Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1462 Shameless Parliament City


I didn't say more words, I responded to Merreis, just gently popped up from his hand, gold coins were placed in the air under the air, and a golden light shot to each other's skull, in the scissors After tatting the paper, the forehead of Merreis was broken, and the red white thing was slowly flowing from the wound, Merreis stunned her incredible eyes slowly. Poured down.

Merris did not expect to have difficulty daring to violently in the parliamentary city, but he is not an extensive generation to reveal a killing moment. He has made many defensive skills to attach his own results. It is expected that his defense is like a paper paste, and it is easy to break by the gold coins of the paper, so that his body is not coming to make any response, so it is a life.

The bishop of a bright church thought of the strong people of the nine-level abilities Tiandao level, this result is huge to the three major councils, but the peer and dragon domains are This is often, is this shocking? It is indeed very amazing even if it is Liu Wei, Jinhe Xuan is a top master, and it is impossible to do so, and it is easy to kill a heaven.

It is the establishment of a uncomfortable attack, and he can easily break all the defenses in the world. As long as you don't know this, he is sneaked, it is the top of the heaven. It is also necessary to eat big losses in the hands of the words, the two high-order monks have a little more than a pointer, and there is no cautious when they are in the war. This bright bishop does not know that the news is closed or not active, or according to the old sets The result of the way to fight against the chance of white and white.

"! This is a parliament city! You actually bishard a bright bishop because of a sentence, your excessive move put the three major councils?" Outdres looked at the corpse in front of himself Merreis, the heart is horror and anger, we have a vigilant, and she turned his head and asked.

"Is it too much?" He said that he did not think about it: "This Merreis usually get used to the honor, hiding in this parliament city to do his high-rise bishop, I want to ask him to participate in the battle with the blood brake ?"

"Do you ask what is the meaning? Even if he really did something wrong, it was also Ellammel to ignite! He is not ...

"No! No! No!" Yan Yan stretched out the hand and shakes the way of the O'.. said that he pointed to Jessica before the road, he was taken by Merreis. The body said: "I killed him not only because he may participate in the partnership with blood brakes, do you know who this person is?"

Looking at the opaque eyes, he said, "I don't think you know, his name is a Magic veteran, and later joined Sifer's thorn neckcombe became her family, and he The identity is not only such as Sifer, he is also as simple as the magic army, he has participated in almost all the wars to invading all the war, and continuously commanded its migrant from the magic after the commander of the army The dare to die of the veteran veteran, laying another hard-old hard battle! Such a person did not die on the battlefield of the blood brake, but he died in his allies, hehehe! It should be said that claiming is the allies but even The guys who have never been over the battlefield, go to the fucking allies! "

After saying that the rumored Audate, the mute, the mute, the mute, said that it was a middle finger, and then continued: "My condition has been finished, how do you do it is your matter? If you think about it, if you think about it To revenge this person, or fear that after fifteen days will happen, you can send people to chasing us! But don't blame I have not reminded you, if you really do this, I will automatically see the cornerstone of the magic The plane is unilaterally war, we will also make a counterattent, we will kill one without a latter. "

After the words, I paused this, hesitated to open: "Before I travel, I want to ask the body of Sifer's body back? Or is her soul still survive?"

"Her body and soul have been purified under the hosted of the Bishop of Guangming." I heard the question of this question, the body is trembled. She wants to refute to the words of the words, and the head is also a low head. .

"Bastard! You have a born! How do you dare to do this!" Haila was first shocked anger, and rushed out of the crowd to the Austrian silk and others, for a devil belonging to the devil. The family was purified by the power of different beliefs of the ectopic face, and the body and soul were destroyed for any monk unacceptable humiliation and torture.

The Yan Yan took the desperate sea puller, and took it back to the summer, Xia Dynasty and Qiqi and others hugged the three magic of emotional excitement.

This result has been expected in the mouth of the righteousness, if it is not necessary to make this step, but in order to cover the truth of the things made by Flamel, he can only destroy the deadline along with West Sofer. The soul eliminates no clues to the outsiders.

"Reassured! I will deal with this matter." He said in an angry Hailai et al., Then referred to a few revolutionary remains left behind, saying: "I originally thought that at least the three major councils The alliance will properly resettle these remains. Now I don't expect them to be the bottom line of people doing things, old Jiang, trouble, you will converge these remains. "

Jiang Feiyang picked up several models from the quite, and these models automatically fately into the body of the road to pull the body into the quite, from the beginning to the ridiculous midths, etc. The silk is not moving until it has finished these things, he will look at the other party: "Now I have more people listed before the list, that is more than one person participating in the so-called essence ceremony."

After saying that the words are no longer able to go to the parliament city, with the figure of the investigation hall gradually disappeared in the vision, the bright church knight who is responsible for the homage of West Fer, can't help but feel angry: "Audate witch, will we let them leave this? If these people will not be good! After fifteen days, they will only come with a more powerful force, if they are facing this battle sooner or later. Why don't we destroy them today? "

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