Heterogeneity company

Chapter 488 wants to capture

The periphery of the battlefield was strictly protected in Xifcher to watch the development of the War, while listening to the report of the soldiers before, a good news came to a good news, making the war in front of the war, and come It is to fall into the upcoming big victory.

Looking at the armed people under the periphery of Kidi, they were gradually clear. Only the enemy's main arms and a small amount of survived sleepers and monitors were left on the battlefield. The smile on the face of West Full. The horse belly hoof stepped forward and went to the commander to smile low: "So Leohad has ended the battle with Mr. Tang! What is the situation?"

"Yes, the head of Leohad, who has been annihilated by the Bull collar, but the Cavaliers of the Cavaliers have been overwhelming, and the head of Leohard said that he is now cleaning up the battlefield. After the rest, you can invest in! "The commander of the soldiers respectfully responded.

West Fer first knocked with his hand, lost half? Hearing this news, she couldn't help but have a heartache. This is one of her troops. It can be divided into two bulls that can be used as a bull of the attack. It is also necessary to give each other with a certain pressure so that more The reinforcements in the bottom of the Pasta are hooked. In order to achieve this effect, she can only send the thorn flower group knight.

"It's hard to be!" Thinking of this Sifer sighs to guide the hand: "I will pass my order very good to Leohard! Let them clean up the battlefield, do not have to rush to join the battle in the jungle Rest, if you need it, I will send people! "

Seeing that the talents received their orders to turn around, West Fer looked up to mutter the sky: "Our aids have arrived!"

Hey! Hey! Hey! Her voice is not falling, and the huge noise of the skinny lames sounds over the battlefield. As a montage of the blood, the monetary monitoring is usually dropped from the air, a metal figure is far from the far and nearly flying Go to Sifer's side.

"Mr. Tang! No! Cut people! You comply with your commitment to bring us a hearty victory!" Faced with the rumor in front of him, West Fer bent down on horseback Tao.

"Now, this is the fashionable morning 1 battle is still going, is we still not completely won?" Yan Yan said that the anti-electricity shot slammed down and climbed from the ground to climb up to fly to the air monitoring Laughing and responding.

"So, please ask us, lead us to get a perfect victory!" West Fer stood up the waist. "" Passing my order, Qatar, all the magic will be listened at all the people at this moment! " "


"Forget it, I am still not over, your army is also commanded by yourself, I can help, but I have a new requirement now!"

"You said, we will be as satisfied!" Xifer's heart is still in the face.

"I need to catch a few captives, live! Army, disaster communicator, slavery, penitut." Say that he looked back at the tall sleepers, and in the heart, the pencil is already big enough. This is afraid that this is afraid to think of this from his own list, then he said; "I once made this request to Leohad, but he said that you need your Mo's assistance to do, this We will need to be able to support it. "

I thought that I would like to have a big opening of the lion after the battle, I heard that this requirement did not help but be a lot to say: "This is no problem, we must do our best to help you capture the enemy. Mr. I want to remind you in advance. We have also done this matter, but this group of guys is stubborn and their thinking has been transformed. We have tried many means to get useful information from its mind, I think .. ... "The following words, Xifd did not continue, but the subtext is already very understanding, and their magic's excavated information energy desert is don't want to do it.

After listening to this, I was slightly smiling, and the two were not a road. Suddenly, Sifer said, said that she said, "I know, it is very important!" Catching must try as much as possible! In addition to captured the enemy's body, don't destroy, try to collect the complete body, how much is it! "

"The body?" Xifer brow slightly wrinkled, would you like to be interested in the body of the natural disasters, oh? This is also not determined from the current situation. Although the cornerstone is thinner than the cultivation of cultivation energy than other planes, they are in alchemy, and there are so-called technology roads out of their own characteristics, maybe they will Have a breakthrough!

When I thought I agreed with the request of the words, when I launched it in the order of the command, I have fly to the main battlefield.

Sleeping a few sleepers in the eye, now they are being touched by the magic crocodans called out of the Moz, don't have to shoot the edge of the collapse, so he will move his gaze to Above the army who is very interested.

Did not use any remote thermal pressure, the rumor is straight into the magic surrounding circle, and a sip of the sword appears in his hand he wants to feel the combat power of this group of guys.

The sword Weng's long sword of the army, the weapons in the hands of the two, did not appear two paragraphs in the hands of the imagination, and the branches of the sword and swords made a burst of red smoke, the enemy's hands The long sword is slowly melting.

After a trick, the other party quickly took back the long sword, and the long sword was fill the gapped under the margin. The scarlet liquid was filled. 31XS. Solid, and a handle of the blink of the earth, the first long sword is waving in the army Cave again.

Feel the huge force from the arm, and the body is slightly sinking! The strength is not small, the strength of the genuine Tang Dragon, this force is lack of fear in the , if you change the survey, the general probes may have a big loss.

The long sword is separated from the long sword of the army, and the left hand is slightly lifted. On the other side of the breastplate, the powerful impact strikes him to fly back, after the two and three companions, this is only supported Rock the long sword again.

Oh! Looking at him to break the cracking chest and the plasma that is slowly oozing in the body, and the frown brow is good.

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