"Or because of his arrival, our plan can be made." Nero seepriver is still hesitant, in order to let him help himself to help he to complete the task to continue: "The reason why you arrived, My teacher has already guessed, and next woman is still the woman of the ancestors or the cornerstone, including the words, they have more important things. During this period, the dragon domain will go to half of the sky, they are all innocent. I have to take care of me, can you be with peace of mind? "

"It turned out to be like this, then this plan is still a feasible." Fifner told this point, and then remembered the upcoming action could not help but fell into a long time.

"Who let you be too greedy, this is the bait of the ancestors to give you, now you don't want to sign the contract with the" "Lin Junzhao returned to the hand.

"It's too early!" Lin Junzhao walked to the front of his words. The original normal skin tone was in the body of blood shock under the body, and the skin showed a dark red muscle uncontrolled slight jitter, when Lin Jun Zhao will hand When you are on the shoulders of the sweat, the intuitive start warm or even slightly hot, this has already exceeded the body temperature of normal people, it is no wonder that he has not exploded.

"Okay, don't take me happy!" For Lin Joshao's laughter, he didn't think of it, and the steps came to the flower bed, and this didn't speak: "Still moving the girl, I have a hard work! I originally thought that Nero can do it, but the fact is that the practice of cultivation is different. I will bring different consequences. I now join the gasoline car. Diesel is like gasoline, the car has not exploded, I have been thankfully, and now I can feel the blood vessels in the blood vessels, I really don't know when I want to completely eliminate this side effect, I will wait until when, he, I I overestimate the power of the blood, I want to improve the strength, but it is suitable for the condition of the ancestors, it may be my most wrong decision. "

"It seems that you have a good time, I thought you had a long time!" When the rumor has played a boxing method in the garden, Lin Junzhao walked out of the hospital from the outside of the corridor, and was killed The land of the land is broken. "There is no fire, don't take these flowers. Don't give you a lot of maids. Why don't you want to leave a good memory in this exotic? You can't keep it in and investigate the little girl! Hey, this magic you don't want, Dragon beauty does not touch, , you won't do it! Gigle! "

After the state is maintained for a week, he can walk properly, and declined to continue to take care of the maid, and dragged the body to go out of the bedroom, and start rehabilitation in the empty garden.

After experiencing countless times of evolution and pain, the pain of the body has been habits, but it is only an inconvenience that can't move the body, let him be quite annoyed. In the past few days, a few maids were deliberate to serve his life. Although he felt very difficult, the body's inconvenience can only let him accept this service.

Within a secret room in the Dragon Palace, he has been lying on the bed for a whole week after absorbing the blood. During this period, the ancestors and Lin Junzhao have seen him, but the current situation is unable to force, and a variety of blood fusion The sequela leaves the process of leaving the whole person swollen like a hoe, all can only wait for him to slowly consume this energy, so that I have gradually adapted to the body's changes.


"This is natural, you have long been arranged." Nero said that he put down the lifted Erlang legs, got the body to Funner smiled and said: "I still have something I hope you can remember, I advise You'd better do a good job as soon as you have made your past, when you work with us, you can only have an adult in your mouth, is it my teacher, do you understand? "

"Hehe, just like what you said, there is something else to do now?" Favar looked up from the five people, and finally fell in Nero. "This incident, no matter whether it is success, Our family can't stay in the face. The ancestors have shot down under the anger. We only have a dead road, so after this task, I have to evacuate here to other planes after this task. "

The words of Nero said again to Pens, when I was sitting next to him, I was smiling: "Mr. Ffner is like this good time, you are hesitant, don't never let us Impressed, you and your people will be subject to two revenge, so I advise you to make up your mind as soon as possible, if you can't do it now, we will cancel this action. "

Nero heard his body near the seat, and the legs will take his hands on the knee. "If so, we don't want to choose him as a goal, but now you have seen me. The blood brakes are strictly forced. At this time, we must make a counterat to tell the world that we are not a slaughtered fish on the chopping board. At the same time, we also give our ministers and the allies, so there is no longer than the Lord of the dragon. Good goals, in addition to these reasons, his blood can enhance our strength to take a few people, even if you will benefit from it? "

"Is it him? There are two dragon kings in the dragon domain!" Fifner knows that Nero said there is no mistake.

"At the moment you start with your niece, he is not your brother and you have not retired."

"He is my brother." Fifner did not defend this fact.

"Do you feel guilty?" Seeing him, seeing his speech point of his speech.

"Whether you sign a contract, you also agree. Now I am now." Yan Yan did not stand up. Lin Junzhao, the event asked his arms: "What does this mean? I signed with garbage?" After the contract, can I alleviate this state? "

"Of course, it can not only be perfectly alleviated, but also release the true power of the blood, becoming your help, no matter how it is also the blood of the ancestors, the blood of the beast is not difficult, when you sign a symbiotic After the contract, the blood in your body will soon eliminate side effects thoroughly with it. "

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