Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1149 Signing Contract

Under the influence, the light golden rays, the contract spell was released in the blood gas cluster and the half-air is reflected in the blood pool.

"Hey, you have to keep a conscious situation and interest rate, which is the same as you control, the tiger wine is the same as your breathing frequency, which is now not a difficult thing." Lin Jun smashed his eyes in the stone slot. Sign up and closed.

Changes to doing usually with a breath of breath, which is of course easy to control, but with its own blood and source of gas, the soreness is eliminated while the blood is over. More dizziness begins a round of hit his brain. In Lin Junzhao, he urged and encouraged the sound. He had to strive to focus on the focus on the regulation of self-source breathing frequencies and not far from tiger wine. Ping consistent.

The whole process lasted for two and a half hours, and the bloody contract spell that hangs and half-air is also slowed into the blood pool when it is filled with blood flowing out of the tiger bottle. On this moment, the origin of the source of this source is all in the main body of the origin of the source into gold, but at this time, no matter whether it is a righteousness or tiger wine, it has fallen into a half-persevering state due to excessive blood loss.

At this moment, there is no need to say that the blood of the two has perfectly integrated with the source of the two, and the golden blood in the bleeding in the bloody tank begins to reverse flow, and flows back to the two side stone slots, golden blood Once in contact with the skin is not in contact with the wound, the blood seeps into the squad of the skin, and the blood is evenly continuously injected, and the pale face is better, and the weak breathing is gradually. When it is stable and not too much, when the pain of the pain, he is so uncomfortable with Tiger and Wine, and it is completely sleepy.

"This ceremony is reached." The ancestors came to the tiger wine to bend and gently stroked the hair on his body and felt that his six-way home breath on his face did not belong to it.

"Call! Although this signing contract we have more harvest, it is always your future generation to help more, hehehe! The ancestors, people who win the power of our parties, you can really shoot I will take this day's great advantage. "

Listening to Lin Jun Zhao, the ancestors sigh: "Okay, I know what you mean! Rest assured that I promise you will do it, now I am so strong that I am stronger now. Really tied to a chariot. "

"This is true, I really can't wait to see this, the two hate guys have the expression." The ancestors changed the neutral attitude, let Lin Jo Zhao are extremely satisfied with the day. I don't know if I guess the limits of human beings. I think that this possibility Lin Jun Zhao actually can't wait to put her own ideas into practice.

"Now, what is the thing to find them, how can they look for ten days? Ten days, put them, use this time, I will go to the legal body, the one you want to do. The matter is given. "Zezhu said to a little tiger wine to the void, and the body of Tiger wine floated on the side of the ancestors.

"Well!" Lin Jun Zhao should also take his hand to his words. After the bodies are suspended, she disappears in the cave after the ancestors.

"What do you say? The ancestors and Lin Jun Zhao left the dragon domain?" Two days later, there was a secret base in a secret, and Nero waiting for the timing, and suddenly heard the news that Ffner passed. The news was wrong: "You are determined ?"

"Determining this is the reliable news from the inner line, just join the dragon domain at the top of the first two in the first day." Favar was retroactive.

"What about ? Do you leave?" It was originally in Bai Ze, who was sitting in the house, and stood up and tried.

"Didn't see it!" Fava shakes his head and thinks that it is uncertain after a moment: "It should be in the dragon domain."

"How can Zu God leave?" The sluggish Nero sat back to the chair and muttered his teacher. His teacher's candlelong has learned that the former Sarah is still alive, and it also speculates that the ancestors will I will use this flesh as my own attached object before the war. The arrival of the teacher is in the calculation of the teacher. Only waiting for the ancestors to open the premium to the premium, and maintain the stability of the big array. It is good to show the plans to seduce the dragon king.

Now, the ancestors are not prepared for catching Tsing Salah, but he left the dragon domain with Lin Jun Zhao. What is the play?

"Will it be a circle?" Bai Ze Ming Ni Lu's concerns, hesitated halfway.

"Circle? Hehehe!" Nero said to Bai Ze smiled self-ridicies: "There is this possibility, but the main leader of the two sources will set off the circle, and we will not see us."

"That is! If the strength of their two, if you know our existence, you can live directly to escape the birthday." Sitting in the chair and tried his newly installed organ arm, Ivan plus smiled.

"Perhaps the Lord of the two origin is to do it, and the darkness of these lurks in the dark will lead to happening." I think that I have might be stared by two origins, the voice of Favar is somewhat. Trembling.

"Don't get the exact information, don't scare yourself!" Nero bowed, turned to see Bai Ze asked him about his opinion.

Both the teacher's student Bai Ze, although it became the son of this source, but the entry was in him, it became the son of the source once again made Nero, and it has exceeded Bai Ze from the teacher's heart, but the result of a series of things. Look, the teacher obviously trusts more than Bai Ze, which makes Nero very uncomfortable but there is no way.

So although the surface of this action is still Nero command, but the secret is Bai Ze's leading. This will see Nero to look back to himself. After the moment, I will return to myself: "Do you still leave it? Is this a loop to take a big confidence? Is it a bigger confidence in attack? It is also said that they judge that the words are the goal of our attack. In the bait? If this is the same, the bait is not there to disappear No trace, it should come out to activities! All this is too strange! "

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