Heterogeneity company

Chapter 496 God Secrets

After listening to the guard, Leohard is a little, and the side looks to the Bayron on the Power. After seeing the other party's spending, he said, he said, "There is an urgent problem and me, don't make it here. The atmosphere! With him with me! "

The guard saw that the knight is said to have said so, but I have to lead my people to go to the outside, but I don't know what the strength you won't know, and the trembling from the arms. Out of an elliptical dark purple tolerance, he lifted his head, and he was looking for mechanical eyes. https: // www ..

It was found that this token was beautifully handicured to make the token, which is engraved with a number of different mamitus, and the magic text they don't know, even more amazed, this thing does not know what material is made, The banquet hall light is not consciously emitted out of the black fog, and I hope that there is a sense of the illusion that I have a kind of heart god, and the awareness of the scorpion will be a curious heart to the heart.

"Waiting for one, etc.!" Seeing this token Xifeli standing up and shouted to have a must-have to move the guard command: "Take him up!"

Seeing his own leadership, he had to come to the President, and he was sitting in West Fer, he went to heavily bloody smell. He didn't usually have some anti-stomach, and moved behind him. Napkins who have taken to the table cover their nose.

In contrast, West Fur is not much more concerned, or it is not allowed to care, and Yan Yan finds that when Sifer discovers the token, it began to get the expression of the face along with the face.

After the two guards next to the body retired, the people who came to the table and barely support their body, and the whispers that Caier couldn't stay in the ear.

In the public, the public is not good to listen to the other party under the public, but he found that the more content heard with West Fer, and her face is more difficult to hear, she actually shocked her face. I can't start playing.

When people completed the mission, when the last sentence, I couldn't support it. When I couldn't stand it, Sifer sat on the chair, and my eyes were straightforward. I stayed in the distance.

"What happened to West Fer?" I found that I was not going to Byron first, the command guard will take it down to regulate, and then I went to West Fer.

"Sifer Miss?" The squad of the side of Sifer did not respond to the delay.

I called the gods of the god, swaying my head, I wanted to stand on the desk, but the two legs were soft and then sitting down, and I worshiped my own prostitute, Xifu The help of pushing the uncle, first picking up the wine pot of wine on the table, and does not care about the image of the aristocratic etiquette, and drums directly to the mouth. After two, the two placed red halo rose her. The emotions have gradually succeeded.

After the long spit out of a drunk, she slammed himself: "Bewron! Leohad! Rez! Casmai! ....." As she is a series of people, the long table is constantly Some people stand, including the order of Bayer's entry to the lobby of the lobby: "You come to my study with my study, Jena! Haila! Take my sister back to bedroom to take care of her!"

After saying that these Sifer turned to see the : "Sorry Mr. I have urgent affairs need to come out, I can only tell you to understand, I hope you don't care to continue to enjoy the next gourmet feast."

"Wonderful, Miss West is what I need to help? If there are words, please say it, if you are willing to help in my ability." Yan Yan took the napkin and wiped his lips and got up.

West Fer hesitated what I would like to say, but I still didn't say that I didn't say that I have smiled. "Thank you! You can get this sentence of Mr. Chen, my heart has a bottom! I want to discuss my business. For a while, if you really have a need for Mr. Wang Tang to help. "

"Cough! Good to say! Hello!" Yan Yan looked at West Fer's face. It's rare to show a little daughter's shackles. It is inevitable that you will be slightly fried.

Seeing this situation, I don't know why, the nervous fearful emotions seem to have far away. Xifer feels that the confidence is very proud of laughing, turn around to leave the banquet hall first.

With the departure of Sifer et al., I lost a lot of important people to take the town banquet hall to cool a lot, although the waiter is still constantly moving on the top, but no one has a thoughtful thing to enjoy anyone who looks out, just unknown There are more serious things that I'm reporting, and the people who left behind will not help but speak.

In addition to I have been completely excluded from the Qatar plus leadership.

Less the owner, the banquet has lost its meaning, and Yan Yan has gone. After drinking, drinking, drinking and drinking, and the four people got up and left the banquet. hall.

"What did you say to the end?" Go back to his own residence, Xia Dang hangs clothes on the hanger, is generally true.

"I don't know, I can't go to eavesdress!" A mechanical branch is a painful shoulder, in this night, in order to keep the etiquette is not shameful, he is quite better than anyone, now he relaxed. On the chair and enjoy the massage while sitting on the chair and looked at a cigarette and swallowing the mist. "I am sure is not a little thing! I see that the West has changed, the legs are soft!"

"Will n't it be a question in their holy city!" Ye Ruo sitting on the side is holding his hand.

I heard the remaining three in the house, and the words of the reaction were even smashed from the chair, and the handwritten cigarette is back in the house. I can't stand the point: "Yes! Yes Yao!" ! It is also likely to be this situation! "

Thinking of this is sitting back to the chair: "This is the worst situation! If they really have a big problem! Even falling, we stay here is meaningless, there is no such strength Next, it will definitely face the big disasters, our situation will be extremely dangerous! "

"Damn!" He said that this will be ignited at the table. He now regrets that he has already exploded his surveillance skills. In the other party intentionally, his listening equipment can no longer steal from the high-level meeting. Useful intelligence.

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