Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1196 Second Three Series

Looking at the words, I didn't laugh after I was already in my own expression. I felt that I was looking for a light Sarah. Even if I didn't put the arms, I didn't put it. The taste of folding, holding this obsessed, even after the tiger, the boxing of the tiger is hit, no matter whether it is, only for its purpose.

! There is no pain in the expected attack, and the fist of the tiger wine is like a whistle, just in Sarave, why is the other party, why is the punch, and I am going to continue to crush the arm. At that time, a unknown drum suddenly friered from his own brain, this kind of sound of his head is flustered, like his brain in hot pot, he can Obviously feel the organizational organization in the brain, as if listening to this kind of sound, this kind of voice is going to blow up.

"Hey ~ Ah ~ ~ ah!" The dramatic brain pain made Sarava could not continue to launch an attack on the righteousness, have to let go of the arms of the other party to grasp the forehead of his headache, and retreat. Go, but wait for the back of the tiger wine behind him. For the Sarave who insulted his words, he had already been angry. He saw the other party to defeat him. He can let this win the chance of winning the chance, lift I kicked it on a side of the back of Saravel.

boom! This side kicks the card is not much amazing, but the slightness of the Sarajf retreat is a shock. After the back of the torrential dragon scale sounds a series of subtle ruptures, the pain commented in the body's five internal organs represents himself I have been injured in this feet!

Is it destroyed? This is the first reaction in the Sarava brain, that is, the ancestors have passed the blood, and the tiger wine has this ability. Look at this point of view, then by himself, the birth is indeed related to the ancestral god, but it belongs to the opportunity The ancestors can be, their ability is also a single order throughout the dragon, that is, the ancestors want to create the second.

But this is not the force of destruction, what is it? What is the difference between the two? Such ordinary attacks can destroy their own Dragon Scales and their internal organs?

Sarave has arrived in puzzling, but the brain is still in the face of Sarajf, the attack, the attack, can only raise your arms to protect your own key, and then the abdomen came The pain makes him never spurt out.

Still the same attack! The force is not to be heavy, but it is destroyed to the internal organs! At this time, Sarah suddenly remembered that when he was in front of him, the other party did not prepare for the punch to faint himself! That's right! These two ways of attacks are similar!

boom! boom! boom!

The attack on the succession of the tiger wine was around the Sarava, and the dragon scales fractured fresh blood, and the scales were soaked out, and the Saravel under the burst was slightly restored by the brain. When I launched a counterattack, it was at this time that the tiger wine was perceived by his reaction. The tattooed fist once again passed the cheek, and the terrible cockroaches were again in the Sarava brain again. Sound, suddenly let Sarave response ability rapidly, and he lost his consciousness, he returned to the sandbag of two people attacking.

"Do you have two people do it?" This time, even Longtai did not see what the means used, and the surrounded by it.

"This, this should not!" Speaking is Phoenix, Saravel lost the artifact through such a long seal, the strength is big attenuated, it is right, but can not be hit by it, he is not a power, he Also seen in the two boxes in the empty righteousness and tiger wine wheel, after the attack, Sarave's response is the most reluctant, even even standing very reluctant, but what is the He also can't see it.

Dragon Point looked at everyone to see his head and explained his head immediately: "I don't know! This may be the ability of the cornerstone of the Lord or the ancestors! I only know to enhance the ability to enhance the number of young people. Let him have never had two adults with the strength of the righteousness, not less in the young owner, and I will not be very clear. "

"It should be a sound!"

At this time, there was a person in the crowd, and everyone went to see the road to see the opening of the Dragonfair, the long, the dragon ethnicity, Changlong Tai, is a person who recognizes this move, happy At the same time, ask: "You recognize this trick."

"Yes! Ethnic people, you know that our family uses the sound to attack, so it is particularly sensitive to the voice! In fact, this trick is already used to have already used it in the war, just this time The more hidden means of use is more high, you can't feel it, but if we are sensitive to the sound, we still have a good end. "The Pu Fufu is long and detailed.

"Just a war? Oh ...!" Longtai watched the micro-frowning and thoughtfully suddenly realized: "You are to deal with the origin of the blood brake, the two teamed up to send the other party to shock?"

"It is!"

"Yes! Yes!" This words nodded in the surrounding people, Dragon Tailou looked at the field: "Look at Saravel's current situation and the blood brakes in the child, you It should be no mistakes! , his hidden move is really a lot of tricks. "

The field is not accidentally accidentally unpleasant, and the resonance is one of the silences of his earlier absorption. It has always played a vital role in the battle, just in recent time. His ability is getting stronger and stronger, this abilities have gradually hidden in the scenes of the scenes.

This time, I didn't know that Lin Junzhao was inspired by hearing three kinds of gas-based moving abilities, which gave it to the strength of the tiger and wine, and the two laws that contain abilities were fragmented. Sound wave and shock wave!

When he woke up from the signed contract in coma, after the two abilities of the tiger and wine were found, he immediately understood the intention of Lin Joshao, which is the reason why the words of the words and the late arrivals have not been in the pursuit. One, what he wants to do is to integrate the three kinds of gas-based abilities on the same day, which will integrate resonance, sound wave, and shock wave.

he made it! The damage caused by Sarad is the result of the three in the three, and the power of the powerful resonance is integrated with the vapority of the sound wave, and the degree of destruction of the speed of the destruction is obtained. Quality leap!

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