Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1403 Abandoned

The investigation department in which the rumor can be said to be the most powerful force in the real world. Although the other regional investigation department has expanded the abilities of the abilities, because there is no Like a righteous and others, there is still a shortage of the number of people in the number of people, but in theoretically, it is theoretically to destroy the investigation department headquarters, basically equal to the cornerstone The resistance in terms of abilities, such fighting results seem reasonable in Draki.

Because of this, when the blood brakes raised this plan to Draku, and when he hoped that he joined, he agreed to this plan after a short hesitation, except for him to make the family and his own interests. In addition, the rise of the rumor and step by step, he also made him like a pin felt. He understood that he had a battle with the , and he would have a good choice with a blood brake.

In his opinion, although he has to take some risk, the probability of success is still very big. The best result is that the blood brakes have been successfully returned to the words of themselves, even if they are not smooth, they can also hit the investigation Headquarters, even if you can't overcome the words of the opponent's headquarters, you should not be a problem, you should not be a problem, and the threat of the foundation will be greatly reduced.

However, he underestimated the strength and determination of his own strength, and he also overestimated the components of his blood brain. He and his family became the sacrifice of the other party to reach its true purpose.

I want to turn my head in the Japrac in the joints of this, then lift the head and look at the words: "Now I don't seem to have a card and you continue to finish this game, there is no cooperation between us. May? This time I have been useful and abandoned, I am very angry, I can help you with the blood brake! What do their plans do not want to know? "

"See the situation is like this!" Yan Yan jigued into the middle and long guns and smiled: "Cooperation? Hehehe! This battle makes me understand that I can feel relieved when you die, as for the information you said, I think you will kill you After the restriction from your body, I got the feelings that I could convince. "

"Then we don't talk about it."

"There is nothing to talk about it!"

,,, , Erosion, but flowing a breath, there is a strange pattern of a scarlet, and the abdomen of this pattern is actually uncontrolled, and he is horrified. In the internal air, the internal flow of blood, the viscous blood is assembled into a root platelet, and these iron chains are quickly set to the ground blood pattern link, and they will firmly fix the , His body will have a slight pain from the body, as if you want to shin throughout the soul.

"Cough! Cough! Cough! I said that I will absorb my family's blood will be your biggest mistake." Recommoding into the human shaped Drakibi big mouth coughing blood and looked at the locked in the local area. However, he did not have any offensive to the , but he ran several up to the independent space. After glance, he found the weak point of this space defense, put his hand in the French link The motion of the self-power attempts to break the outer layer seal.

The blood of the penalty is one of the bloody secrets, but when the enemy is used, it is necessary to have a certain amount of erosion control in the body, because its aggressive is not obvious. In the case, the blood group will not use it to fight, more is to punish the people in the family, this de lacino is forced to the road, only to sacrifice only half of the bloody essence, forcibly The bloody blood vessels in the exciting The mysteries of the skills, but now he has arrived in life and death. It also calmly, however, in the future, how strong, with his current strength, even if he is seal him, he can't kill it, only forced breakthrough, the seal of the independent space, it is born. day.

A gap! As long as a gap is good! I will not be a hard thing as long as I can get rid of the restoration of the strength! This time, I have a big idea to die like this. If it is in the outside world, I will force him to this kind of situation. When he can look for the blood servant of the substitute, but you can also use the blood family to escape. .

Countless thoughts flashed in the Draki's mind, just when he throws a distraction, when he is going to break the seal, Yan Yannan is slightly loud and the play abuse sounds behind him.

"This seal is not good. In order to grab you, we invited two seal artifacts!"

"Ah!" This voice is undoubtedly in the ear of Drakiba, and he is scared when he says the first word in the first word, and the palm leaves the wall. When he is looking back, he is whispering his position and smiling and looking at yourself.

He is getting stripped! It is impossible that he will never get stripped so quickly! Deraki is surprised to use the eyes of the eyes to find the previous seal, this is a little stable, and some of his heart is still trapped in his own.

If the one being trapped in the place is a statement, who is this in front of you? Is it part? Not! Thunderi thought, I wanted to understand who was out of mouth: "Do you sign the symbiotic contract?"

"Hey! You are still too stupid!" Tiger wine smiled and changed back to his appearance. He signed a symbiotic contract between him. The process of transferring to another person, when the rumor realized that the Dracu is trying to escape, I have issued a support signal from the tiger wine while working hard.

"Brother! Use me to help you release the seal!"

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