Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1463 Security Back

"Do you have the ability to stop them from leaving?" Audate glanced at the knight.

"Hey ...!" The knight was asked by this, and the heart was dark and the bishop said that he was dead, but he still responded very uncomfortable: "But the Austrian silk witch, Here, the parliament city! "

"Hey!" Audord sigh, did not have too much explanation, leaving a group of guards turned to go to the city, she didn't know what this knight said, but the key is the current supreme Not in the parliamentary city, is it unable to eliminate the pedestrian of the Survey by the Supreme Single, with the Supreme Single. Yes, the magical plane is, after all, it is a four major faces that can be more than the opposite side of the road. It is really not to say that you can't do it, but no one is willing to do this.

The Master Tower, including Vlameore, is also unwilling, because any party of the three major councils don't want to take the price to pay alone, they all believe that they have the ability to eliminate the words, but they also don't doubt The first team represents the highest power level of the survey, and there will be the ability to kill them in the same capacity before dying.

This is in a dilemma. If the Supreme is mobilizing the three-party force to dispatch the enemy's strength, it can do the hidden dangers with the smallest injury, which is the most wanted to see the three major councils. I have paid a little acceptable for this matter, but the Supreme doesn't have the power that can be absolutely suppressed, and this triple is a ghost child.

The Witch Association obviously doesn't want to be blended in this matter. They have nothing to have in the festival, and they are not a good thing. They are not a good thing, and they should be the most active Master Pagoda. This is also intention, this is more fascinating to the Master Tower, and the personal grievances of Vlameier and the , after Vlamere became the Supreme disciple, because of his proud tolerate, let him in the Master Tower The internal members of the Master did not leave a good reputation and a human edge. They may be willing to make a huge sacrifice for this, in order to maintain the dignity of the Master Tower. The high levels of those mage tower are still a reason to reject.

In response to the most active anti-church in the action, each time with the investigation hall conflicts, it is not Flamel to Mora, but the most lost is the biggest loss is a bright church. How can they not be angry? ! However, the lonely wrapped in other two major forces, they could not be able to choose compromise.

The three major councils have their own care, and they have their own plans. If the temper of his past, if you know this, you can really rush to the crown, rush into the Parliament City. Fan forced to kill Flameir, if he really did that three major councils, there is no conflict, and it is inevitable to work together to destroy.

However, this time, in the past, Meisi said that he shoulder the life of too many people, as a friend Wang Wenze and others are willing to sell their own private envoys, but they can't really don't have the opponent's life. Winning, even if you have a revenge, you have to be fully prepared to have enough grasp to shoot.

He already had a preliminary plan when he sets about the following fifteen.

Because the impact of this thing makes the people who have returned to the heart like a large mountain, everyone is alone, which is not always for the upcoming battle, and it is possible to be a three major councils. The chasing troops arrived until they immediately showed space jump immediately, and connected to the partition barriers that can be across the plane, this intense emotion will be relieved. Everyone is tone.

When the other end of the space is Gu Yisheng, who is ready to start, after receiving the notice of the results of Meisi, I have been waiting for the next message in the spatial passage entrance, waiting for him to see all members. After a hurry to ask: "What happened?"

Meisi can only indicate the seriousness of things in communication, and others are not too much to say, so Gu Yishui just knows that Xif is dead, because of the death, the details are not known.

"Call! Waiting for a while, please tell us, do you have anyone to send something to our investigation department? Or who is looking for us?" It is necessary to meet with this time, and then he remembers that Bai Ze said that the evidence of the evidence will ask Gu Yisheng.

"No one sent something ..." Gu Shenghui just responded to a sudden one, put his hand to the tongs in the ear, one will change mouth: "Now there is a man who has just claimed to be a family I came to the base of the base, please see you, if you don't see you, any of our high-level reception, he said that he has something to turn to you to see him? "

I have already known what he has to turn, seeing him there is no need to swite back: "No, put this person and the things he bring, strengthen his guards and protect him is shadow Although I don't think he will escape, but still have to do this, then send someone to ask him to ask him to tell him that I already know this, we can now open a discussion. Is it very tight about me now? "

"Well! People in the hall are waiting for you!" Gu Shenghui did not speak two people in front of the road to the meeting room.

When they came to the conference room, they were already filled with people. In order to cope with the sudden incident, they did not leave after they got information, and with the entry of the people, they appeared more crowded. In addition to other players, other teams have to move from the other moving chairs on the wall.

When I entered the house, I took the superior cold, I talked directly about my experience. After a simple introduction of the Frad family, he took out the box with crystal ball, and put crystals The content of the ball is played one by one according to the mark.

When I read a full video, the chalk in the middle of the church was played, and the various opinions were raised. For a time, all the opinions were raised. Gu Shenghui saw that Yu Zhongmin saw that he is not good at the director. Yue Yidu.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

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