Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1470 Core Source

"What is the power of this will make your father so tie? If you are so strong like you said, you will give me a foreign man." Listening to the introduction of Xira, I am excited and confused. " Bluntly.

Xirai smiled: "I know that you will have such a question! I said before the killing and death, it can be said that it is the power of the core of the hell, which is not a simple death force but by it. Killing the death of accompanying, it will make this ability to draw the enemy from the killing and death, every killing will make himself grow up! Of course, a single source of this source is not enough to threaten my father's status However, this power growth is too fast if it is not to contain, and once it is unsailed to produce a lot of madness, tyrannical, and on the ambitions such as crazy, tyrannical, and on the ambition of the right to chase, this will The rule has a threat, my father doesn't want to see the wounded Mozu and then experience a Tanaris-style rebellion. "

"This power is a waste here, it is a waste here, and it is a good destination, and my father doesn't want this matter to be separated between us. This is also a compensation for your support! As for the impact of this force becomes more crazy, oh! "Said that Xi Li took the head and looked at the words:" I think this is the least care, because there is no such power you all Strong enough to be crazy enough! "

"Okay! I have to say that I am willing to be moved! This source is really one of the best for us." Yan Yan is not thinking about the tenderness of the past: "What are we At the time of the transfer of the power of the source, do you have any side effects? You'd better say it because I immediately start preparing advanced work, time is too tight to complete it before the 15th. "

"You can start now! As for side effects, I said that this is a small impact on the state that you have fused. It is just after the conversion, you will have some feelings of this power, but according to you It's going to do what you have to do. With your killing, you will quickly complete the effluent with this power. "Xirang got up and replied.

: "Very good, then we will start now! What do I need to do?"

Xira went to the front of his strange mechanical eyes and said: "I need you to fully trust me, then you first have to complete the magic gods in the temporary change to become the body of the Mozu, you It is necessary to peel out from your integration, accumulate from your integration, accumulate your arm, and I will peel your skin, and I will start with your flesh and blood. The interchange of the power of the item. "

After listening to the time, I didn't say that I didn't say it directly. According to the steps she said, I completed the magic god into the body form, and transferred the fear to my right arm, the right arm of the flesh, finished these I saw that the same completion of the demon god change first was to cut the skin of the defense of the defense. As blood gradually seeps her, she didn't delay the skin of the arms, and put the finger path into their muscles.

"Hey!" Muscle is broken, and the words are just in a breath, and slowly closing his eyes. He can obviously feel a part of his own strength with the blend of two blood, a little A little detached and new power is synchronized into your own body to fill the blank that lost the part. This process has such a painful but more is a pleasant feeling that his body is involved in the new force.

The body is eager for this force. The same strength is also actively responding to the words, just like the dragon who is trapped in the brightestness after a heavy rain, returning to the sea, from the power of the past Finally found the most suitable for yourself, in the body of a ruthless gesture, quickly advanced the process of this source of power.

It is because the process of this source of this source is greatly shortened. It takes only one hour of the Caora's fingers. From the , once the wounds of the two people are healing, overall Said that the power is a decline, the sudden fall is unstable. If you change to us, you will definitely, you will now be immersed in the new strength of the feelings, and you will close your eyes.

"Call! It seems that I am really reluctant to be more than one minute in my body! The whole process is just like a prisoner who is eager to jailbreak, and can't escape from me." The shape of Caora is sitting back to the chair and grows up.

"Call!" Yan Yan, spit out a blood gas from the mouth, slowly opened the mechanical and smiled to the other side: "If you say this, this power doesn't feel very fit, if not, I will go to breakthrough immediately. The nine-level abilities are prepared, I will not hate immediately into the parliamentary city to give the power of this power. "

"I still advise you to take it! You will have this opportunity! I can clearly tell you about a certain amount of inside, the parliament will not promise your request, they may make a certain concession but not you I hope to see the trial, the battle is inevitable and the parliamental city includes their supreme to do the preparation of the battle. If necessary, it will completely eliminate the backbone of this cornerstone, if you have succeeded It can be said that only the strength of you will succeed that the cornerstone is among the race of the old style. If it is a failure of the cornerstone, it will be returned to the original shape. From then on, it is still a few big planes before. "

Xira said to look at the words and solemn. "This is not your small mouth in the holy city of the Fairy, the chambers of the city and the big areas will be regarded as, an emerging force is for the old power. The most important top strength challenge, so the parliament will not compromise compromise, which means that it has been admitted yet. "

Yan Yan said, "I never thought about what challenged to their status, even if there is anything in this bones, the truth is telling you, I am busy so long, the biggest wish, just hurry to stop blood brakes The problem solved, the killing of the killing, the rolling, a big pile, after processing, I will go home, give yourself a long holiday, first sleep, fainted, then play, play, fast, status ? Authority? Off me, can I win, can I dominate the world? Don't be a joke! "

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