Bai Ze quickly seized the key points of the problem, so that everyone in the house was caught in the meditation, and after half, the Favar was carefully tested and asked: "Do we want to give up this action?"

"No, the blood of the dragon level is critical to us! We can't give up so easily!" Running the Nero of the blood and rejected this proposal.

"He said that there is such a little news to give up action, then we are too bad!" Bai Ze glanced a bit of Favana and then told: "Go check! Go check the fastest speed, even if you expose Our internal line does not matter, give me the goal of all the details after the dragon domain and now [31App download address] to go! Turn these messages to me as soon as possible! "

Under Bai Ze, there are various information behind Yan Yan to reach the dragon domain, and through the dark lines of the blood brakes and the dark lines in the dragon domain within one day, the source is constantly gathered in front of Bai Ze.

"For about January, he carries the descendants who left the ancestors in the cornerstone, and the main Lin Zha Zhao Zhao, the main forestry of the foundation of this source to the dragon domain. The person who is currently the son of the dragon king, and then the person arrives In the dragon domain referred to in Sarafam, the content of the talk during the ancestors is unknown. "

Listening to Favana's report Bai Ze's latter tea set, and then gave Niula. After a cup of tea, it was not flustered: "Continue to say."

"In the next few days, I didn't see the trace and the descendants of the ancestors. When I left, I showed a state of physical inconvenience, and I needed to take a wheelchair to act." Ffner contrands to report.

"Oh? ? Do you say that needs to take a wheelchair?" Nero's tea cup just arrived at his mouth, and didn't drink this sentence and put the tea cup and watched Funner curious: "Can you see it really or camouflage?"

Favina hesitated to be uncertain: "According to the information from the inner line from the servant of his maid, he is in the beginning of the dragon domain, and the body is bad, and the life can not be done. Everything must be These mates are taken care of, from this point of view, the behavior behind him should be true. "

"Is there anything there after that?" Bai Ze continued to ask himself to pour a cup of tea.

"Nothing, until the ancestors left the dragon domain, the sons of the ancestors were disappeared at the same time, and they couldn't help to listen to their falling." Ffner suddenly remembered what added: "Oh, there is a dragon domain In addition to the other two local origins other than Sarave, there is almost the same time. "

"This is a bit meant, how do you see Nero?" Bai Ze smiled from Nero next to the tea.

"It's hard to say, but the physical state of is a bit like absorbed too much blood, the result of blood exclusion, this is also happening on me, until the teacher uses it to swallow the source of this source for me. Solved. "Nero put down the teacup to think about the response.

"Oh, you said this thing! After the end of the Jianjian conference, the ancestant returned to the dragon domain to hold the battle of the Wanchay, which is a new generation of young people in the dragon domain every hundreds of years. When you get up, you will need to prepare for a long time every time, but this time is very rush, the ancestors provide a generous prize to stimulate the enthusiasm of each family, I am estimated to open the Your beast blood pool. Prepare. "Favarby listened to the blood of the things that happened until there was an instant.

"Why don't you say this important intelligence?" Bai Ze heard her eyebrows wrinkled.

"This is nothing to do so, I have not mentioned." Since the small generation, let Fifner are quite anger, which can be strong than people who have to press the fire to reply.

Bai Ze saw that Fava's face was wrong, but it was too lazy to pay attention to Nero: "It seems that your speculation is not wrong, he is eager to find a fire into the magic? According to his character, it is possible But there are two main origins that should not let him make such a mistake. "

"What do you think now?" Nero asked.

"I just reported here to the teacher again! I think the teacher will give us a definitive answer."

"it is good!"

After an hour, Bai Ze, who took tea sat in the chair, suddenly opened his eyes, after holding down the forehead half, gradually soothing the joyful smile.

"How do you have a message?" Nero saw that his expression immediately knew that he won the answer from the teacher and hurriedly asked.

"There is news! Hehehe, it turned out to be like this!" Bai Ze stood up and fell into the room and swindled to himself: "This is all said."

"What did the teacher say? What is the ancestral and Lin Joshao disappeared?" Nero saw that he didn't talk about him.

"The plan is immediately implemented! The machine is not lost is now immediately released the wind, so that our people are ready to invest in the battle." Bai Ze did not immediately repay NNO, but rushed to the Fifan to order.

"Now? Master?" Suddenly I have a plan to implement the plan in advance.

"Yes! Is it now whether you are questioning the candlelon adult?"

In the face of the roaring of Wen Wenya Whiteze, Ffner looked at Nero next to him, and after his screwdrew his hand, it was going to do it, and this should have an action plan that has already been prepared for a long time.

After the Favarn quit the room, Nero came to some excited white and asked: "The teacher knows the two people of the ancestors?"

"I don't know!" Bai Ze shook his head and smiled: "But the teacher guess what happened to Yan Yan!"

"Oh? What?"

"Symburo Contract!"

"Symburo Contract?" Nero heard here, Hehehe! The rumor is also stunned by the interests. Is this not equal to make yourself a soft rib? "

"It's the soft rib or the tiger is still not good, but it is really the best time to remove the words!" Bai Ze sat back to the table. Take a cold tea on the table.

"How do you say this? Is this the teacher's information? Teacher agrees that we will start with the ?" Nero heard with deep veteran, heard the eyes and sat in front of Bai Ze.

"No, the teacher did not clearly indicate that all this is my guess. If the teacher is inferred, according to my analysis, I am now the most weak time."

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