The soft touch of the arm has made Zhuo Wei know that he has not hit the Positive Lord. With a slight pain in the waist, a person in a series of metal friction is prior to the body.

"It's a dragon king, my knife actually fails to break your skin!"

Zhuo Wei bowed to see the waist to break the clothes, and the dragon scales that the self-defending rumored dragon scales were drawn, and then looked up and see the initiator of this. This person seems to see the Jianjun, it should be One of the blood brakes, but it has not been played, but he didn't know his name when he was conflict with the investigation hall.

"What is your name?" Asked Zhuo Jun.

" !" Has been attached by the Devil's rebellious son Tanatos, and the two people integrated with the integrated behavior, and the active behavior is more crazy, and he also asks that he wipes his hand with his hand. Daily names.

Zhuo Wei heard the head of the head and swept it, first stopped in Yifan, I looked at the rest of the two: "If I didn't remember the wrong called Ivan, then you are the new blood brakes Can you tell me your name. "

"In Bai Ze." Bai Ze is soaring that his hand laughs and responds.

And when the last person took a slightly pale face, he was a woman who was a woman, and it was a woman who had never seen in the blood brake camp. This woman looks at the appearance. At the age of 178, it is not difficult to say that it is not difficult to say that it is not difficult. If it is necessary to describe it is ordinary, it is not in the case of the crowd, it will soon will save it.

"I don't want to tell you my name. If you don't call me, you can call me the night." The girl who claims to be a night slowly open.

"Very good! The five sons of the blood brakes are there. Your teacher is really seeing me! In the arigin conference, he also killed the pair of three, you flee it, you will fall so soon. Going out to I rare in front of me? "

"Hehe, Zhuo Wei, don't say that you are not a rumor, it is, it is, we must make him look at him today!" In the face of Zhuo Shu's ridiculous, it is refurbished Nero, returned. Among the stage of the anti-lips.

"The big words are unsatisfactory, today I will teach you that these arrogant doors, let you know what is called the sky."

Zhuo said that the whole man fell to the earth, and five of his body shape fell, and he also felt an amazing pressure, under the power of this powerful pressure. Although the five people mobilize the source of gas, it is still helping to be with this strong pressure.

"See the ghost, this is a bit like the abilities of the stinky girl in the survey. After a series of pendants sounded, the sandstone of the Yangtze Dust slammed the Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Standard from the ground of the shallowing ground.

However, the land of his foot is still a dramatic shake. He wanted to stand in a few times. After three times five times, the Dragon Dragonfin found that the temperature at the foot of the earth was raised, the higher the earth. In the gap of the crack, there is a road red light, and there is a continuous rolling magma out of the medium.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Not far from the reminder of Bai Ze, it doesn't matter if he reminds other few people, and the Dragon Dragon has wanted to jump on the ground a few times. He is shaped just a flying without more than a high shroud in the canyon. The power is given back, he has to choose a low-altitude jump forward, constantly avoiding the collapsed land and the magma sputtered from sputter.

"Jian Yu Zi Shen!" The thief first smashed the king! "The long knife came out of the sheath Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragonfly, the body of the people in the body, the body was accompanied by the voice of Thunder, and once again triggered this Dragon King in the center of the venue.

The earth bridal has not stopped the entire valley has already changed the change of the sky. The original lush grass is prosperous, and now in a variety of energy bombards, it is a coke soil, and the cliff wall on both sides of the valley has collapsed again and again. The gravel is inclined, and the body of the dragon warrior will be hidden, and as the frequency of the earth is getting bigger and bigger, some Dragon bodies are swallowed between the gaps between huge gaps, and some The vibration even the gravel of the same body is again thrown into the air.

Sending [ The long knife of the source of the source is aligned with his back.

boom! A piece of boulder suddenly rumored behind the body, the knife of the Dragon Dragon did not stop, the long knife is like a tofu, and it is easy to turn the boulder to both ends, but there is no trace behind the stone.

! The dull pendant sound followed, with the eye angle of the Yugang's Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon is helpless, I only have to fight the knife, but his knife just raised, but I only felt that behind being hit by the heavy hammer, he hammered him.

Just when he was confused this location, how did the other party shot himself, the other party grasped the claws of their elbows change the direction, stretching forward, holding his head, the head, the claws, the claw passing through him The scalp will press him to the ground, and the Dragon Dragon Diller is in a moment of being pressed to the ground. It is finally seen that the other party is smoking itself.

tail! A dragon tail that is full of dragon scales is swollen by the dragon god.

"The law of the substitute?" Zhuo Yan looked at the head of his own man to make a beach, like a rebel just now, it seems that this guy named Yucang Dragon has mastered a high-level substitute.

This annoyed emotion has not long been long, because people in the blood brakes do not give him more time, just hit a round of attacks of the Dragon Dragon, and then have been fierce the voices, the dragon king is not turned When the end of the tail is taken back, this is the end of this, and then he only feels that the tail is hurt. After the other party flashes this, he actually grabbed his dragon tail.

I dare to close the dragon king of the dragon king, and the side of the side of the side grabbed the people who grabbed their dragon, but the dragon claws talled in the way of falling.

"Hehe, Dragon King, your son's blood is given to a great help, and I am more wanting to get the power in your body." Nero's new organ workers dragged the Dragon King's claws smiled.

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