Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1197 hits you

For Bai Ze's speech attack, the Saravel throws the boulder as the powder, and then causes damage to the Sarave's brain to shocked its dragon scales and his internal organs, all the use of this new fusion.

Although Sarah still could not figure out what kind of hormes used to do, he didn't stupid two consecutive fists. During his mouth, the dizziness caused by the cheeks made him guessed this is the key to the problem, so when he is aware After a little restoration, the first thing to do is to release a lot of source of origin to surround your own skull, try to isolate your own perception.

This move has indeed achieved good results. When the righteousness and tiger wine cooperate again, the Sarave's brain made his headache, and the sound of his headache was reducing several grades, followed by it. The somewhere of the body of the brain is a burst, and the Sarave understands what kind of attack is heard, and it understands the means of two people attack.

"Not only you will use the sound to attack the attack!" Taking the idleness of this round of attack, the Sala Ff roar, the fire, the fire, the big mouth, a high-spirited, deafening, showout.

The squadron, who was attacked on the front of Sarave, had a hit of this sound, with Dragon's unique dragon, and the sound of the dragon, only the sound of the soul, so that the low-level beast is satisfied. In myself, the Salah is full of Sarad, the damage caused by the soul is not to be underestimated, that is, the soul of the soul is also one of the earthquakes to lose the control of the body.

"Give me death!" This may be the opportunity to turn over, and Sarava seizes the opportunity to put all the strength and destruction to the right box. The lagma on the sky in the moment is produced by the magma on the ground. The reaction with the thunderstorm with destruction of the breath dropped from the sky and jumped, and wrapped together in Saravel to sway out the outer circumference of the fist, and hit the chest!

"Ah!" The watchman in the sky saw this scene, many people sent a excitement, this punch, if it is impressed, it is not affordable, and it is impossible to lose, and the soul is hurt. Can you escape the killing of this depends?

The next result is let the people fall in glasses, and they are not hiding! Because the Saravel's fists are about to hit the words, together with the body that sprints, the body is nailed to the original place, and the fist with the trend of the earth is only one finger. Sea, the current wrapped in his fist and sent a slap in the arc blue light, and the magma had burned its chest into a red color.

Although there is no hit, even if the distance is just a difference, the damage caused is a thousand miles of lost.

"For, why!" The Saravel of the face, asked the doubts in the hearts of the whole people.

Did not answer him but after the gang resumpted, slowly moved his body from Sarava, pressed his own injured chest, and tried his injury. Eyes, indicate that he goes to see it.

Get the tips of Saravel, moved down to the controlled neck, this only saw his shadow was booked in the original place! The person who shot is tiger wine! Yes, yes! Yan Yan and Tiger Cinema signed a symbiotic contract to say that the same life is dead, but it is only the final result. They are still relatively independent, and their dragon is harmful to the front impact. Large, you can have the blood of the ancestral blood and not in its attack range, and it is much smaller than the influence of the dragon! It is this negligence to let this enough to turn over the anti-power loss.

"Is the artifact?" Feel the power contained in this capacity, Sarave squeezing three words from the teeth.

"Yes! The artifact of the hell is." Yan Yan did not avoid it straight to tell him, and the seven artifacts directly absorbed in hell, with the realm of raising, he mastered the four handles, except for space The artifact is jailed, and the hood of the hat is hidden in the hat, this echo month bottle is one of the rest of the other two artifacts.

This month, the bottle bottle is the artifact built by the Essence according to the characteristics of the own family, the shape is just a common porcelain bottle itself without any effect, which is really role in the liquid! As long as you fall into the most common water in this bottle, it is best to put it in the moon to absorb the moonlight essence. After a period of time, the liquid in this bottle will become a layer of black fog, when you mouse the artifact The black fog will quietly attach to you or your opponent's shadow, but can also use shadows to attack the opponent by shadowing.

As early as the sword conference, he said that the ability to fuse this artifact is, but he has just limited the power to release it, and now he is integrated with the artifact. He is a bottle. Moonlight essence, usually absorbed by his body, and now signing the contract capacity will naturally use such an capability.

"Artifact, Artifact, Artifact!" Sarajou continues to change these two words, this kid's space is the ability, and the ability to hide the shape, and this to control the ability of the shadow, all of which have artifacts, one person And three artifacts are so wide! Once he has also been a strong man with eight artifacts. If the eight artifacts are in hand, the strength is damaged during the seal, nor is it such that the two fur boy is so suppressed!

"I don't accept it! I don't accept it! I don't accept it!" The heart is uncomfortable, Saravel, I have to break up my whole force, just start shaking in his crash, his body is a little bit moving, Obviously, simple artifact control is difficult to press him.

"Do not accept? I will take you!" The words of the arms were lifted, and thousands of gas lines were wrapped in synthetic nanofibers, combined with Tiger Wine, which was firmly firm. Tangled is fixed above the ground.

"The ancestors did not make me yield! I will rely on you! Ah ~!"

Double-eyed red Salah is under the restraint, actually moving the body to face forward, and the dragon scales who have been pulled by the source line have been cut into the flesh, Sarah is still not The governor will continue to fight against the .

"Is this guy really a monster!" Things have come to this step, even the words are also shocked by the will of Saravel, and they will show off the way.

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