"Mr. Yan Yan, you don't have to say that these ridiculous words, our time to cooperate with the Holy City is still more than a long time, these Mozi is within the jurisdiction of the three major councils of my magic. We certainly have the right to wanted them! Not only is that their other places are violated the law of our magical planes, we also have the right to take the right. "

The three major faces of the light bishop, the threats of the people of the three places, the threats in their future are very obvious, and they are not hitting this matter. If you are a three major council, you are also within your management The relationship is reasonable, in the face of a threat that has not met the top of the heavens, Jinhe Xuan and Liu Wei and others are very disdainful, but the truth of strong dragon is not contaminated in the head snake, this is a three major council. In the case, the magical plane is like a cloud. It is not necessary to find a dead road for this matter. It seems that the opening of this unexpectedly, even this is the biggest task. The surprise, as for what to do, how to do it, depending on the development of the situation.

"This is also reasonable, you really have the right to take it, but I will ask what happened to happened." Yan Yan did not launch the problem, but very euphemistic to express his needs.

"Sorry, Mr. Yan Yan, you are not a hell, you have to ask, and should be holy ..." The Bishop of the bright church said that this suddenly be pushed by the witch next to him. He first looked up. The other party then remembered what I wanted to change the mouth, but it was too late.

Seeing the other party, he said that he had a righteous saying: "Since you say that I will have a more questioning, Jessica told the opponent I am in the Ideale."

"The rumor is the most noble silver wing of my magic! It is the parent of the devil!" Jessica shouted his identity.

The words listened to the words were somewhat in the heart, I just didn't have the name of the name of the name of the name, but now this occasion is to take over the right of this matter. He can only pinch the nose. On the words of Jessica: "A magist prince has always asked the Mozun member to be the right to suffer in the perspective. And this Jessica's brother is my family, this matter you You can go to investigate at will! She is equivalent to my family! I have been asked if my family is eligible? "

"Hey ~!" The Bishop of Guangming and the witch face each other said that this did not block it, but some things did not put it on it. If this thing is not discovered by the outsiders, although the god of the Holy City will be angry However, it is in the current situation of the hell, and the desire to the magic school award, he greatly sacrifice the interests of his part and choose to bear, but once this is all, it is all, that is, no matter what is In order to appease the emotions of the Mozun, he has to come out to maintain the majesty of the Holy City.

To this end, I have been responsible for the Austrian Silk Witch, which has been responsible for communicating with its communication: "Mr. Yan Yan, this matter we don't want this to destroy our friendship with you, I think Your boss is also in the same purpose to urge you to leave this place as soon as possible, this matter has an accidental emergency, we don't want you to have too much ideas, I suggest you Still don't intervene it, you will fall into the body, once you know the truth, you will fall into the strategies. "

"O'silk witch is? There is no friendship between us, there is no need to see this situation before, I have to fall into the situation, I don't have to worry about it, I want to know if I have the right to know things. The truth! If I don't have anyone else! "I didn't buy the other person's account attitude asked.

Seeing that the people of the three major councils were immediately excited, they wanted to stop by the Austrian theory, she shook his head slightly smiled helpless: "Well! Since Mr. Yan Yan wants to stir This rotten, we have no way! Warning, we have already said that you can keep you should have a reason after you know the so-called truth, if you can't, you have to bear the courage and strength of the consequences. "

Said that she didn't look at the words, but they came to the other two major situations came to help the people who helped people. "Do you have to roll into this farce?"

"Hey ~!" Jinhe Xuan and Liu Wei looked with each other, and the two sides were in short eyes and their companions, and finally the Lindao came back to respond: "Do we involve us in the development of things, For example, we only want to be a bystander, and after the fact that the teacher has a good response, we have a response. "

The view of the dragon domain is consistent with Lin Gongzi. "Dragon Packed.

"Well! Then you will ask! But I still hope that after asking the results in the scene, this thing is this! Don't deepen this more, this is just a small thing." When I said that this Oldon suddenly looked at the words, he said: "Sorry! Five major events in the face of anti-blood brakes, should not have any waves for this matter."

"Then I will listen to how little thing you said." Yan Yan said to the crowd in front of him, his eyes fell on the Bayer: "Old leaves, go see he!"

Ye Ruo, who did not have a lot of words, and checked him to check back: "The self-consumption is serious, and there is still a few serious injuries on the body, but it is not immediately killed, but with his current body The status dragging time is long. I am afraid that it will endanger life. His godlis no problem doesn't have to treat it. It is not in my ability. "

The soul is not hurt, saying that he nodded, and the tiger wine next to him, let him replace the leaf with super-cure. If you go to Bewron, you will be treated.

After the end, I said that I saw Jessica asked: "Say! Xifel is dead?" Just asked this question, he took a slap in his forehead, let it feel The brain calm down and asked: "Let me tell me before answering this question."

"Do you don't know if you are in order to reach a league with the Three Parliament! Miss Xifer is the object being selected!"

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