Heterogeneity company

Chapter 487 First City

The light and shadow that shines with the sun, and the natural disaster army that is ready to launch the attack has been observed, and the offensive steps gradually slow down from the offensive formation to become a defense pattern. Mobile phone end https: //m.vodtw.

Although I saw that I was in the bull's collar, I have a big loss, I speculate that this person is definitely refused to pay back, I will return to returns, but when Leohard sees that it is like the bottom of the bowl from the sky. At the time of the iron wall, it still can't help but constantly convulsions.

boom! The huge impact force triggered the ground to the sky while picked up the sky, in the case of Xia Duan's control, a thick iron wall with a large sea bowl, which was taken away by the bottom of the bowl, and the solid buckle camp Among them, hard iron walls will directly divide most of the disaster communicators from the army.

The Seven or eighty people.

Both sides have reached the end of the strong, the final ending is likely to be buried together on this sand field, but no one has returned the meaning of the life and death, and there is still a weapon in his hand to cut each other.

As the main initiator of this battle, he felt the cruelty of the war on this moment. On the one hand, there was a sad feeling that he was not self-confidant. Nowadays, he is in the life of others, and there will be no one will be manipulated in the future. What about your life?

He also knows that he is not working in this too much hurt in the autumn, and the big hands play more than 100 machines, and go straight to the bottom of the sun.

boom! boom! boom! From the bursts of explosions from the bowl, more than 100 machines are almost crazy metal storms, electromagnetic guns, and ribbling screams, will continue to hiped the disaster communator to rush to the big bowl.

I looked at the disaster spreader who was smashed by the bullets. At the same time, he raised the throne in the heart, and he was also very strong by the opponent's powerful defense, throwing their almost metamorphosis of the body defense. This group of disaster spreads When he was attacked, he would hold into a group, and the two-handed day released a layer of viscous scarletic liquid obstruction in them, and this layer of liquid is effective in weakening the attack.

The defense of the number of people they left is limited, plus the is too intensive, and finally falls a full army.

It is looking to the iron wall of the hot and hot and hot red, and Leohad knows that this disaster communication is all reimbursed. Seeing this, he glared and smiled slightly: "This guy is all the allies." When you look, you will be more and more! "

After saying this, he hit his head and turned around his own departure: "Now our allies come to support, the Mozu's warrior we can meet them with this look!"

"No!" The magic soldiers who have been exhausted are standing up in the hands, and the slogan that is not neatly responds. This victory should belong to them, and they have been fighting now.

"Yes, victory belongs to the devil! It belongs to Qatar plus autonomous collar!" Leohad Hand Holding the sword pointed the first to rush to the Tianzi Legion camp.

"Victory belongs to the devil! It belongs to Qatar plus autonomous collar!"

The black and red stream hit again, but this time the natural disaster army has failed to show the previous Wu Yong, when the two military will meet, suddenly, the heavy pressure interrupted the pace of their charge, some The person is falling to the ground, and some people are directly pressed into the soil.

A long gun-in-gun, the head of the army, the ribbed, the riots, the rival warriors, broke out all of their potential, and the hands of the sword in the hands of the intensive and accurate fire cover. The life of the war, this group of fights were also hit by the martillar of the sneak attack, and the army of the sneak attack was not allowed to make a roar of relief. Seeing that they constantly become red, the body seems to make a hike.

However, he did not give them this opportunity. After the loudly drinking Leohad and others, the six full-power electromagnetic shells hit on the battlefield.

After the smoke, the dust is scattered, there is a gully that is attacked by the impact. It is the resilibrand arm of the army. Rao is so hunting or zero zero scattered four or five, swaying the residual body slowly Stand up.

I didn't look at these people. I flew to Leohad over the cold voice: "Take the battlefield will be sorted out here, you can go and the main force, I am going to assist your Lord. ! "

"Follow!" The neighborhood! "Leohad bent down from the heart to the heart, and today's battle has honored his commitment, and once again proved his powerful and strength, for the strong and The Allies of the Allies should give the greatest respect.

The things here have not been disturbed, and then released the energy of the enemy after absorbing the martial arts, and Ye Ruo took the lead in the main battlefield of West Fer.

The commanded Leohard took his subordinates, and smiled and waved the weapons in his hand to the enemy in the deep pit.

Just when they had to hurt the killer, the words that have been fly away have fly back and gently gently and ordered the command: "Don't kill them, to catch!"

"Why?" Leohad, who has already raised the sword, does not understand, captive? After the magistrate and the natural disasters have disappeared from the magistrate dictionary, the natural disasters did not know what to live in what the purpose will also live the magic people, and the eunuch is in a disadvantage. Revenge will not leave a living port after each battle.

"Let you can't catch it! So many why? This will play a very big role in the victory after us! I will ask you to do it!"

Leohad, who has never received such a command, is hard, listening to the tone of , he knows that the other party is not joking, and Lenovo is really a big effect. It is really a big effect. : "We don't kill them, but we can't stop their suicide! They want to end their own life. As long as one thought can, if our construction is complete, we can suppress their response under the control of the Magic. Catch them! But now we can't do it! "

"Ah! It turned out to be this!" Yan Yan nodded and no longer stop Leohad to solve these wounded people. It seems that I want to catch several captives carefully study and go to the main battlefield direction, and try to pay attention to it again. Get up to the jungle.

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