"Hehehe!" Saravel looked at the expression of the joke and smiled. "It's really a good thing to live, I didn't expect the source of the source. One day, good! For this time, I wake up this time, come on, come! Let me see how strong the beast gods in the rumored! "

"I realize it! With your current strength and body injury, you can only hold down on my hand, and this is the first time I have signed the contract for the first time, I don't have the control of the power. Grasping you may have more painful! "Yan Yan said that he had already reached his right arm, and he stood in his side of the tiger wine, and he slowly lifted it. The palm of the left arm two people held together in the air.

"You don't have to say! This is my request! I will hurt again, I am also willing!" Sarah said not to restore its own injuries, but to use all the potential to strengthen the body, and only Enhance your own fist! The last hit he believes that the strong people don't play this stroke with him, and he wants to make the final proof of himself.

In his challenge, he fused and tiger wine was blended with tiger wine. When he felt that the figure was sent out from the white light, he knew that he was defined by himself.

expensive! The sad anger and the strong dragon sound rose through the dragon domain, and the Sarave, which is aware, rushing to the blurred figure!

"One hit! Really only one hit?"

Three days later, the troops of the dragon rushed were swept to the building wreckage of the dragon domain, and he listened to the same family who was watching on the scene before he listens to the last scene of the battle.

"I also lie to you! Didn't you see it? From the periphery of the dragon domain, more than six or more meters deep more than 20 meters! It is caused by the Yu Wei! One hit The Salah is all over the day, that he used to completely distort the arm to the deformation. "That once made a chance to witness the entire battle process, and he worshiped the tiger wine dragon guards listened to the companion so questioning their new idols. Immediately not full.

"Isn't it saying that there is a human beings?"

"Ah! That person is also very powerful, otherwise our ancestors will not agree with his descendants, sign the symbiosis contract!"

"Hey, where are they now?"

"I don't know! Now the dragon domain war is in order to discuss how to counterattack?"

"Hey, what will we do next? Is there a fight with the blood brakes? Is the old dragon king to save?"

"How many questions do you ask? You ask me to know where I know!"

Such doubts and dialogues are constantly talked in all corners of the dragon domain in three days, and the protagonist in this incident is lying in the room specially arranged in the dragon domain.

"Hey ~ ah ~ ah ~!"

"Hey ~ Hey ~ Hey!"

The former is a tragic, and the latter is naturally the restoration of the prototype tiger wine. If the person outside the discussion, the new idol will now be big to fall, one is like the whole body long rash skin. The red dot is dense, lying on the bed, rolling the mourning of the image, the other is not too much, but the people of the dragon domain is obviously more in mind, several maidens are wiped by tiger wine. The same red laminate.

"Hey ~ Ah! Dragon Ball! ! I am now understand why you say that the symbiotic contract is a cursed contract! You didn't tell me that after the beast god, it would cause such a strong rejection! Hey ~ Ah! "I only felt that the hot and spicy persistence of hot and spicy, I would like to smoke my skin, but I was taught by several dragon guards to hold the limbs, and the dragon boots rushed hurried to persuade:" Can't scratch! Can't scratch! One flexing this fire, blood 2 poison is like the body, then it is more difficult to solve! "

"You tell me what is going on! Grandma! I know that this is so painful, I am uniform, what kind of garlic! I will bring him back directly!"

"It's not that I let you promise him!" Longjin bowed his head and blame.

"You still say! Not you didn't tell me this! What is going on?" What happened? "Near the collapse of the collapse, the neck that can only be active, and the body and the quilt friction solve the body. Since I resolved the Saravel, I haven't had any status of the two people in the day. I also accept the Longtai's long banquet. I have a big banquet. I will start the skin next day. Swelling this rash, the next few days have more severe situation.

"The successful sign of the symbiotic contract is less. In the record, there is a description that the beast god will produce a certain exclusion reaction, but according to the record reaction is not very serious, it is only a little happening, and it can restore normal. You are also the practitioner, you should understand that this is not worth mentioning, and there is no record that you have such a strong response. "Long Jin said that Uncomfortable appearance, afraid that he misunderstands patiently to explain.

"What is I am going on now?"

The problem of Yan Yan also couldn't answer. At this time, the room door was hit by a wind and fire, and it was the whole dragon domain that can rashly hit the two-family Miss Jin Feng Yu. Seeing the rumor and tiger wine After the magnitude, she couldn't help but laugh. After seeing her own sister, she stopped and jumped to the front of the laughter. "Your current situation has passed to the road. The Lead teacher has just gave reply. They quickly found the root of the problem! According to them, this is the reason why you are too disunger on your body. Most of the previous symbiotic contractors are mostly a single blood or the most body, but you can In addition to itself, there is a magic, blood family, and the blood of many of my dragon domains, oh, I will consider letting you become stronger, but I forgot that you and the blood brakes Different he has blood. The moment of the special origin is supported, and you can perfectly integrate these dismisions, but you can't follow your big sister Lin Jun Zhao, the original words, your super-high sports car is installed in a mess. Oil, usually does not work, it can still run, when you and less main fit, the machine will have problems when the potential is promulgadownload! "

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