Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1461 of the 15th

In this occasion, I can't do anything from the bag. I will take out the move to the other party's door, so he is very happy to throw a bag of gold coins. He is very chic to really be responsible for the plum. Si Wei is very painful, but also keep a smile to make a good expression.

"You let me know the right time in the right time, so this is the reward that you work hard to make action, take the money."

Holding a bag of heavy gold coins in his hand, Sirman feels that he is dreaming, after hearing the words, he trembled back: "Mr., this, this is too much! I just .... "

"I said this is what you should, now I will take the money and hurry, this is really what you have, you can't walk."

"Okay! Good Thank you!" Silmann did no longer jumped, the wind happily jumped, and he didn't have money at this moment. He didn't carefully throw a gold coin, urging him to drive. Leaving this is right.

As the carriage flew down at the carriage, he forated quickly. He said in front of a gold coin left in his hand to the front of the Austrian silk. He saw that he came to the three major parliamentary as the enemy. The opening: "Mr. Yan Yan, I know that I can't quell in your anger now, but I want to ask you to know that this is a blood brake, we are also useless! I hope you can think about it clearly Among them, the stakes do not have a inexpected behavior of the other party's circle. "

"You are right, this is indeed a number of blood brakes, but this thing is not a blood brake to go to Flameier, but the request for Flamel, if not he moved, this is also Don't there happen, can you say that he is innocent? "In the What attitude is.

It is impossible to get the responsibility of this point to completely clearing Flamel, and the Austrian silk has not held such a hope from the beginning, so she is very frank. "Of course! I said I said I just said. Flamel should take responsibility for this matter, this matter is going to pay ... "

"To give it to the two sides of the supreme dealties? I know! I know! You just said that this thing has nothing to do with my cornerstone, I have no right to jurisded! But now there is evidence that Fla Merl is to be hurting me, and Miss Xifer is because of this incident, this matter is related to my investigation department! You can't say that I have no qualifications, I'm talking about it! " The frequency of gold coins is getting faster and faster, and I'm going to say: "However, I think I will now let you pay Flamel to accept the trial, you will not agree?"

"Hey!" Was sighful for a while, and after a long time, he sighed: "Mr. Yan Yan, we all clear that if the result of Flamel now is a mella, then I have previously Everything that says will become meaningless. He can accept trials and even your investigation department can also send representatives to intervene to this trial, but he can't accept your private penalty! This is different! Do you understand? "

"Understand! If you want to make people, you will make Vlameier, it is equal to the world to show your parliamentary city and even the highest in the cloud, I am succumbing to me." Yan Yan once again The mage tower where Vlameir is located, then said: "I am not a unreasonable person, I will give you the time! Five-day! Is it enough time half a month?"

If you don't just be light, you are not only the Austrian silk, the Mi Si, the team, fifteen days! I don't want to do it now, it seems that my words still play a role in him, even if I wait until the time, I can make a full preparation for the investigation department, whether it is Help is still alone to make a relative response program.

And Otte is secretly embarrassed to face this group of terrible enemies, so that there will be changes in fifteen days, that is, the Supreme and Master Tower and the Bright Church should worry about it, the witch association is There is no need to do too much entanglement in this matter.

"After fifteen days, still here! I will invite the witnesses of all major, I want to see the living Vlameier and all those who have participated in the Sifer team, remember me said. The words! It is all relevant personnel! Including these siege behind you siege. "Audate has not been happy for a long time. The guards are in a breath, and all the faces of the people are all changed. Faced with the glory and provocative eyes of the murderous and provocative mellow, everyone is silent, and everyone is silently. Don't dare.

"If we don't give up to these people! Or do we have to hand over these people, how do you prepare to deal with them?" Austrian silk wrinkled.

"Trial! But I think this is just a process, and I will kill it here! You can block if you really do this, then it is the battle! Don't misunderstand the cornerstone, and the magic. The war in the face of the city is me! Just me and some people who are willing to follow my wars and your war! "Said that he said bluntly said his idea.

"He said, do you think you are? Do you think you are eligible to fight with the whole magic place?" The bright bishop on the side is finally irritated by the arrogant attitude.

"Hey!" He said that this bright bishirered, looked back to Meisi deliberately and fool: "What is this person? Mei, Meyu."

"Merris." Meisi's breath responded, followed by the eyes of the dead, I couldn't see the fool of the situation, I would like to provoke in this festival. Do you live too long? The Frad family participated in the six Dukes of the bishop. They were all destroyed by the . ?

"Oh! Yes! Merrez! You are the selection of the Word of the Crystal Ball Video, Summit, Summary, Satisfied."

"How is it?" Merrez gave a bad response.

"Merura!" Audi-Sila is a good behavior of the companion without brain, but everything is too late!

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