Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1154, Half Moon Gorge

"It's so sorry, bothering your time, ah! Square, your brother, talking about the touch of the lungs, the Dragon King's admiring love is to move." Nero offshore The side of Fifner, the tears of the eyes were put on the corner of the eye and touched the patterns.

"Fafner, is this your plan?" Zhuo Wei did not see Niko, staring at his brother, asked: "Union foreign countries ambush their own people?"

"Brother, what else is it now? If you are not your foreign foreigners, don't you want to give me a way?" Face has been completely torn, and it is too lazy to repeate anything. : "No matter what grunge before and the dragon domain, I just want to bring my people to live."

"Hey, uncle, don't put yours so great, you have never given it to you, you still take care of you with you with you with you." Sarafam snorted. Out of the past.

"Good!" Well! "I won't be able to claw Nero first:" How will you be so unbearable? Hehe, the Dragon King is just entering this half a greece. If the Favina takes the initiative to give up the opportunity to give him a fair acceptance of a fair, you are so righteous, and my blood brakes can't make our allymad, Mr. Funna is difficult to do, so we also give it You a chance, if the Dragon King is willing to give up the resistance to the harbor, we can open the space to block the lock, how? We have to be larger than you can be larger than you. "

"Nero, do you think you will eat us?" Sarafam saw the other party confused and immediately loudly.

"Son, your uncle has no mistakes, but he just has a saying, this occasion is still around you." Nero said that he had never left the dragon king, and his mouth was slight.

"Want me to surrender! As for my ministry ...!" Dragon Wang Zhuo watched around: "This is a difficulty in the trouble, if you can get rig, I will be able to disconnect the long. I am sinful by the guidelines, and now I am in the face of a strong enemy, I just want to ask, can you still fight side by side? "

"I hope to die with the Dragon King!"

"I hope to die with the Dragon King!"

Listening to a voiced dragon, from the air, Nero shrugs helpless: "So you still have to drag ...."

boom! Nero's words have not yet finished, and a giant dragon spits out from opposite. If there is more than this, it will be ahead of Sarafam. At the same time, the Air Dragon has spurted the dragon in the canyon. Instant flames, icicles, thunder, giant stone, hurricane and other elements, gathering the strength of the destruction of the gorge, shocked the cliffs of the two sides, and the gantry in the gorge of the gorge And the shadow, the smoke that passes through the liter, flies to the air, the blood brakes and the Daricious Darkman have a counterattack against the dragon.

In a melee, the dragon party took the lead in launching an attack, and the Sarafam who came to the father hinted to command the dragon to start away from the outside. The space that was broken before and had long been unspeakable. Now it is to break the blood brake. The blockade is arranged, as long as one is out of the dragon domain, it is not necessary to sweep the dragon domain, the dragon domain will be swept away.

Sarafha only expects to stay in the forefront of the dragon domain, and can find things as soon as possible to send a reinforcement to support.

On the other hand, as a side of the ambush, the blood brakes and the Diablo are certainly reluctant to let their own arrangements, from the blood brakes and dark-fashioned masters that have poured in the space gap, and the dragons are quickly flying to the air and The dragon struggles attempt to break around, the winds of the gorge, the wind, the wind, all kinds of dragons, chasing the bite in the air, continuously sending dragons to the other party, during the time, the people in the blood brakes, the dragon, the battle, the battle, just It didn't take long for the start of the white hot state. From time to time, there was a giant dragon, and the gorge was smashed into the canyon, and the broken dragon blood was dyed into dark red.

The whole battlefield is the most fierce, or the blood brakes arrested the target Long Wang Zhuo Wang, Fayiff leads the darkness of the Dark Dragon and the masters sent after the blood brakes, and the Dragon Wang Zhuo ..

The advantage of the previous dragons walked at this moment, even though Hydera and Zhuo Wei and others fight against the battle, I would like to kill the Dragonfly, but the Favani party was also killed in the top, this battle is a dark family. Completely cast the blood brakes, if there is a losing dragon domain, you will not let yourself, it is the blood brakes will also pursue your responsibilities. When it is, it is true that it is dead, for this reason. In the face of the past brother and the same family, Ffner and other dark elders did not have the meaning of your hand, so that the whole effort is full and the opponent's blood war.

"Dragon king, you can't see you, you are not your brother, you are a mistake! Now you don't want to die here, even your ministry will be accompanied by your stupid and stupid. "The Dragon King Group is still not forgotten in the middle of Ni Lu.

"Son, who is not good for who is accompanied by! I want to let me die, see if you have this, now I will take it back to him for me."

Dragon Wang Zhuo is not moving to Nero. After the hand is lifted against the son of Nylo, Nero only feels that the blood is boiled if he is boiled by heaters. The vermilion of the Dragon is reacted, and the color of the face is rising, and he immediately can't come out, and the endless adjustment of this bloody.

Nero is temporarily unable to launch attacks. The other four can not be laminated in a series of thunders, and a photo of a photo is disappeared in the original place. After the next moment, after the Dragon King, the long knife pulls out from the waist Go to the neck of the Dragon King.

In the face of the attack, Zhuo Wei, the body is biased, and the opposite hand suddenly raised a keel, such as the curved bone, and the swing of the dragon arm is an incredible angle. Piercing the throat of each other.

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