When I heard this, I immediately understood what happened. He sighed and said: "The result of the three major councils is Flamel?"

"It is! The three major councils suited to marry his disciples and the Holy City, but it was the Sofer who was selected as its unmarried wife." Xifer's personal maid once fights with Xia Dang but was interrupted. The yield of the sea is lifted up, not afraid of the strength gap between the two and the fear of the words, and the eyes of the blame.

Yan Yan understood why the other person watched himself with such eyes, because Vlameore did not see the reason for Sifer to do unmarried bodies, only possible to retaliate, although he never had ever had ever. What emotions are entangled, but in the magic propaganda, they have described their experiences into a storytelling love story, because such a ambiguous rumor, I arouse Flamel's retaliation, thus burying Sfu Life.

At this time, he also understood that when the Chiraki transferred to his meaning of Sifer's to the magic bell, she hoped that she saw Sifer, but she didn't have time to deal with this at the time. It seems that there is a small thing, I think this is like a knife, and the double boxing is closely glanced at Meisi.

"I said that if this is in advance, I will not let you get close to this city. I should know that I have an offset since you have come to the road, I have been offset. In the face of the road, it should be trained by the team members who should receive practical training in the hell, but also withdraw the headquarters for the special training because of the sneak attack from time to time. This magic face is married to the hell. It is also known today. "Meisi fully understands the anger of , is busy and discloses how to explain this, if he thinks he thinks that the investigation hall is cheating him for his own interests, This will leave a crack in both partnerships, he doesn't want to carry this pot.

Mei Shu is more depressed, he knows that the other party is that this time, Meisi is basically busy in the fairy palace, there is no time to pay attention to the Moz, this is also limited. Related to the current strength of the investigation to cope with a place, there is no way, like those old planes, generally have their own stable intelligence sources.

"Call!" He said in the heart of the anger, several deep breath adjustment, and then ask: "Since Sifer is selected to become a marriage object, why is you die? Why is you wanted? ? "

"Dai Yan, we have prepared it in advance of the wedding after one month ago, and the reason why it is in advance to cultivate Sifer's adults and Vlameir, but ...." Jessica said looking up and staring at him. Seeing the other party did not stare at her waiting for her answer. She bite his teeth and continued: "But West Flam's pursuit of Flamel It is very cold, but this situation suddenly changed until a month ago, Miss Xifer suddenly got the harmoniousness of this fiancee, I just thought that Miss said that I didn't think that it was not such a thing. Every time she is with Vlameir, she is worried, especially in recent time, she is more tense and sorrowful. She seems to know the message that the people want to go to the magical plane, and I am eager to see you in advance and you can see you. In the side, but we didn't excuse from this place until the three days ago, Sifer suddenly decided to take risks to escape this place, but she fails to succeed! Wait until she returned to our hometown, it was already heavy, she was so heavy, and she was The guards of the line also sacrificed half, she made us wanted to leave this place before dying, notifying Mr. Yan Yan not to execute the current task to leave the magic plane as soon as possible. "

When I said this Jessica, I was disconnected: "But we can't get rid of sadness, the three major parliamentary guards will be derivated by us, just in today, the Nuki secret The deals heard the command between the guards of the door, they had to put all the kills to the blood brake map to destroy the marriage, in order to pass the truth, we decided to fight for a fight After the leadership of Lang people, I killed a bloody road. This is fortunate to see you. "

One month ago! That should be the time that I am working with Draka, three days ago, it was my own time to the Frad family, ready to attack the Frad family's independent space, listening to Jessica's story When the head is asked in a few time points related to himself, West Fer must notice what will suddenly change to the Vlameer attitude, but it is because she discovered things. She falls.

Although I have been avoiding the feelings that West Fer has shown on themselves, but the heart is still the heart, and there is not completely turned into machinery. A girl is willing to pay their own life for himself. How can he not move! But this move now is now regretted and anger.

Maybe I have a last time I met West Fer, she already knows her destiny. If she is alive, if she is paying more attention to her, maybe not happen to today, but things do not I have to regret it for this life.

When I thought this, I got into the grief and indignation, and I asked the Austrian silk and squeezed a smile. "Audate witch, is she talking about?"

"Yes, nor!" Austrian silk responded very calmly.

"Oh? What is it?"

In the face of Thinking about the dangerous things happened, if there is only the reason that West Fer's own excuse or her fantasy, this is the best proof of the peaceful station, if it is not because of this The interference of the matter, you and your brigade have long returned to the cornerstone, isn't it? "

"No! This is true! West Fer won't be a chaos!" Hailai heard someone who was loyal to the person, and his life said that he was persecuted to be mad madness, she could not stand Like relief.

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