Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1194 is weakened Saravel

Not quenching Sarass is anger to his own performance, even in the audience of watching, it has been questioned because of its future battle posture, which has been questioned. This is the most young Jin Feng Yu. She just met with her grandfather, she came to grandfather, I went to the sleeves of Jinhe Xuan, "Grandfather! This Sarah is not in the tribe, is it so powerful! I have been in trouble I feel a little bit of shackles, I will rely on him. What is this and my teacher's battle for seventeen nights. "

"Children!" Jinhe Xuan heard the forehead with his own baby granddaughter, crying: "First, this is not to show all its strength, that is, all of him now burst out his own combat power, and It has achieved a combat power of 60% of its peak. "

"Ah! Is the teacher's seal on his impact so big?" Jin Fengyu listened to the grandfather so wrong.

Jinhe Xuan shakes his head to explain: "His strength is definitely decline in this long-term seal, but this is only a part of the reason, and more reasons you have already passed, that is, his own artifact is taken away! You look at that, in addition to his own powers, the blood of the outside, the source includes the bonus of the fusion of artifacts, causing us so powerful strength, the Sarava is also the same! No one knows more about himself. Your own short board, so he chose the most suitable for yourself. "

Jinhe Xuan looked at several families of the magic world, and then bent down to the grandson's ear: "Dragon Wang Zhuo said the two artifacts you have seen?"

"Well!" Jin Feng Yu nodded again.

"At the beginning, the two artifacts are the magic school dragon people to build, you think that if there is this two artifacts today, will the fighting battle will be so easy?"

"Ah!" Jin Fengyu got a real realization, the speed is the Saravel's short board, which can control the artifact of the flow rate around the body. It is really good for him. With him, he is a super high-speed mobile launch. , Or the sneak attack of the source of the source will be greatly reduced under time control, and it will also appear that there is no extraction caused by the battle. In addition, in addition to the anti-other attacks into the treatment of the body, there is this artifact cooperation La Laver's powerful defensive power and self-healing, only with these two artifacts, he will soaken more than one grade!

"Now understand! And I tell you that the Sarah is not only with these two artifacts! Counting these two artifacts at the time, he has a total of eight artifacts inherited by the Dragon Dragon. The French family did trial his front, until the ancestors shot it, the battle of the Sarah was completely collapsed, and the destruction of the Dragon is still in the dragon, and now I want to come to you. The teacher's ancestors and their battles have been fighting for so long. In addition to the strength of Saravel, the more important reason is that the ancestors have used their body for their somatosion, do not want to be too destroyed. This is a battle for seventeen nights. The biography, finally gave him the exhausted to seal it. "Jinhe Xuan saw granddaughters that the granddaughter had wanted to understand the reason, which stood up and looked at the battlefield.

"Yeah! If you like it, you can really want to see his peak, he and the squad are strong and weak, but unfortunately! Cannot see it!" Phoenix attached to the road: "This time Saravel and invasion Destroy the dragon domain's move, completely irritated the ancestors, don't look at the young people, you can try to detect the phosphorus on the big people before the war, he will not be like the people of the ancestors. This Sarah is still defeated, if he is, it is only a dead road. "

Phoenix's worry seems to be very likely to become realistic, immersed in the past strong and glory Saravel, obviously didn't realize that I lost my artifact, I was no longer the strong, the strong, and the fire of the body and heart I split the potential of backlog in the body, and the three-game battlefield of the three people battle, and the strength of the deep pit in the deep pit is in the deep pit in the deep pit, and a lot of the strength of the Sarave. The magma will be filled with the entire deep pit from the bottom of the pit.

At the same time, the attack of Sarah also has changed, and the original body table is also covered by dark dragon. He has become dark red, and the whole body exudes hot high temperature every time the box, the heat wave roll Lower Thunder and I have echoed the labeling to reduce the goal of the hit it.

I tried to harden a few Saravel attacks, and I found that the power of the other party is not just a high temperature and lightning attack. It is like a fist who wrapped in the rock and waved in my body, not just give yourself. A mechanical body that has been built with a lot of blood and resources, leaving a red boxing, and that the boxing is self-destroying in the flame, and actually enter his body to destroy his body, meridians, and five internal organs. In the internal organs, Rao is that there is a strong force of the six source of six sources. It can only make this damage to the injury, and it is not necessary to completely eliminate it. Clean up.

"The power of good overbearing!" I dare n't dare to slam the attack on Saravel. I sincerely praise: "It is a person who claims to be the power of the world, I really can't think of the world of life, actually Will have a birth of such destructive creatures, interesting! In order to respect you, let you see the new ability to sign the contract after signing the contract. "

"Tiger wine!"

After the words, I booked a tiger wine to hear the words, and the two will hold the Saravel wrapped in the next time. At this time, the high Sarave is full of fear, and he is not cared. How to attack yourself, only a goal is aiming to strike a stunning.

This time, he did not retreat to the face rushed up, and the two men had a staggered side to avoid the Saravel's fists, regardless of the boxing of the red knife, the boxing of the fist, brought himself, A punch waved the head of the other party.

"Hehehe! Is it dizzy by my fist! I lost my head!" Saravel looked at the fist with his own ear, took the opportunity to fight back to grasp the elbow smile Tao.

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