Heterogeneity company

Chapter 482 Chapter Case Communicate

It is not like the magic remote attacker's attack. So, the momentous constant annual thunder-free ice cubes fall. The disaster disaster disaster in the natural disasters is like the rear of the sculpture. At the time, he felt the terrible of each other. Mobile phone end https: //m.vodtw.

Decadence, frustration, loss, pain, a variety of negative emotions released in the rumor in the brain, there is an inexplicable image of his family in his mind, yourself in the home and his parents, my sister is done at home. Dinner, father's panel is concerned about his face, and the mother can't blame the father, while smiling, I will have my favorite sauce ribs.

The tears can't stop from the eyes, I have been almost a year, I usually use heavy training and fierce battle to paralyze my homesickness, but when this scene is in his mind, When the emotion suddenly hit the snest of the emotions, the tears were flooded, and the hometown is sad and sad, and the body is sad, and the bulls will fall down from the air, and the double knees will hold the chest breathing difficulties.

"Su Zi, this is caused!" Idea told Yan Yan This cannot be his true emotion, it is a means of enemies. But he still can't control his emotional fluctuations, just for a while, His thought has been Missing family moves to the nostalgia of my companions, and the scenery between the teammates in Hu Wenjun is constantly reflected in its brain.

"It can't be identified, what is currently determined from air influence, color, graphics, sound, and analyzing, there is no problem, suspected of psychological interference from unknown power." The sound of Su Zi responded in its brain.

"Can you determine whether it is affected by visual and auditory? The mysterious force that can't be analyzed, the Suizi does not need to pay attention to my emotions, give my body to you to manipulate the opportunity to destroy the group of monitors." The intrusion of the negative emotions of the cerebral sea, biting the dental command.

"Understand!" The body of the voice came from standing again by his own consciousness. The left mechanical eyes flashed a inexplicable look, and the next moment, the whole person spacked.

I ignored the battlefield of the fierce battle below, directly brushing the positions of the two sides, and the squadron of the sight of the monographer's surveillance, the monitors at the moment were all flying in the half-air, and Because of the factors of the sound wave attack, the Eagle Moist did not dare to be too close to this group of monitors, which can only hide from the remote attack and its intersection of the mouth exported outside the mouth of the acoustic attack.

I saw a rushing, a song, a hawkou, an eagle, rushed to say, "Be careful, they can use the sound wave attack!"

"Remind him? Just after the back of the cold eye is now, it is time to eat and suffer. I know that this battle is not ruining the natural disaster column." Another Eagle Hagui once issued an attack, after the cold eye In the case of the monitoring, he rushed to illegal iron, so he also known that this person's importance turned to see the two companions to himself: "You go to the bottom to meet him if he suffers. Be sure to cover him to take him away from the battlefield. "

"I think you don't have to worry about him." The words have not finished, a burst of piercing the noise of the eardrum, his companions looked at the front of the battlefield in front of his companion.

When this person he wanted to look back to the battlefield, he saw that the attack of the Tiger into the flock, the attack is not only any effect, but in turn, the rain is like a three-year-old fall.

I have long mastered the sound wave weapon as an attacking means, knowing about the terrible of this murder and invisible weapon, so he does not change the chance of this group of monetary acoustic wavefronts for his own opportunity, and transforms the body in the moment. A large power audio release is sufficient to affect the noise attack of its body.

This is called his own way, and the body is also sensitive to the monitor. This group is extremely sensitive as a monitoring manager. It didn't expect that the other will use this attack. The eardrum was shocked by blood. Drop the ground.

Don't give the opponent's opportunity, and the son of the body is constantly expanding, and the two-row of metal storms have been explored, and the storm rains will not be able to return to the battlefield. Monitor smashed the sieve.

Clean up the residual enemy and the circle and swivered to the Eagle Eagle. German must act as planned! "

"Hey, hey, yes!" After hearing a scene of the scene in front of him, after hearing the words of the words, he took the taste to respond, and he shouted his companion to continue to launch the remaining two men. s attack.

After all of this, he swept the position of the disaster spreader above the ground. The hateful bite did not stop the turning head quickly broke out of the battlefield, the magic tributan attack finally roared, just in the way The monitor is transmitted back to the information, which not only accelerates the speed of the red air disaster, but also adds the number of red armor warriors, and a vast reinforcement is quickly rushing to the Bulls.

Quickly detached from the battlefield range, he is next to the conveyor, Ye Ruo has been waiting for more time in the three people, looking at the words from the sky, the hand-held trees, unfolding the face, and continuously wiping his face while breathing.

"You, you, how do you cry into this!" Xia Dang and Zhao Yuanhu almost shouted at the same time, they were really scared, and they were joined in the battlefield, and they were all kinds of mental preparation. However, they never thought that he will lose his breath and cry.

"Call, call, call!" He said that his emotions wiped his face's tears. He took out the mineral water from the quite: "This is later explained later, MD! This help WB The egg is completely irritated, waiting for the Laozi to come back to slaughter! "

After that, he screwed the bottle cover with ice water. After the cheeks were calm, then threw the empty bottle to the side: "Let's go! Start it!"

At this point, he is responsible for managing the Mozu in the transmission mirror to put your hand on the conveyor, the shine shining the conveyor gradually emits soft rays, and the scene in the mirror is no longer a man. It is a hidden bushes outside Napas Valley.


After the Moist sent a reminder license, after the first step took the first step, Ye Ruo received a license for a self-confidence in the earphones, and two people in the capital were bordered to take it into it.

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