Heterogeneity company

Chapter 493 Qingpoint Captive

In the shadow of the sun, standing on the tall female plums, holding the nose with hand, holding the pungent smell with his fingers, poke the pokes in front of the poke, refreshing, refreshing: "This thing Still alive? "

"Alive! But has been homed to the fake in the fake!" Responsible to see Jenna, who was one of the left and right hands of Leohad, and continued to visit the prisoners while respecting the prisoners. Mobile phone end https: //m.vodtw.

"This pest is not hurt!" Yan Yan came down and went down to see the body to breathe slightly vibrical, and determined that this thing was still alive, and then look at the wound and one side of its whole body. The Mozi who has been poured into the pythmilla in several big water cylinders can't help but ask: "How long can this thing still live?"

"Oh, this is not good!" Jena was able to promote his hand: "These two prodigi is captured in the bull, after the disappearance disappears, we attacked the bulls, because there is no red Samurai Protecting the command before capturing these two big guys, while the Napas Valley's inquiry is in the last inspections under the opponent's command. "

When I said that this Jena took the bucket of a magistrate in the hands of the bucket to put the water in the bucket to continue: "This thing is lucky, we must not only uniform it not to continue to produce slavery. Also, clean up the body fluid to ensure that the enemy will not find the wind, this guy is actually tenacious. If we throw it, it will not take them under the red air disaster, now it can restore it, now because the environment changes again Plus our warlocks have become so sluggish. Nowadays, this thing is happy. If we don't continue to water water, keep it moist, in this serious injury, they really have May die. "

Listening to Jea's introduction, if I thought I thought, I nodded. Leaves next to it. If I had a whisper: "It seems that we have to send this thing back, I last, I will mention it, if it is possible Send a batch of captive back to research. "

"Yeah, but this has passed in May, the old family has passed less than two days. I don't know if they are ready to come to the place!" Looking at the high body leaves of Men, if there is some guilt?

"Let's talk, let's take a look at other prisoners." He said that he fell to Jiena Yang Yang, and the opponent did not long before the front line to bring them to a cell that was temporarily set up.

Through the railing, the fifteen wearing a shaped shackles inside, and the hands and feet were interrupted, and the sorrows and death were unknown, and the words were spent on the introduction of Jenna waiting for her.

"In order to meet the requirements of Mr. Tang, if we caught these people, we have a great expense for a lot of thought!" Jena looked at the words to hear a long way to work: "These left-behind people in Napati Valley, we It was originally able to crush it, but in order to catch them only to take a wheel battle to consume this group of people, and finally, if they flex them, they can uniform under the warlock, that is, there are six people in the process of such prisoners. Antihi took a hurt our companion. "

"They won't be self-explosive now!" He asked in a mess.

"No!" Jena said that a piece of black mole on the chest chain chain said: "We are not a little not to understand each other, this magic stone can curb the circulation of energy in their body, I can't fierce after bringing it. "

I nodded, I went to another room under the leadership of Jena, there was a small number of monitors, and the next room stacked a lot of words to do the simple anti-corrosion treatment of the natural disaster army. Biological body.

"Vomiting, vomiting!" Smell the pungent, After the disgusting feelings of the lower chest, I turned into Janna said; "This body doesn't have to look here, we have limited you to find your lord, just say that I borrowed a few storage equipment. Some people put these bodies into it. "

"This, Xovale people have long been told, and the reason why it is just in order to make a big person, we will find someone to pack it."

I heard the words, I only felt that the stomach was a gum and turning it, and I walked at: "Well, I will deal with it. I will go back to take a break to inform you that I will attend her feast of her prepared tomorrow."

"Yes, adults, please go here!"

In Jena escort, he or others left the prisoner. When they were about to stay in their own residence, the front of the house made a group of people slowed down.

"How is this a play code?" He said sideways to the side of the companion.

"Please sin, please crimes!" Xia Dang smiled in the hand in the hand.

"Well! I look at this meaning!" Zhao Yuanji nodded with his head.

In the eyes of their eyes, a five-flowers tied to the old man, and after his body, he was holding the long sword. He left the old man and said that the old man was reprimanded by himself. Cidin.

"What is this!" When I went to the door, I sat in the lounge chair in the hospital, and I took a big Pu fan and bowed to the wind and looked at Leohard.

"This person conceals the intelligence, leading to the danger of Sifer, but also makes the people are seriously injured! Number of crimes and punishment, because of the association to the nephend, Siweli Adults let me convey this person, I feel that this person will leave his life to listen to it. If you think this person is useless. "

"Ah!" Listening to Leohad's words, he said to the mouth, and he looked at Ye Ruo: "Look at people will kill people, this is letting us do this wicked."

"Your image is also in line with it." Ye Ruo returned to the road.

"You said that I am mixed with this," I used a Pu fan to pat my stomach. In fact, I learned these two days later. He already knows that this is not a full quilty, in the long-term years of the Mozu and the natural disasters Forced the other party to use this way to fight against the battle, and most of the battles are either a victory of the natural disasters, or the two sides of the battle.

As such a strong attack, it is only possible to happen when you meet the high-level magicity, and a series of battles have happened to one or two times. It has become the legend of the battlefield. This little probability event is not placed in the heart.

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