Heterogeneity company

Means of Chapter 1183

In the case, it seems that it seems to swallow the white Zeheng who uses this object.

It seems that this artifact should have any origins with the road faord, but what is the reason why you are still unknown now, the other side with this object to blocked the Bai Ze of Saravel, obviously know that he took out this material. The consequences that will be triggered, and the figure is in the same time, while the figure is loud: "Mr. Draki, the assistance will help me with the power of my arm!"

"Okay! I hope you are truth." Draki took advantage of Longtai's anger to transfer attention to the gap between Bai Ze, and the army opened to the army and came to the army to fight over, the arms flat Temperate the blood of the body, after a moment, after a while, it slowly exudes a drop of blood in each finger.

On this battlefield of this fierce, the blood falling from the high-altitude blood, but the blood falling into the battlefield after ten drops of blood!

Some blood falls directly into the surface and has long been fused from the soil soaked by blood. A blood spring spread out from the ground, and some blood drops directly on the person. Have a strong quality of the body. The strong intensity is a samurai. In front of this blood, it is very crushing like a paper paste. One with blood contact is directly running directly from top to bottom, and the whole person is planted in the ground, and it is a bloody water. The blood springs poured out from the ground into one.

"Hey ~ Ah!"

"See the ghost! What is this, my body! My body is melting!"

"Run, the blood poured out of this ground is quirky!"

"Draki, what are you doing! The dead blood!"

The attack in Drakar is not divided into me, and even if you are interested in falling your blood on your own camp, those who can be deprived of self-consciousness can't make any complaints, but the field is also The Darkman in the surrounding is not like this, and it is more and more blood springs that have pouring the underground. Even if they are just contaminated with some people, they will be quickly corroded, and they will spread to the whole body. After that, the blood is fused to continue to spread outward.

The strength of the power is under the pressure of the source, which can delay the speed of this blood diffusion in the body. If there is a strong armed wrist, it is determined to cut the body or the opportunity to have a living, and the battlefield of the battlefield under this strange ability Immediately, I was a desperate curse, and I didn't want to kill the old and kill. There is blood sea erosion, and there is a strong enemy to kill, it is gradually eaten in despair.

"Draki! What are you doing!" Looking at your part, the next one took a fall, Fava was still impressed by the Draka.

"Don't you hear Mr. Bai Ze asked me to help him?" Drakari stared at Faf Na.

"I asked, why are you going to my own, why do you have such an ability to release him to an enemy camp!" Fifner chased questions.

"Although I don't want to explain this problem like you, consider that there is a possibility of cooperation between us, I am hard to explain the reason for you, because I want my blood to poison to reach the shortest time. Maximize, so the blood is more unified, I have learned that the Red Samurai Legion is the best way to go. "

It is said that the Draki is swaying in the blood sea, a huge bloody humanoid, and the life of the blood sea swallowed, and the blood color giant is also expanding, see I have been created by myself. "Foldel I asked how you prepare for these ministries, Mr. Bai Ze said that they can only give up, don't you have no objection? So they are dead or dead What is the difference between death in the hands of the enemy and death? I can use their death to get more enemies, this is the best result for them. "

"You don't know the honor guy, our people can let him die, do not mean that he can be played with his own person as a stepping stone," said the question before the brother is caught, this road is on the dragon domain Loss the loss under our part, let the familiar Fafner nerves are on the verge of collapse, and lose rationality and rushing to Dracu.

"Hehe, I said that when you abandon them, I didn't treat it as a stepping stone, and there was Favar ..." Say that this Dracin's face is gloomy, staring at Favan's eyes. The killing machine is coming: "I will tell you so much is that there is still a relationship between all the allies, don't say that you are not the real leader in the dark family, that is, the old black dragon is not afraid. So doubt my decision, pay attention to your tale, this is the opportunity you have used in front of me in front of me. "

The murder of the mullet, also known that this person is a must-have report, and after some of them, he also calm down, decided to temporarily endure the tight to escape from this Jedi.

As his blood poison said in Drakuli, after swallowing the Red Samsuza Legion, the power of the blood, the blood of the blood, and the blood of the blood sea, this is like this. The rolling the snow, the more it is, then the blood is spread, and the blood is unable to make up. At this time, the blood brake members and the Dark ferrous soldiers are in the blood sea and the dragon domain arm. The blood giant buried, and rushed into the battlefield into the dragon domain army. He has gone to the Dragon Band of the Dragon Basin and the Dragon Dragon Board.

"Hey, the case that I don't want to see is still happening!" The most difficult and poisonous, especially the threat to the army, only a little lost by the other party, and the dragon I looked at the battlefield to constantly launch the bloody giant to launch the attack, my heart painfully ordered: "All nationality aids away from the blood sea! Don't let them swallow the power, the two dragons are long, old old The listening order, the top of the top, the bloody person eliminated the injury and death of our army as soon as possible, and the rest of the people were treated in an orderly evacuation battlefield! "

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