Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1408 Another Battlefield

"There is no problem there. When you are in the battle, I will contact the headquarters to confirm that there is no different, the left-behind Yu Hoom let us do not have any concerns to complete the task to complete the safety. If I don't know the message there, I don't know that the headquarters is monitoring. However, I don't urge us to end the battle as soon as possible, there should be no big. "Summer is slightly thoughts and answering the question. .

"Call! No matter what the blood brakes do, we can't stop it now. Now I can only take a step to solve the problem there and then say."

Looking at the tired of the face, I said this, the summer brow is more concerned: "Are you okay? It is difficult to deal with the Draku, you fight him, you must nowadays it. Blood, you will take a break! The rest is over to us. "

"I am fine! Different worried, I am going to start!" I shaken my head and barely squeezed a smile and said that he was buckled to cover his weakness, he was very tired! really tired! The blood-class method is infected with his body, and what he can do is to abandon the car. The decisive place will be abandoned. This is no problem in the case of the armor, but the machine has excessively damaged the machine. After the state is released, these damage will also be fed back to his body. When his left arm is lost, although he now has the strength of the life of the ancestors, it is greatly improved, but this is also required to consume source. of.

Despite the exhaustedness, there is still a lot of things to deal with, what he can do is to solve these tricky problems, then go to rest because he removed this mouthful, and then wanted to return to the battle. It is difficult.

The rest of the few people know that once the temperament is decided to pull back, it is no longer to discourage the headquarters with him, and the headquarters does not have problems and to meet the people, simply explain a few words. After you have to carefully watch the artifact of the Trüdraku, it passes through the space channel to the magic plane.

When everyone passed through the space channel to the battlefield where Gu Shenghui was located, everyone was a roar of a series of explosions from time to time, several people even suspected that they were transferred to other people. local.

When I arrived, I didn't see the wilderness of the margin, and I replaced it was continuously towering into the clouds of the cloud. If I change the other places to see such a large wood, I will give people a sense of vitality. In front of you, this jungle brought it to people, only strange, seeing a feeling of creepy.

"These trees are alive!"

"The tree is okay! This is not a dead tree." Tiger wine listened to the consciousness of the survings of Xia Yan, but immediately understood the true meaning of the sentence of Xia Yan, seems to be aware When I arrived at the breath of my life, the trees who had just moved were still like a conscious, and the trend of branches were swayed to their direction, and tiger wine for vitality is more sensitive to other abnormal exports. Remind: "The ground! There is a big stock branch in the bottom of the ground and spread to us, soon ..."


The words of tiger wine have not been finished, and the long knife is condensed in the process of the army raised, when the long knife is shaped, a huge half-month sword is cut out, and everyone is in the moment. The woods in front of them were chopped in two sections. The branches flying were not waiting for the second huge sword that was cut back, and the branches were collapsed under the sweater of the wind. The direction of the sword is advanced, and it will block all obstacles in front of all obstacles to destroy.

Looking at the strange trees that have just blocked them in my face, I turned into a stump that left a snoring mucus, and I finished these words and returned to the long knife to see the tiger wine: "What did you just say? ? "

"Hey ~! Nothing! The problem is solved." Tiger wine speechless.

"Well! Keep up with me!" Said that he will run away from the battlefield of the battle. When the way is chopped, he finds that these weird branches are like a real living, broken. The branches not only flow out similar to the blood-like liquid, and when the crowd passes, these broken trees continue to rub their own trees, send out the mourning of the old people's hoarse and weak, and heard the voice, it makes people alert a lot of embarrassment.

Everyone in the field knows that this is a magical attack on the spiritual attack, and the low-end is not harmful to the people of their realm. As long as I pay attention to it, I will be a bit upset, I'm looking at this wood. If he knows the enemy of the enemy, there will be a person who will use this attack means if he didn't guess it. This should be the magic used by the top witch.

I think this is a tightness, and the Draki can break through the power of the candlelon in the critical juncture, the ultimate limit of the realm, and the new year has also shown a similar trick. The witch did not reason, facing such two A brake of brakes hidden, Gu Shenghui and others are not necessarily able to occupy how much wind.

I think that this is inevitably accelerated, I rushed to the center of the battlefield after several instants!

Fortunately! The first thing to rush into the battlefield, and the words are to use priority to sweep the safety of their people. No one die, only two halls of heavenly levels seem to be injured, and they are temporarily quit the battlefield. The two sitting in the battlefield and left behind there, looked at the two silly sons in Drakari.

Seeing no one died, he was tone. This has a spiritual analysis of the battlefield. At the level of the heaven, the investigation department takes two-to-one way, respectively from Liu Wei and Situ to the Division And Gu Shenghui and Holding Summary Witch.

Although Gu Shenghui did not reach the top realm of the heaven, it was promoted to the nine-order universal energy in the child of the source. In the case of a number of abilities added, the combat power is far superior.

In terms of the situation on the battlefield, Gu Sheng and Holding Summer looks like it seems quite easy. Although the clothes are damaged by the clothes, they will leave a lot of injured traces, but their opponents can't go, if not from At the breath, it is really unable to distribute the woman in front of the woman, and it is linked to the woman's woman.

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