Heterogeneity company

Chapter 1471 of the strongest form

After saying that these :: "A person, he will not let you live in the days, you have to add it to you! Okay! Don't let me not have anyone who is better, don't think Ok! "

The Declaud of the Yan Yan, I listened to the past, she stood up and went to the front of the prince and then told the young people before the face: "Although you and West Fer's feelings are not ended, But in fact, she has seen that her brow is at least she didn't win your heart and won your friendship. "

After saying that the Shirai took the shoulders of the praise, and the film was laid behind: "No matter how you want to make full preparation, you should be more careful! The Holy City can help you, wait until the Judgment Day I will send people to the parliamentary scene, although we will firmly support your decisions in morality, but not to make any substantive help, this is the final decision made by my father and the Supreme and another communication. "

"Okay! You can give these already beyond my expectations, the rest, I will find ways to solve." When I said this, I suddenly remembered a way to open: "Oh, there is still something wrong." I hope you can help me. "

"what's up?"

"Help me to ask the Bayon family to be enough to be a banner of the thorns collar the knight!"

After talking, I sent it to myself, I finally requested very confused, and I started to make the final preparation for the next advancement. For this, he took people from the transfer of the Fairy Palace to Lin Ru Xue for him. At the foot of the five holy mountains, the aura is full of ambitions from the group of Xianyuan. It is one of the Tao laws, and since there are five self-created practices to open the saints that affect the face of the law. This is known for the view, the Hongyu Cambrin Creation, Hongyu, the ancestor is one of these five people.

In addition to providing a certain help in addition to the promotion of , more importantly, in accordance with the performance of his previous advanced performance, he will inevitably attract the robbery and do the big battle. If the robbery is still small, if you only have to destroy the Fairy Palace and even Luo Cheng, Lin Ru Xue will open it far away, and the periphery of its preparation will make up the prevention of the power of the robbery. France.

When I came to Lin Ru Snow, I got the news from myself. Lin Zhao, who had received the news and Lin Jun Zhao. She had already waiting for it. In addition to the preparation of the law, more is curious to see how to look at the words. Countries that need to face during advancement.

Simple and the two people have taken people to join in the array, after removing the four of the four hosts, the two people turned and looked at the two people and the two people who got his hands and lifted. The feet have also entered the big array.

When I saw the two people entered Lin Jun Zhao, I would like to understand what I want to do, Lin Jun Zhao's brow wrinkle: "This is a way!"

This is not that someone else is the signator tiger wine, and his handsome sister.

"Triple Solution? Will it produce exclusion?" Looking at the preparations for the two people to start for the ceremony, Lin Ru Xue also guessed the answer.

Lin Jun Zhao, who did not turn his eyes and stared at the situation: "There is a certain danger! Before the Armed Conference Group, I have taught him the secret of the origin of the origin and the blood connected, and Tiger and wine rely on the effectiveness of the symbiotic contract, according to the common sense, it is a bloody relative, reaching the integration, and then completing the triple fusion with Tiger Wine, but the and is different. Nowadays, the advancement of the praise is too fast, and it is more integrated with the special blood of many . It is not the relatively balanced state of the fact that the two people can reach in the early days of the Jian Conference, which is buried for this triple A hidden danger, now I have to see if I can hide the adjustment. "

Lin Johao is also a bit worried at the moment. These two sisters can say that she is a trump card that she has been cultivated. Anyone is that she is unbearable. I think that she can't help but feel: "It is willing to make this choice. It seems that this time is really anger. "

In the field, he had already paid a matter of attention to his sister and tiger wine, and these things have been well prepared in these two days, and they have been well prepared, and there is no state in identifying the three people. After the problem, Yan Yan first looked at his own sister.

Without too many words, the two people have the heart of the heart, with the integration of the two palms, the merger of Lin Jo Zhao, is running at the same time, and the body is gradually cultivated as a shadow and .

This is to develop the tricks developed in actual combat, so the process of fusion is very short. Almost in several breaths, they have completed this integration. Now, the exterior appearance has changed slightly, and the previous cold appearance has become clear. Handsome, but the words can now enjoy their appearance, after stabilizing the body state, he nodded.

After receiving the commanding tiger wine, after a wolf, the generalization made a blue light into the body, the three people completed the triple shots, I saw that the heavens looked up and hoped that the sky is not affected. It controls from its body.

The boundless air waves and the peripheral defensive fault crashed into the road, feeling the violent informed forests in the field, the snow is not awkward, and it is difficult to confirm: "This may be the strongest form of !" The order has been comparable to the main moment of the Lord of the source. He is just a breakthrough and the last silk of the heavens and the earth. Jun Zhao, although it is not you, but now the main idea is not you, but now the most Can people who may reach this realm, is this the purpose of this? "

"I did this, I didn't even think that I didn't think of it, I can't say it, I can't say it, because I don't break through that layer, he or becomes surpassing our existence, and that layer is just It is the most difficult to break through it as a person. "Lin Jun shook himself.

At this time, there is also the same sentiment with Lin Joshao. He can feel the power of this body, this power even makes him have an impulse, that is, now break the empty The magic face and the Supreme War, but the rejection of the rejection in his body will be dispelled, the body and the soul of the soul, the and tiger wine, which is generated in the rumor In conflict, the two power lost the control of its owner's original consciousness. For this power that did not belong to himself, the power did not belong to the righteousness, and the power of the two stresses didn't seem to be exclusive, so they were launched for each other. A impact.

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