Draki is generally lost in the body's blood, and accelerates the speed of his blood operation. At this moment, he really felt the horror of Draka, if you are not mechanical The abilities have a certain resistance to the bloody art method in this state, I am afraid that I have already lost it in a wide range of attacks.

Just in the righteousness of the blood boiling and aging dual torture, it was prepared to continue to launch attack. Suddenly he felt that his right eye paste was jumping with a dramatic headache spread throughout the body, his offensive immediately went down, Draku In the middle of the state, there is a big joy, and the urgent urging method has launched a series of counterattacks.

The other one of the other people in one thing is now in a very wonderful state. On the one hand, he is suffering from the bloody art method. On the other hand, the Drakari attack on its blood, there is an additional body The process of accelerating the fusion of blood, since the forced suction road, the power of the magic two sources have been sealed, and the process of the blood fusion in a roller body is done in a large half.

It can be said that he is now a pain and happiness. In his heart, he even hopes that Drakari is more violently attacked in the body, so that he will turn the two major origins and make it uncomfortable. Reproduction, but reasonable told him that he can't go anymore, if it is deepened by Draki, it is not a blessing because of the degree of blood manipulation.

Such a thunder is over-adjusting, with the thunderous power to launch an impact to Drakin, just a deraka, which has just been able to take effect, and suddenly discovered that After the momentum is not weakened, after a short breath, it actually burst into the breath of the Lord of the source. This breath can be different from the semi-finished products that will borrow the candle dragon. He is really in the words. The power of the three points of the source of this source.

"Eighth! Horror!"

The fourth-style gun method uses a long gun, lightning, lightning, like the dragon into the sea, waving the dragon and thunder, and the injury in Draki can only turn away the injury of the whole body, and cannot modify its own state so before Liujia stacked in the three gun tricks has been stacked in its body, and it has already reached the nine floors!

The nine-layer superimposed harm cooperate with the thunder's breath attack, plus the purification, vibration, space cutting of the gun method, and the Its mobile space, the addition of many effects, causing the body of the Dracu in the fourth-style first stroke, it was blown up.


"Damn! , you are still entangled here! Don't you know that your investigation department headquarters has been broken by blood brakes! You are now going back and have a hurry! After a while, I will ask you. Parents fall, you can regret it for life. "

This tribute is really designed to be afraid of Draku, which is re-born away from the reborn, and only one of the blood servants stored for him to transfer hurt, and he can rely on its own skills to render once, That is to say, there is still two chances of being killed twice. If you continue to go, you really want to fall here. He has to put the blood brake plan and drive, for this is to disturb The mind, let him have no time to take care of himself to escape this damn prison, as long as he leaves this space, he will fly in the sea, the fish, Yan Yan, want to catch him That's it is difficult, and the first thing to do after he is struggling, it is directly launching the blood curse to kill the Ye Jiu Male, and the hate of his heart is that the life of the two sons, Draki has already Can't take care!


Draki Like has not finished the vain of the The entire man in Dracus was fried from the inside to the outside.

"Tenth!" He said that the indifference ruthless voice sounded in the explosion, echoing within independent space.

"You are a mad! Do you really don't think about your family? Are you don't care about their lives?" Draki, who retracted his body, rushed to his rumor.

This time did not continue to choose a pursuit, the gun recruits watched the Draki in the air and destroyed: "From an abandonment of his son's life, he heard such a question, it is really ironic! But this also shows One thing, your skill is transferred, it's time! You are anxious! You are anxious! Hahahaha! "

In the face of the rocky ridiculous Dracu, the face rose red, I wanted to speak back, but I was shocked by the words that I said, I only listened to the words: "If you really happen What kind of thing, I am lofty, give up, don't give you this time, what role will be played back to rescue? Moreover, what you said at all, there is no happening. "

"What do you say? Is their mission failed?" Draki can certainly hear the meaning in the righteousness, but he is still unwilling to believe in the question of the deception.

"No! You don't understand what I said? There is no task! From this space to this, there is no one to attack the investigation department headquarters." Said that he said that the corner of the mask reveals his left Eyes, I used quite mercy to watch my head and smiled in Draku: "I don't know what the blood brakes are promisnounced. It seems that you seem to be cheated."

Drakari wants to refute the rumor to say that he is lying, but he doesn't have a little panic, he knows that the other party did not say fake! I was abandoned as a sleepy bait that trap the opponent.

The initial plan was to attract the attention of the, the main force of the survey of the contract, which was dragged before the year, and the real killing of the truth is the elite power of secret blood brakes from the collection. The high-rise of the investigation department is out of the internal air, and this plan is no problem with the son of this source and most of the Tiandao Sittingari-Town Investigation Department, in the face of the elite team under the leader of many Tiandao, is anything to slaughter. Bulls!

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