Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1450's Peer Attitude

"Dao Yan, if you dare to say what is your own private affairs, let me go back to handle it, don't have to do it with them, I will first punch your face." When I rushed back, I wanted to my companion When I say something, Wang Wenze grabbed one step.

"Yes! Everyone is a friend! And we have long been more than a friend, so many battles have been born in this year. How much we have seen it for us, but we don't need you to protect your hand. Children with chicken, we also have warriors who meet the psychological preparedness, so what do you want to do, don't take care of us, I will always support you. "Xia said that the neck has been prepared.

"Hey! Don't look at me! I owe you a life! Hey, or not, anything is still unclear, now it is a little bit a little. So this thing you don't bring anyone, you can't bring it. I don't think I will always think that I am very weak! I haven't been to the magic plane. I haven't come to show my newness. "From the incident, I have been chewing the chewing gum in the cold eye, I am going to first. Spit out the chewing gum in the mouth.

"This time, don't tell me what I will keep my parents at home. Many of your friends are only a child. They are willing to go to you. I have no reason to stay at home with this excuse." Put the shoulders in front of the front step and put him in the past.

"Hey! If I start the battle, I am not a single child! Unfortunately, my brother is can't catch up with this battle, otherwise, he will also choose to participate." Ye Ruo smiled and smiled.

"And I!"

"It's also one!"

Looking at the people in the team, I don't wait for myself to pick up a statement. Although I have already touched this result, I still feel very touched. He is in charge of his emotions to see the first one in the future. Meisi.

In the face of everyone gathered to their own sight, Meishen took the hat on the head and smiled his hair and smiled. "I know that I will be dedicated to you by you, but I still have to say that if it is just me Personally, I don't care about this life with your young people. I am standing, but I stand in the hall, standing in the perspective of your parents, and playing big saying in the big way, I hope you can keep you. Reconstruction and calm! This is also a short communication in our talents, and the reunion of the high-rise suggestions in the hall, of course, this high-level does not include your reputation, and the old captain Hu Jia and Ni General Captain, they all Represents to support your choice, Lao Gu is already ready to support it here! "

When I said this, the hats took down on my head, and organized a good hat and looked up to see the words: "This is my opinion! Hey, you are a very good young man, for investigation The hall has also made a lot of contributions, now you have the right to make yourself, once you do it, I will also support you, I said so much just want you to understand, you are not an ordinary agent, Your decision is not only involved in the interests of all parties, but also to trust your person's life, so it must be cautious when you make a decision! "

"Mei, I understand what you mean! I also know that this thing is the trap under my character weakness. In fact, I just want to ignore it, just take other channels, as long as I pass the external means, I can achieve it. Discover the results of Vlameore, just can't let him live a life! This is the most sensible response program, but this is not the result I want. "After listening to the good friend, listening to the persuasion of the plum, already Calm, after a deep thinking, he slowly opened.

"Well! I said, I will respect your choice!" Meisi sighed, and this decision made in him is expected: "What do you want? Is it ready to do it now?"

Meisi's survey of the survey of Meisi came up with the preparation of the battle, but the words were shake his head and said, "Mei, do you have money?"

"Ah? What? Money?" Meisi is very speechless about the words and jumping thinking.

"Amount, is the coin of the magic place!" The travel is fully engaged in Meisi, and the food traveling in the brigade is carrying itself, and there is no need to use money, so there is no need. The magical plane circulating the currency. He has a lot of the road, because he found that the hard-working currency of the ordinary mortal space in the road is also gold, the investigation hall has long noticed this for gold. Circulation strict management.

It is perhaps the way the way is out of the mortal society for too long. They are concerned with the production of more than Lingshi, and the so-called yellow-white things in the eyes of this world are not very very, so this time basically In the case of a variety of depends, it has been fostered in a variety of means, especially if he is in the Qing Dushen, most of its important practice materials are taken away, and the rest is also made by the fairyna. For the spoils, it is, which is the gold unmanned, and the squid, the squid, the sky, and the sea, and the others, these can not be able to do this, the other side is very big. The proven request, this can give the golden gods that are broken to the investigation department, and all the members of their small teams are divided into one. Of course, he will take the big head. No one. Raise objections.

"Well! I know!" Meisi listened to the words, I thought I would like to do what he wants, and I took a bag and took a bag and handed over the hands of the words: "This can be It is the highest denominity of the magical place. It is the price of gold to be redeemed according to the price of the price.

He felt that this bag took out a photo of this bag, opened a photo of the gold coins, and the other side of the world's humanoid, and the other side. It is a pattern that represents the three flags of the three major councils, and the work is still exquisite, and there is about one hundred gold coins in this bag.

"Bai Ze has a word, I haven't said it wrong. I am angry that I will not concert this matter to ordinary people." Said that he was responsible for sending letter to Sirman, which was scared by this scene, Throw the money bag in your hand to the other party.

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