Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1464 Interior Attitude

Yu Zhongmin's dry cough allowed the venue's noisy sound, he turned to see the sorrowfulness: "This is a clear, and you must intervene in this matter?" Even if this is a blood brake white, the circle under the dust is set. "

"Yes! This has nothing to do with the circle, I admit that the animal husband is really giving me a way you have to choose. After this thing I will find him, but this is nothing to do with my present. Vlameier and his The governance must pay for the cost of what he does. "He said in a very certain response.

"You gave each other fifteen days of time?"


Yu Zhongmin lowered his head and lifted his head and slowly said: "Hey, you should know that the current environment is in your time for the Frad family action, the pioneer of the fairyna and the dragon domain. The team has also reached the hell place. Now the blood brakes have not been counterattack on this, but we all know that this short confrontation is a false icon, or this plan is to set the opportunity to make a few big. The alliance of the plane, giving the blood brakes to the machine! And we have worked with him so many times, it is clear that this plan may be just a series of plans. He took the opportunity to attack the world for the Draki. The power survey organization, the main force in this hall is also attracted to the magical plane, what is similar! "

"Yu Hoom, you don't understand! You said what you want to say!" Yan Yan knows that Yu Zhongmin is the fact, but he is now not interested in these, he wants one of the halls. attitude.

"I hope you can take into account the overall situation."

"The overall situation?" The unsuccessful, Yu Zhongmin, said that it is very popular. It is very paralyzed: "Yu Hoom, don't care about us! But a magical place! A Flamel is throwing That is his personal thing, but in this issue, the Master Tower, the bright church is involved in it! This is the blood brake in order to dig the pit, so that we have no choice but to accept their proposal, if you accept? We want Did you take into account the big situation? Why do I have to bear humiliation for the mistakes for others? This is a big way? "

Yu Zhongmin was rushing to the face of the red ear, but he was very dissatisfied with this, but it was unbeaten. These time for the first-line combat repertrous contribution to the investigation hall, and he can give a lot of constants and many times.

", pay attention to the attitude of talking! Yu Hoom, also in discussion on the matter." Gu Shenghui saw Yu Zhongmin's embarrassment, and the sorting is a solution.

"Sorry! I am a little impulsive because of this matter, but I am talking about my attitude. It is because I haven't chosen on the spot, but I will set the time to fifteen days, what you said There is also consideration on this road. I will do my best to do this, and ensure that the interests of the investigation department are not lost. "Yu Zhongmin is the upper level, after all the resources, the safety, welfare, etc. It is in the arrangement, and when you know when you should insist, see Gu Yishui, give a step, he will take the initiative to apologize to the other side and show his position once.

"Hey!" Yu Zhongmin, when watching crystal ball content, Yu Zhongmin knows that this matter has no way to change, and after sigh, he finally made efforts to say: "Isn't it a little longer?"

"Yes! Three major councils will be handed out in accordance with my conditions, so I am afraid that I can do my hand in my own manner, they can be held in the face of a few big-faced people! This way we can avoid conflict."

Yu Zhongmin shook his head and shakes, saying that if the magic face is willing to make people, he did not let go of this topic and asked: "If the other party disagree, you have a grasp Do you use strength to let the other party yield? Is the big camp in the opposite side in the case of its main source of this source? "

"I dare not say that I can do it, but I have such confidence after fifteen days!" Yan Yan bowed his head and gave his own answer.

"Well! Since you are so resolute, I am not so saying, I will convey you the attitude in the hall, and you don't support your choice in this order."

I didn't speak this, and I didn't speak this. The result was expected. Now the investigation department shoulder the critique of the entire cornerstone in the face of the vision of the ectopic face, and the investigation department is in the position of the self-interest, and the magic The hostility of the plane has not risen to the height to solve immediately. It is not necessary to take this big danger to make such a dangerous battle in the enemy's base camp.

"But we don't object to you can treat our attitude as a acquiescence, and the hall wants to help you play the players, we will not ordered the stop, huh, huh!" Yu Zhongmin added another sentence after the time. The elite team where I was sitting on the scene shook his head smile: "It is what we want to stop, I have no ability to stop."


"Thank you!" It's already the biggest support on this issue, and Yan Yan also understood the difficulties in the Hall.

Yu Zhongmin said with a face in front of him: "Don't thank me first! Who will go to us, but there is a person who left me anyway, this is not discussed!"

I heard this condition, I'm thinking about Gu Yisheng, think that Yu Zhongmin said that he said with the mouth: "No problem, Gu Dong."

"Who wants him!" It is said that Yu Zhongmin is knocking on the table, raising his hand to say: "I want him! Ye Ruo must leave me! He can participate in this matter. Planning deployment, but can't take risks with you! "

"Why?" Ye, named, was awarded to the face.

"Why? Because of your ability! Your abilities are inherited from the old hall! You have an obligation to take this responsibility for the future of the Survey, and your existence can maximize the investigation department to avoid going into those who are unbeatable. In the dilemma of the future, it is pointed out a relatively safe path, which is why you have to leave! "

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