I am actually causing a dog? I went back to God's Dragon Dragon Dragon Looking at the look of tiger wine, only the face of the face was suddenly angry and angry. "" ! "

Yan Tang Dragon Sip is that Tiger Wine deliberately humiliate with him, in fact, he thinks more about it now is still very simple tiger wine, there is no so many complicated ideas, only good and bad and disgusting in his eyes, and choose the goal. The mind is coming, and the reason why His Dragon Dragon Dragon is given it, it is because of the results of the rumor.

Such a range of moves is of course not a rumor, "reading the old feelings". If possible, if you have a righteousness, you can't kill these enemies, you will have a heart disease, but the problem is that there is a little concern about Yan Tang Longshi. He faintly knows Tanatos in his body. It is a piece of chess of Lin Johao and the demon. It doesn't know what to do. Now this Tarotos and Yutang Dragon Dragon are integrated. He will kill him will not kill him. The impact on Lin Joshao's plan is the reason why he is a headache and augmentation.

At this moment, the battlefield center will once again chaos, after the leader in the war, Longtai has also joined the war group and Longjin and others, and the whole battlefield is cut into several small battlefields. Make a group, which is the most brave in the partner of the Yan Yan and Tiger, and the two bombarded the bombardment of the blood brakes, so that others have the time of full encirclement.

Because of the joining of Yan Yan and others, the victory is tilted to the dragon domain, plus the control of the curse, seems to be resolved, and now he is not appointed by Bai Ze, the huge body climbs after arriving in the battlefield. On the ground, it is like a drunken drunkenness to confront the soul of artifacts remaining in the brain.

Lost this to help this, the situation of the blood brakes is in jean, Draki, at this time, one person has a long-awaited shot of the Dragon Thai's offense, but it is true that he is unrestrained. It has been faintly anxious, asked Bai Ze to Bai Ze: "Kid, we have a way to get into the bottom, but you want to take these cumbersome to go to the bottom, then drag it, I am afraid even we will trap It is not possible to evacuate here. "

"I know! I wanted to go back before entering the dragon domain. When I found that I was still alive, I sent a signal. Nowadays, we now break out to the periphery of the dragon, and the space ban is a lot of dragon palace. Waiting for one, wait for us, you should go right away! "Bai Ze is now in a hurry, he didn't expect Yan Yan to be strong in this point, he and the tiger seamless, two people, two people Put the hemathered hemorrhoid of the blood brakes, not only such a special observation, the rest of the person, no matter what people chasing themselves, or Nero helps yourself I am afraid it. It is necessary to carry in his hand.

" , today you have no big losses, why do you have to be so hard! Do you have a good time after you have a good day!" Bai Ze who was forced to destroyed and then considered, don't use your own life, and finally Laozhu Road.

"See your head! Laozi is not a big loss today, if it is really lost, I will die it directly!" The The soul of Bai Ze's beast cut into pieces. For Bai Ze, he is holding the heart of the killing. This person is too long. From the time to meet him a few times, he did not What is it cheap, the most terrible is that this person is good at planning all the retreat. It is not necessary to make a thousand miles away, compare the character shortcomings than other opponents, more or less, this guy makes it feel Threat, because of the rumor, Bai Ze is actually a class of people, and he is more cool than yourself!

"Tiger Wine!" Yan Yan yelled a sword with an in vivo, and the son of the whole source of the whole priest was retired after a time, the mysterious swordsman who had a mysterious swordsman who had a mysterious world with Jinhe Xuan's father. It is also attracted to the situation here, and the consciousness is evacuated: "Hong Yuxian sword furnace, Liujia swords?"

This simulated sword is really amazing, but the first performance of the two people and the tiger wine is more exciting. After the words of the words, the two exactly the same, the opposite direction, followed by the opposite direction, followed by The two gave a loud wolf from the two people.

! The sound waves boardized by the wolf screams, don't say the first Bai Ze's five sons and others were shackled by this sound, the seven rumors of the earth, the allies of the dragon domain have also tried, except for strength, the strong, only slightly hooks Survival is not so wolf, and the strength of the strength is directly dropped from the air from the air.

It played a good effect using two raids that have been launched by their new capabilities, not only the abilities of Bai Ze themselves are interrupted, but the movements of secretly controlling the mantra of Sarave have also been forced to stop.

expensive! The final spings in the brain was swallowed by Saravel, and the Saravel, which was completely broken, was completely irritated. At a moment of detachment, he began to find the goal that made him so lost, and he found it in the air. Bai Ze, who was handed over, and the ridiculous talents included an angry and killed a dragon and rushed to Bai Ze.

I wanted to have a pursuit and tiger wine that was pursued after a hit, and I feel that the powerful energy is approaching the bottom. I consciously don't have to take the attack. I will take it back together, and I still have some faint white Ze in the original place. I want to make a reaction to avoid it. If he has to take the jade of the waist to throw the prize dragon.

It is enough to destroy the huge hot dragon in the mountain. In Bai Ze, it can't be moved in front of Bai Ze. I saw that this jade was hit by the dragon and hit Yusi. It turned up, and the faster the episode of Jade War, the top of the hollow pattern was actually alive, and a jade-made nine Xiaolong every small dragon opened a greedy to swallow the energy in front of the dragon in front of the dragon.

This is the so many artifacts from this blood. Not far away, I saw this scene. I don't have to guess that Jade should be a artifact. When he is secretly embarrassed, the battlefield behind him has been shocked, and it is a thrilling.

"Nine turn dragonfly! How do you dare to make this artifact in front of me!"

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