With Ye Ruo, there is a hidden marty to gather together, there is constant magic dog to jump out of the dog group, a shadow of a shadow is jumping from the side, and the four five devies In this way, the nest of the neighborhood was bonded together. Subsequently, in the extremely difficult mourning, there was a small amount of buffalo, and the corner did not disconnect the three-headed dongs that did not clear the black liquid. Want - Free - Fees - View - During - White - Edition - Please - - - - -

The giant monstrual that has been summoned by the trellit Mozu has launched an attack. This group of comparable tanks monster hard, the bull's sleepers continue to thrown the boulder, under the command of the Moist, from Leohad On both sides of the Chinese army to rush to the bull collar.

At the same time, the hell three dogs re-combined continued to run back and forth on the battlefield. When the ground was trembled again, this group of hell dogs felt changes in the first time, concentrated to break the land to run, do not have a lot of murrpeus from underground When drilling, a hell three-head dog smartly avoided the magma ejected from the other side, the huge body flexiblely jumped between the body of the murryworm.

A head, two heads, three heads, one of a murrystorm, the most hanging on the seven or eight hell dogs, once the murderous worm is felt, it is difficult to turn over, each hell three dogs shake three brains, crazy Tear the smell of the murderer, the layer of layer seems to be unbreakable, the skin of the rock, is fragile in front of the sharp teeth, and after a few times, it is biting a big hole. However, how long does it take to make a scales, and the scales are hurt.

boom! boom! boom! A series of explosions transferred the line of sight from this wonderful hunt, just when they fight the prison dog, the people who summoned the magic crocodile once again replaced the star of the hand, at this moment Chao Tian's magical attacks have frequently slamming the bulls from their palms, while they are attacked by murderous mutes to attack the mute fire in the new hell three-headed dog covering the position, covering the shadow of the shadow The insects heel the penis on the bull.

Under two new joined remote firepower, the blocking efforts in front of Leohad suddenly went sharply, the morale, the knight, shouted the slogan to attack the defensive position composed of the bull's armed armpha, finally rushed up. Bulls topped on top of the hillside.

However, there is a joy that they are not victory, but the backbone of the natural disasters, the red armor warrior, this group of only five hundred teams, in the first time, in the first time, the team of Leohard, two military front phases The Magic Army of the homderrier, and the army of the rain was once again hit back.

At the same time in the two armies, the magic of the air with the Eagle Head people whisper rushed to the position, a hawk head fell to the wings hovered in the female body, and the claws constantly grabbutum The body's hawk mouth is a road magic attack, and the closeness is on the meter of the female body.

Soon the two ends have been suffering from the devil's remote artillery. The body is not enough, and the first thing that can't be unable to get rid of the sorrow, the whole body is not controlled.

Just as the Eagle Moist was preparing to expand the results, the Tianzhi Camp camp in the campsites, waving the bat wings to fly in the air, did not see what they did, did not hear it? The sound, an eagle head of the Moist, looked at the two-year-old, which was planted in the air, and they didn't wait for them to climb up from the ground and was caught up. The armed people were cut into meat.

"Similar to the vocal wave attack people, I can't hear, I found that their frequency is valid to the Moist, the role is not strong, but for safety, bring this to the fluctuation of the source of the nursing body once the alarm is issued. Quickly get rid of the remaining on the battlefield to give me a resolution. "Yan Yan stared at the surveillance of the battlefield. From the arms, three things like the earphones were hanging in the past.

"Do you want to help?" Zhao Yuan has a headset to hang his headphones in his chest.

"I will go out, you will wait for me before I go to the Moz," said that I said that I was knocked on the head. "From the situation of Nathers Valley, the other party has been The signal requested support, a large number of red armor warriors have departed as the red air disasters, but the speed of travel is a bit slow, and it is urged to take it. "

"Understand!" Ye Ruo stopped the Sixe who wanted to stay to help, and two people had a good to follow the battlefield, while the words turned and rushed to the Bull Lord battlefield. direction.

At this moment, the Bull collar hovered onto a large dyeing tank, and the plasma excreted the ground to spread the ground, the Moist and the red armor warrior.

Until this time, he really saw the true strength of this group of red armor samurai. It seems that the Mozu and yourself have doped with moisture, too big to boast his strength, now the situation of the battlefield is a disadvantage. The Tianzheng Legion stabilizes the footsteps of the Devil Knights.

After the attack, this group of red armor killed their identity, just like the Mozi combat method, the central group of the Tianzi Legion was also divided into a martial arts and good at remote attacker. Communicator.

In the five hundred teams, it can be seen that the four hundred people with the Leohad melee are the army, and these people's attack methods are very similar to Lily, and they have the same ability to absorb the same capacity as armed people. The enemy's attack, but they have a much higher than armed people.

This group not only has its own ability to think independently, but the longer life is not like armed people, they will be self-destroying cannon ash, they can constantly record the strength of the opposite attack and the way of attacking, and show in the battle Out of this, there are also strong defense capabilities and self-healing.

These features make the more battle between the army to survive in the battlefield, the stronger, the stronger, the more stronger, the stronger battle creature.

It's just that these helper people have been difficult enough. It is more headache that this group of will also hit the surgery. Each ten army can make a way forward to attack the attack.

After the body, there is also a disaster commissioner with a group of wolves as a governance. When the words are really joined in the battlefield, they don't understand why the Moist will give the other party.

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