"Long Jin Sister, what is a super-sports car?" Jin Fengyu took the decision of the ancestor and Lin Jun Zhao and others asked Dragon Point.

"Hey ~."

"Oh, okay! Restore free a few days, even the superrange is known." Dragon Jin, which didn't go through the cornerstone, naturally unable to answer Jin Feng Yu's question, Turning to Jin Feng Yu as a way: "You don't have to manage the super sports car, you haven't like that thing this age! Let me tell me how I solve this now?"

"Well, two solutions, the first one, one for you, you have the blood of the blood brake, the blood of the origin, the perfect union, this problem will naturally be solved." Jin Feng Yu saw the rumor recovery.

Directly shook his head directly: "This doesn't want to want to get the power of the blood brake, according to this short period of time, it is impossible."

"That is the second way to Lin Ling, you will make a few times, let the body constantly adapt to this process, so that your side effect will be shortened, oh! It's right to absorb more than other faces. After the power of the source, the strength of these stakes can also be reduced this burden. "Jin Feng Yu fifty one 10 will report Lin Junzhao.

"this one?"

"Well, only these two solutions! Oh, right!" Jin Fengyu said that this took out two pebble size white jade from his arms, and a piece of maid to take care of tiger wine, and another piece is placed. The chest of the words, the skin of the squad is in touch with this pebbles, so that the coldness of the Tone, the body is no longer struggling back to the big bed, ask: "What is this? Is there anything? Come two!"

"Do you want a few pieces? This is a bird egg that Ice Phoenix is ​​unfortunately can't give birth to the life of the bird. It is a treasure that is extremely precious than those in my grandfather. Not because the ancestors have made such a big contribution to the dragon domain, we will not lend you! "Jin Fengyu saw that he was so unfullted:" Remember that it is not given, This thing can slow down the pain brought by the side effects of your fit, so you will pay it back to you for the time being, you are going to us after this problem is completely resolved. "

"Thank you! Thank you! Call!" He said that thanks, thank you, but you can't open it. This is to induce the crisis forced to wake up from the sleep. After waking up, it is a series of bats and then it is better to get this role. A few days, now the situation is finally improved, and his spirit also follows the departure that this is deeply slept.

When I woke up again, I was already two days later. At this time, the rash on his body has been basically scattered, leaving only a dark red skin to prove that his pain is suffering, and looks around the tiger wine is not in the room. The physical strength is much better than the rumor, first in the day, I wake up at this moment, I was crawling outside the house, until I went to his side, I kicked him with the foot, this is not willing to stand up. The head of the head smashed.

"Look at your spirit or a little bit, go out and stroll with me." Looking at the look of tiger wine, he smiled and smiled and invited his head.

The tiger wine is a response, so that one person walks out of the garden and starts to hang up. The news that they woke up was as early as the first time, the Dragon Guard, who was told to duty, because there was a new Dragon King command to add The premiere of the big wars in the past few days ago, so no one dared to disclose the two people who have passed the two people, and there is no way to make the courtesy, and they will give a road.

Dao Yan has already seen this situation, it has been unimpeded. From the Dragon Palace to the Dragon Palace, he heard the dragon boot to join the two teams, standing in the dragon domain. After the robbery, I reborn the dragon domain that is rebuilt, I first heard a miserable mourning.

"These are ...?" He said that the sound of the magical plane, the various colors of the road, this moment is replaced by the prototype or large or small body, and under them Stone frame is reddish by his body, and looked at the scene of the two thirteenth meter high dragons in the hill-like stone stone. Even those who are like this is used to the bloody scene. Also quite shocked.

"Reason! There should be a traitor's lower!" A Wen Wenran and the Dragon Ball of Wen Wenhe revealed a Xiaoji, which is no wonder that she is so angry because of these dark-fashioned leaders, blood brakes It will not cause such a big damage to the dragon domain. This time, the dragon domain has suffered such a big destruction. The teacher's plan is forced to have a mission that he has not completed the teacher at a point in the teacher.

"Oh!" Yan Yan nodded him not to care about these things, saying: "This is the captured dark fellow! No, this quantity seems to be more than that day!"

"You think that when you come in a few days, we didn't do anything. There is such a big thing in the dragon domain, and it is spread throughout the next day."

"How can I pass so fast?" For the lag of the original four large-faced news, he has to hear the dragon booth to say that it is difficult to confirm.

"It's still not the blood brakes, the people are promoted!" Dragon Jin bite his teeth: "It seems that they are really ready to start with my dragon domain, this thing we have nothing to settle here. The news is flying, what Dragon King is captured by the blood of the dragon domain, how can we lose weight in the dragon domain?

"Is there anyone?" Yan Yan saw Longjin said that the topic turned to himself to smile and asked.

"Yes, there is you! The news said that you almost fall in this battle."

"Hahahaha!" He said that it was a lot of laughing. After laughing, he was helpless: "Although there is a bit of exaggeration, this is really a little happening."

"Yeah, it is because of the seven-point real three minutes, it is more difficult to distinguish. This news has passed out the decadent momentum after the blood brakes, and it is not just the second day of the dragon domain. He also attacked the resident of the magic and new to the magic coalition forces, because the aids sent by the magic schools arrived in the enemy, and the results were treated by their defense, and there was no anti-preparation of the Magic Army. "

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