Irritated, angry, impulsive, bloodthirsty, praise from all kinds of negative emotions, thanks to the beast, waiting for his answer, and the plan three times is constantly changing him by death. The influence of the debris becomes anger, and the Mozu's test made him last patient.

A sense of urgency! A sense of urgency! Still a sense! The end of the star, the life and death of Ye Jiu, the anti-theutiveness of the natural disasters, and the response to the face is like a mountain. He is breathing, and the top of the battle is coming to the wind full of building to force him to be more desired than any time. Strong, only so that he can stand in an invincible situation in the next war, protect yourself.

Therefore, when the Mozi issued a sudden moment, the other's attitude has been completely in an anxious state, and under the hometown of the surprise, when it is rushing to the opponent, it will order it to find the opportunity to live in the other party. Biting, just ahead of this time or completely uniforms this group of , or if he said that he doesn't want to take cooperation with these people, it is better to fight the knife behind each other. .

Feeling the fierce murderous murderous, thanks to the other party this time, he is not in the bluff. He is really intended to kill himself, but the war is the choice of choice, as long as you have an immediate It is inevitable to bleeding conflict, can you do so many people? Miscal how many years, he really does not understand why this person is so strong, and it is not willing to eat. Don't understand why the cornerstone will send such a hero to cooperate.

In the rain in the rain, the hand hung in half of the air, when he made a tough decision, a voice came from the broken building: "Stop!"

In addition to Start trimming your slightly long fingernails.

Switch out of the broken sleeper, with Xif, who is broken from the first floor hall, and gently hold the uncle and hold the uncle's hands and gently, then turn around. Slightly smile: "Distribute!"

"But adult!" Leohad strongly endured his injury, and in the previous step to persuade the road.

"I said, everything happens here is because of the misunderstanding of cultural differences between our two sides. Since it is misunderstanding, this is not conducive to the conversation as a one of the aid, we should There is a more grateful heart and a big mind, so I will go on, I will hurt me for this! "West Fer will laugh in the back of the peach flower.

I didn't score the mouth, I extended the left hand left by the threw, and the heart got the god Ye Ruo took the lead in the sky, the radiant sword array hanging in the air.

I saw the song, the Mozu soldier led slowly withdraws the big court by the captain of each squadron under the strategy of Bai Lang, and the Mozu surrounded by the entire court has been withdrawn. West Fran and Bai Lang and the companion of the righteousness.

"Mr. Tang, my people have all withdrawn, you can also withdraw these arrangements, I think our strength is not enough in your eyes, and there is no need to surround it in this heavy confidence in your eyes. Is it right? "Sifer walked to the Summon on Duty, I opened my hands.

After cutting your fingernails, I got out of the nail knife and lifted the Erlang leg lost: "Who said to start negotiating, Miss Xifer will not think that you can embody a battle, I am very angry It is very serious to take out sincerity to eliminate my anger. Let's talk about other things. Otherwise, I will not give up the right to put into force. "

"That will stop this rain first, don't have a good mood to talk about problems in such weather?" In the face of , The playful hand explores the umbrella, and then laughs outside the umbrella.

The rumor is a point in the lead, and the steel will stop in the front of the steel. When the number of steel, I will let the road to let the road, and the clouds of Lei Yun in the moment, the smoke, the sun, the sun, the sun, the sunshine is again enveloped in the earth. And the replacement of the dark clouds passed from the sky from the sky with the shadow of the flying eagle.


"A nonsense, I am very busy with Miss Für, if you are not your own meaningless move, now I should bring people in the investigation combat environment to develop a plan, you are using your stupid delay I have a precious time. "Yan Yan put his hands on the knee and smoldering the sound.

"Mr. Tang, I understand that you feel angry for our move, but I also ask you to understand our behavior, the cornerstone is too mysterious than other places, there is always a banner that is forbidden. The land of the top, your horizontal is born, making us amazed in the progress of the cornerstone, and let us have an intelligence that I have learned from the past. suspected that this made us have to be cautious. The next cooperation, tested to be better cooperation later. "Say that this Sifer looks at the flying eagle dragon that brings over the top:" You and your minus have fully confirmed your strength, The Mozu follows the strong you win! "

"So? According to your statement, we are unreasonable." The arms were shouted in front of the body, and the Ye Ruo after him was turned to move from the hall. After the chair was placed behind West Fer.

In the face of the goodwill released by the royal family, West Fer didn't care about it. "Of course, it is the rude move of my maid, and she has been punished? The arm is a leg, even if we are also cultivated for a long time to recover. "

"This is not enough!" .

"The commander of the next battle belongs to you, we will completely listen to the field of dispatched the fight!" West Fer continued to give its own conditions.

"No, no, no!" Yan Yan stared at the head of Sifer's eyes. "Miss West Fer, you can't use things I have already asked as negotiation conditions, the so-called battle dominant Not you give me, but I won after this battle! "

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