Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1407 Blood

Deraka, who heard this news was obviously ancient anger, but Yan Yan did not hear what he was shouting in a one-in-one mouth, because in Dracus, just fell, the first word is called. At the time, his vain was absorbed by artifacts.

"You can go!" In the case of communicating with the outside, it was confirmed that the soul of Deraku has been sealed. He said that the space will go back and forth three times through the artifact, ensuring that he is relieved after he is missing, and he is restored in the outside world. After the seal, the tiger wine next to him withdrew from the independent space.

"Success? Draka is completely destroyed?" In fact, he saw that he had known the answer to the question, but Jinhexuan is still difficult to accept two heaven, especially one of them is the heave of Drakari. In the top of the top, this is died in the end of the words. The Frad family rises from the bloody family and has a large part of the cause of the unsearched in the face, is the leader of this legendary master. And the legendary figure is falling today.

"Well! It is completely destroyed!" Yan Yan calmly responded.

Jinhe Xuan with the exact answer to the dragon booth, all of which were a legendary fall, representing another legend, stepped on the Blue Sea of ​​the Frad family's corpse, and there was a hunting heaven. From now on, I really became a member of the top of the face. Such a rise can be calculated that there is still a possibility that there is no one before, and the ancestors will sign the symbiotic contract for the dragon domain. A powerful guarantee, even if the ancestors are likely to fall into the future of this war, there is a long area of ​​the tiger and wine, and the rumor, you don't have to worry about the main point of the source of the source. And the survival of the outside world was caught in the tragic layout of each family.

"Call! Is he really dead? That is to say that the captain's hatred has already been reported!" Xia said heard the enemy who brought himself fear and pain. She felt like a dream after being destroyed. Some Excited and somewhat returned to God asked when I lost a while: "Take a long time! Is he died? Is it nothing to do?"

"Theoretical! The caster itself has completely died that the blood curse he sets will lose its role, but after the insurance, you still have to make old leaves, then I will check it again! Absor to absorb Della The blood of the Curry made me control a lot of bloody artworks. Check what the blood curse is not a big problem for me. "He said that he holds his own waist around his waist and asks:" Du Guangyuan? "

"I am here!" The corner gazing the Du Guangyuan here. Seeing that he called himself to hurry from the shadow, he made a small contribution from manufacturing blood poison in the plan. To the transformation of the independent space, it is improving this trap in the understanding of the blood family, but his strength is still too low. If it is involved in the battle, I am afraid that I can use it. So he can only do this peripheral preparation.

"Let's save your son later! I have already known his location through the blood family, but the Frad family will soon know the fall of Draku, I am not sure they will take your son. If you vent your anger, you have to prepare your mind. "

"I understand!" Listening to the words, Du Guangyuan said quite calmly. He didn't care about his son's life safety. It can be said that he betrayed the Frad family is that it will allow himself to have a descendant. Tianlun's Leyo knows that after his son is going smoothly, his first thought is to rescue him immediately and no longer suffer from the Frad family, but this impulse gradually calm down, he knows It is more difficult to save a child from a long-term family family, not to mention the family of Vrador's proficiency, they will use the next ban in this child, regardless of rescue How embody is, as long as the other party can make this child died in the dead,

So can rescue this child is a miracle. Du Guangyuan will certainly make their own biggest efforts for this miracle, but will not put all the hopes. After he has received the result of the tragedy, he assists in encouraging the rumor The Frad family completely disappeared in this world for preparation for his son.

"Well! You can think of this is the best! Yes! Do you have a blood poison?" Deli Dracuka can think that this is a good news and ask again.

"Explosion?" Du Guangyuan got a thorns to die, and then he had to let him go back to God. "Someone unexpected my blood?"

"Ah! It is me! Hehehe, this Drakin is also a poison, when the blood chain is prevented, it is intentionally infected with blood, blood mixed, let me absorb At the same time, he also infected this blood. "Yan Yan thought that the danger of the dangerous circle was not smiling.

"You have blood to the virus? Is it very serious? What do you still do? Du Guangyuan, what do you still do? Explosive!" Everyone heard that he was so busy, and the seven mouth of the eight tongues asked some after the summer. Drink.

"This, this, this blood poison did not give medicine!" Du Guangyuan was asked silly eyes, this thing is to make Drakari, and prepare time, he can do this If you come out, you have time to make an antidote.

Say this answer to see the people who can eat their own eyes, he hurriedly explained: "This blood to poison is specifically for the blood family, it is difficult to eradicate once the bloody art method will be added to itself, Draku It is a famous jealous, with this blood to poison is afraid that it is not allowed to escape, and you can continue to add harm to him. Do not give him a chance to recover. You have to say that it is not a solution, it is time I ... "

Du Guangyuan didn't say that I was solemn by the words: "Okay, I don't know how to clear this blood, just use the way too time, I want to ask you there is no faster solution, Since I don't care! I still pressed this thing. I don't worry. "When he was very straightforward, he raised his hand and took a little painful head. He turned to look at Xia Yan:" Headquarters is about the blood brake Is there any news? I can't eat this guy, what is the matter? "

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