Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1459 shows the circle

On the other side, he didn't have a step in the army, and he silently explored the third crystal ball. With a smoke, a movie was turned on.

"If you don't accidentally watch this image, what should you say?" The light shadow came from Bai Ze, and the sound of the straight bite of the teeth, it seems to be in advance, the psychological state of the words, Bai Ze It seems that more smiles continue to say: "It's not that you don't have to do this, you will always see this image, in order to make you, um! It should be said that you can see this image, you should see this image. I am in the end of the Frad family, I will have the same image of the light and shadow, sent to the Xianchai, dragon domain, holy city and spread, and your investigation hall will now be received, if The time is accurate, now is not your boss is not in the parliament city, watching this image in his office, just they will tell you this news, when will you tell you how long it is going? ! "

Bai Ze, this is a sink, and it seems that the other party is not prepared to come, regardless of this chambers, the result of this event. will not change.

"Ah! If you are finishing these three crystal balls in order, then you should now know how big, but also guess why this happens, yes!" Bai Ze exchanging arm with a foreign The tone of the tone is quoted: "This is what I am planning with Mr. Pufan, I am really increasingly admiring my teacher's eyes. He selecting this man is not wrong, when the animal husband When Vlameore passed the Dark Parliament to the intention of the cooperation, he did not agree with the magic face to ambush your agreement, but a combination of the intelligence marriage with the hell and the hell for the prior to coming out! He is too understanding what you can really angry your anger. "

"So, from the beginning to the end, we didn't think about any cooperation. Flamel is a chess, and West Fer is also! From Flamel to find us and determined that he is negotiating with me, he stepped into the trap and no longer Put. "Bai Ze said that he pointed to the smile:" Just like you are thinking now, West Flamel knows that Flamel is implicitting your message, and we find someone to secretly reveal this image Give her, otherwise, a big lady who has no forces to assist in the Parliament City can explore such a confidential thing. Now things have become the idiots, I really want to die, don't need us to encourage the murdere of murder, just poor Miss West Fer is really righteous! I have seen it in the end! "

Obviously, he participated in all this, but Bai Ze was also biased at this moment, and the expression of the joy and anger of the enemy. "Mr. Yan Yan, in order to successfully implement this plan, we have a lot of effort, after careful Reconstruction fused to record crystals with cornerstone technology and ectope magic, that is, in order to be able to record the truth of this event, it is still not enough! Some people will come out against this image is fake. It is some people who are camouflage! It doesn't matter, in order to refute such a saying, I have always been used to being famous, we are very intimate to prepare another evidence for you. "

"The hell's place has reached our strength to reach the superior ethnic group, and only the realm of the architecture can be hidden in my shadow in the context of Flamel, he is not found in the other side, he With your own physical memory, the details of all meetings, including Flamel's source and blood breath, these are can't make fake and this architecture has been moving to the investigation hall, you are an interrogation or draw a soul Memory verifies by you, he is your! This evidence can protect it well! "

The three major parliamentary priests and Flameiers, all in the macquard in the darkness of the mage, all of which were shamelessly smoke in Bai Ze, which was the last time that the last silk of the parliament. It's blocked, from the beginning, Vlameore is in the algorithometer.

In the end, Bai Ze is very self-known, and you know how you know this truth, you must do it! You really want to unload me eight pieces! "Said Bai Ze shrugged to make a doing emotic expression:" I It doesn't matter whether we have to die between you. I will change my life. I will do it without doing the results! I can see you so angry. I still think about it. Unfortunately I can't see this scene at the scene. However, I should be able to see the scene you and the magic plane, you will be avengeed to Sifer? In my opinion, you don't have any guy who will choose to be responsible for the overall situation, you really do this. I will be very disappointed! Ok, I will no longer stimulate you. This conversation is over! If you can live in harmony with the parliament, there will be a chance you come to me. Waiting for you. "

Looking at the white Ze who made a speech in the image, when everyone thought that the paragraph was at the end, he suddenly explored his head and said: "Oh is right! If you are the items received outside the parliament, remember Give the people to send things! They just don't know the ordinary people who are cheated, but you will not be impeded to be angry to ordinary people, kill each other or credit? "


"Hehehe! Hahaha!" Run your hand and closed the light shadow of the wooden cassette lost smoke, I was dissipated, and I borrowed a lot of laugh.

Just when everyone was happily laughing by this anti-normal laughter, the tears who wiped their eyes and laughed. "This Bai Ze is really very intimate! From the beginning! At the beginning, he and the animal dust always calculated me with the palm, and a pit dried a pit, let you know that it is a trap, but also have to jump! I! Leave it! Bai Ze, animal husbandry, don't let me Have the opportunity to find you! "

In the heart of the anger, there is no ventilation in the anger, and the Pasta's policy seems to be simple but practical. It is the use of West Fer's death to push the monster and the cornerstone. Say that the point of the hand is precise, it is clear, it is clear that this is what I plan, just like Bai Ze, don't you give Sifer?

The weight loss is not the style of him!

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