Heterogeneity company

Chapter 494 Qing Dynasty Banquet

Regardless of Sifer's murder like his hand, it is like a hand of your own hand, it has shown great sides this time, saying that since Sifer's lord is safe and herself, it will not be investigated. After that, waving the speed of Leohard will be grateful to zero tears to swim in the eyes and look at their own Kodin with their own sight. https: // www ..

That night, Yan Yan and Ye Ruo have opened a small meeting, one is to sum up the intelligence acquisition of this battle, and sum up the experience of the next step, the second is to discuss the prisoner to send it back, good There is a weak space barrier within the two natural disaster column, and the province has breakdown again to escort the trouble of capture.

After some discussion, the actions that were unanimously believed to be a captive, and they decided to start to send actions after tomorrow celebration.

When I took a break, I was familiar with it, I was prepared to attend the Western Western, and when I came out of the residence, I came to the refuge's street, and I was infected by the surrounding an atmosphere. There is a little more enemy, and more respect have been distressed, and some people have a fanaticism.

Looking at the enthusiasm of the autumn waves, Zhao Yuanhui said: "Xia Dang, how can people be willing to bring us?"

"Why?" Summer shallow smile was surprised with a double arch.

"This soft jade is warm, people are preparing to have a different perspective face, don't you come to a light bulb?"

"Yeah, yeah! I think he is so pointful to the Sifer, seeing people to save the danger! After the incident, I have lost blood three liters, you didn't see the woman's leader! Face I have changed, I saw it, I saw it! "

"Hey!" Listening to the two women, you said that I just sighed, I only felt a big one, and then I would like to seek help, who knows this guy. It is not a high-hanging attitude, which is like a great interest in the roadside magic buildings. When you are sighing, you will also use candies to exchange some crafts of crafts from the Mozu children from time to time.

"My day, you can't say that the cross talk is really !" Yan Yan, thank you for a good idea of ​​the girlfriend, and asked for Rao; "Two little ancestors let me calm Quiet is good! "

Zhao Yuanhu smiled with Xia Yan, and didn't say anything to shrug. You took me with me, I took you away, I left another road and wandered.

Just picking up the wine bowl in the hands of the toast girl, and kickly, you will take a photo, and then return the wine bowl to the other side. If you laugh in the side, you laugh at the ear: "The most difficult to suffer the beauty. It's envious! "

After the leaves were small, they were smashing, and they were helpless by a lot of enthusiasm.

All the way to the plumber of the West Francissen, I saw the three unspoiled companions and the West Fer, who had been waiting for it.

After all play, this trip is mainly based on the righteousness. Therefore, although the summer and others will not listen to the persuasion of the other party first, first in the paragraph of the feast, after seeing the arrival of the arrival Three people respectfully stood behind him.

"The top hero of this battle, our big hero! Mr. Dragon, my savior! Only your arrival will make this celebration more than the name!" Headless! "Dressed in the wearing a graceful west Ff squatted his own left hand smile.

Yan Yan and others are still in the system of clothing, which is already the case of the investigation hall, which is already the right gorgeous costume, and the squad is picking up her hat. The gloves are handed over the summer words of the body, smile and take a look at West Fer's jade hand: "Victory belongs to us, and Mr. Leohad is still in my mind in my mind. Reward, for the victory of this battle, we have paid a lot. Today is the moment you and I taste the fruits of victory. "

Xifel, the handed hand, opened a hand gesture, and the two had entered the banquet hall so that the two people had entered the banquet hall. Especially, everyone in the banquet hall set up to the two people gave the highest courtesy.

Under the leadership of West Fer, he stated in the long table in the heart of the banquet hall. After the victory with West Fer, the banquet was officially officially officially released. After winning a warm applause. Expand, a tasty is delicious by the long table of the maid, and the atmosphere of the banquet is gradually awkward.

The long-lasting home table is just sitting, Xifel, Brang, and the first time I met Sifer's herish, the three people, while Ye Ruo was arranged in three people. The banquet lobby is the most rely on the VIP position next to the host table. Ye Ruo is being attached to the wine at this moment, and the two gave a talk in the ears. I didn't know that Ye Ruo said. What did you have killed two people holding a cup and smirking.


The performance of the two women's companions, let Yan Yan smiled, I don't know if West Fer intends to arrange the contradiction between the two sides, sitting in Zhao Yuanhu and Xia Zuo, etc. Women's dress attend, Jena and Haila.

This Jena is also in the same way with Zhao Yuan, who is interested in talking to the side, and the sea, the sea, the former, looked at each other, the latter, will do nothing to defeat this hand. I would like to pay attention to the food of my lady and enjoy the food.

I caught the stunned atmosphere and smiled and shaken it with such a long time. I found the West Food and smiled. "Mr. Tang, your hand is a bold people, but it is me. The maid is narrow, oh, I also persuaded her how many times but she is still embarrassed to the defeat. "That said that this West Face is looking forward to the rumor;" Mr. Tang, I am called with her Servant, but she has a long truth from my childhood, and if the sea puller has the move of Mr. Whoever, Mr. Whoever is a move, but also hope that Mr. can see it in my face, this is not us to provoke. "

"Good to say! Hello! Your magic resumption is really stronger!" Yan Yan took a drink and looked at Hailai to be connected to the beginning of the arms.

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