices, often capture all ethnic groups, such monks, once they are naturally not falling well by the dragon domain, but in powerful Interest temptation is still in the past, there is a source of venting adventure to do this.

His words are also obvious to this adventure, he is not optimistic, and when he read the name of the words in his mouth, the atmosphere in the car turned into one, and the Bai Ze face was in the face. It is intertwined to your own companion, Ivan doesn't know that it is excited or fear, just installed the hand of the organ, I can't hurt, and the other two of the people under the black robes have a smooth breathing. The shares and killing do not consciously flow from the body.

Too Nero looks the most calm hear that this is slightly smile: "The two main origin of the origin will be over, Mr. Ffner will be columns to these two people, and it will not be too high! Not to mention him It is expected in our expectations. "

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