Heterogeneity company

Chapter 465 is a touch

"You are too rude! It's just that it is necessary to do so for you!" Staring at the middle of the group in the middle of the group in the middle of the yard, if there is no matter if there is two people, Bayon violently, the heart is also confession, things The abyss that has been out of control is rushing.

This is not what he wants or continues. However, he does not understand why this group is so strong from the perspective. Is this not a common state between cooperation between each other? Are they special? I can't eat it, there is a matter of life, and I have always been myself!

Looking at the people and the provocation of the group of people and the provocation of the cooperation, Bewron has become a difficult momentum of riding the tiger, and if it is retreating in this environment, then he not only lost the initiative to the battlefield, even The people must lose together!

No matter how, let the other party give a statement!

"Let me put my people, you have a hand, I want to find a saying!"

"Don't find it, I am coming!"

The voice of the Bayang just came out from the crowd. Everyone rushed to see the rumor to hold the solar umbrella Zhao Yuanhu. Surrounded by everyone, he was in the mind of the eyes of Brang. Let the open road will be successfully walk into the hospital.

"Mr. Tang ....." When the rumor is intertwined with his own figure, Bai Long hurriedly wanted to say something, but he was arrested to open his face, it is no longer a hard-looking face, and walks straight to the center of the venue. Standing in Ye Ruo before two people, punching in the capital.

Summer is like dragging the dog. Generally, the body dragged the sea. It came to the front, but he didn't wait to return to the words of a loud slap in the face of Xia Xia.

Feel the spicy pain of hot pain, surprisingly don't resist, but I have a low head. I saw that the people of the Mozu in this scene, I finally changed, I looked at it. How do you do it in your own part.

"Summer, you really lost our face! Do you think we need to use a hostage to ensure your safety?" If you are eager to send from hell, he heard this, all the audience is one It is even more dark in my heart.

Just listening to the righteousness and continued to hear: "I heard Mr. Bai Lu said, he wants you to release his department, then interrupt her legs will give people people!"

"Yes!" The summer is focused on the head. It won't wait for Byron to stop the foot of the sea. The sea rare pain is stimulating the scream of the sea. After that, the head is once again dilute, and all the summer rigid will thrown the sea.

Looking at the sea puller who loses a serious distorted deformation in front of him, this herself looked at the little girl who grew up in West Fer, and he gave birth to the heart. Roaring: "Dragon Dors! You are too much! Don't think that you can do whatever you want! Our magistrate is also the bottom limit!" In the face of not knowing to the stairs, he always calmly calm Wen Ya Bewron finally torn off his mask, and the head of the head of the top of the world sent a dazzling red light. At the same time, all the hands of all the hands were all completed, and the crystal knife Huo Huo made a battle posture, only waiting for his leader. Order under!

"Over you! Don't want to cooperate with three trials of four times! Don't you choose to cooperate? Hey! Give your face!" Respond.

"God!" Absorbed the Summer of Liang Guangsheng, and the double-handed scorpion has rushed from its body, and it is not allowed to take an exotic and generally two mechanical fresses. Handheld the big sword.

"The way of the sword, the sky!" Ye Ruo after the whisper, the long sword shouted the sword array once again, and at the same time, the sky in the sky was in the sky, and the clouds were rolling. The rose rain drops from the air floating, and the sound of the dragon is coming from the sky.

This is still not enough to finish more than 100 machines. I don't know when it all flews the air. All open arm electromagnetic guns aimed at the field, in addition to this, the sound of the tiger is in the ear sky, I don't know when I was The floating mechanical gold carving, the steel gold carving is dissatisfied, and it is even more fear. It is a faucet in the dark clouds. Everyone knows the origin of the dragon, five machinery Shenlong in the dark clouds. Turning around!

Black cloud is compromising the city. A war is touched!

The Mozu who originally relying on the number of people will see this scene, and I can't help but take a cold and tight grip. The long swords in the hands, Qi Qi, waiting for him to send the number to the Bai Lang.

At this time, Bai La is listening to a guard posted from the outside of his ear.

"The big people in the street suddenly have a large number of steel immersions in the streets, and our people have not received any gathered information before, many people are divided by these steel alcohols, and there are many different The beast is coming to the peripheral guard against our peripheral guards. Now the two sides are in the face of the situation, and we should do it. "

Listening to the guards of the guards, the forehead continuously seeps out of the cold sweat, and it is very big, because it is impossible to build a military camp, so only enough people are scattered in the residents, but people will have a self All lives have been touched. Once they have been resiliently surrounded by people, who can think of that the other party is only four people to release so much war?

Looking up at the people in the population, the woman who did not put in the heart before released steel with the , and it seems that there is no number of restrictions!

I have seen these embarrassing combat efforts to fight with so many kinds of fighting, what kind of price will be given, even if I win, I will win, and I will lose weight, and the other party is only lost. Some no life. Yes.

Thinking of this red light on this Baye gradually faded up, he retreated his mood, his hands and low-speaking: "Notice, let everyone keep alert, remember that the other party does not move myself, absolutely not allowed to raise, illegal Hey! Is this a dead ordered to understand? "

Looking at the leading guards quickly ran out of the court, Bayon took a deep breath. Since there is no attack in the first time, then explain the other party and does not want to completely tear his face, then there is still something.

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