Heterogeneity company

Chapter 466 means

Sitting in the sofa chair taken from the quenteen rushing, the two, the squad, the squat, the cold eyes, the cold eyes, the face, the face, the face, the heart, the heart, the bayon, did not send a word.

"Mr. Tang, the development of things now is that you don't want to see it, in order to cooperate smoothly, we have been restrained your own behavior. In the discussion, I have already retired in my department, and we are in order to cooperate The kindness released by the Bureau should not be a tauntable object and a symbol of being a weakness! "The words of the vocal, the voice of the Bai Long, causing the resonance of the Mozu to resonate all the magic soldiers Qi Qi .

"Go to your grandfather's cooperation!" Yan Yan said lightly lifting the smoke in the exit, revealing a telled look, moved in the sofa chair.

The first time, I was born, I was a blushing, I was born in a white blush, and my eyes were smashed: "Mr. Tang, no matter how you said that you are also the representative of the cornerstone, say that this is really in line with your identity. Is it so unbearable that the etiquette of the cornerstone is so unbearable! "

"Ha! Hahaha!" Yan Yan Wen said that he heard what kind of joke was smiling, and Ye Ruo, who was looked at him, laughed in two: "Take a look, see if people say that we are talking about ""

In the face of the exaggerated performance, if you look up with the two people who have two people in the summer, I am full of disdain on the face, I have finished this, and I'm talking about the body and put the cigar in my mouth. Tao: "Why don't you call me a name? Mr. Tang? What makes the big people who are extremely distinguished? Is the mechanical framed by my source? Is the same as this world? Like? Is it a hand of the surrounded? "

"Mr. Tang, I reiterate again, we now keep restraints, is for our future cooperation prospects, our magicity will never be frightened by others, but they can't fight.!" On the front step tip of the front step, I told Mat.

"Hey, look at a group of people who are refuge and stealing people can say such beautiful words. I don't know what you want you to hit the natural disaster army!"

"Mr. Tang, the persistence of the tongue is helpless in the situation, or say you really want to find a cooperation between the two planes, and insisted on the battle!"

"Collapse your set!" Yan Yan looked at the Bayron of a sorrow and anger, and said he said with the rear of the cigar and said: "You! And you behind you." That idiot! I know what happened just now! You should also understand that even if he uses the same way, my people will still lose face safely, it will be yourself! "

I heard this words and Leohad, in this case, the pride of the Mozu made them unable to lie, and it is difficult to endure.

"Let us talk about etiquette!" The words of swallowing the mist fell to the two steps around: "I have not personally hosted this duel, you don't know why? This is because of my cooperation The trust of the two sides, I trust you, but what did you do? At the same time, you will intervene the duel! You are going to the wind, you will be intervened to stop the battle, your people are life? My people Not! Or, the duel between two people in this place is no longer sacred, but like the streets, there is no rule to say! And I will talk about the etiquette! "

"Cough, Mr. Tang! Please pay attention to the words, we have said from the beginning, this is just learning, it is a way to understand the strength of both parties. It is that you are too sensitive to the danger, I also want to stop. The duel, it is the other hand to stop me, you can't shirk all your responsibilities to me, and it is a lot of emotions that you have won the event! "

Listening to the generous words of Bayang, he looked at Zhao Yuan Hu Yan, who was to take an umbrella next to himself: "Zhao, do you know that I am most inspired?"

Zhao Yuanhu shook his head and said that he did not know, he said: "Double standard dog!"

Although I don't know if the double sign dog is, I also guess this is not a good word. If I only see him, I will fall from the sky from the center, and the shoulder explore two projections. A piece of image is put on.

Looking at the image of the light curtain, the Mozu is embarrassed. When you see the play, you are in the weakness. When you are in a disabled, the courtyard of the courtyard is awkward.

"Dare to ask Mr. Bai Lang, what is it?" Yan Yan boardized his hands and looked at the neck and looked at the words of the stylus. "" Faced with your sarcasm, there is no violent fight! Your person Cold mortiars we have the restraint, our people repeat two sentences from your mouth, it is necessary to be attacked! It is also necessary to be deducted to destroy the collaborative big hat. Is there this truth in this world! Byron! Don't forget it is Your people move your hands, you will then provoke. Three provokes. What is it for? I really thought I didn't know! "

Speaking of Yan Yanyuan. 31xs.org turned around to take a circle around: "I know! People who have realized the happiness in the event know! Today's discussion is just a test show! Try to test? Ah, we only come four people, you I feel that this is perfunctory, I feel that our strength doesn't want to master the initiative in the next battle! I have something to say, I am looking for a big look, who looks like many grievances, Brang, I Let me say that I don't want to be a fool! The last person who puts me as a fool is asze! You should know him! "

In this way, the sky in the sky, the faucet of a dragon in the flash thunder, quietly explored the black cloud, a bright light flashed in his mouth, not always with a dazzling radiance The town outside the town is a deafening explosion.

"Said so much, Mr. Tang is determined to tear his face to war!" The words of this copy of the rumor to the cricket, and Brand also only puts the same tough attitude. .

"Ah, Peace's initiative has always mastered in your hands, let you never cherish it!" Hey shake his head to reveal the helpless expression to returned to the chair and gently knocked his handrail sigh: "Byron, At the moment of your magic messenger to the cornerstone, this is not a simple cooperation between you, but the alliance between several sites, no you can select a higher level of collaborators. Your existence is really not particularly important to me! "

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