"What should we do next? Did we evacuate?" Zhao Yuanhu was infected with the infected atmosphere in the house. Want - Free - Fees - View - During - White - Edition - Please - - - - -

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"Wait again!" Ye Ruo returned to the sink.

Yan Yan nodded: "Then, wait, tomorrow, I want West Fer to come to us to show up. If she doesn't come to us, we will take the prisoner after the day, we will have a capture, when you return it. Only one of my base is left. "

When he interrupted the Summer language that he interrupted the speech, Zhao Yuanhu: "Don't fight for it is an order, I will not continue to deepen the space barriers to the space barriers, continue to release investigation equipment. Discovery, if we are as guess, I will evacuate the generation as soon as possible, let other faces are ready for the war in the next! "

"Don't worry! Their holy city is still good!" Lin Junzhao's voice suddenly sounded in the brain, and asked him to hurry and show: "How do you know?"

"You are stupid! In addition to being swallowed the source of the law, the people who have lost their own rules, others are the energy released by the world's own origin to show the ability, you see the magic in the hall. Is the magic collapsed? If their holy city is really falling, the old thing will be finished! Most of the magic people naturally lose their own source of power, the same, the top more, Some? I don't understand? "Lin Jun is like a teach idiot.

"Call!" I heard that the holy city may have not fallen, and Yan Yan is still happy than West Fer, I also expect them to drag the natural disaster army, informing Lin Junzhao, informing her companion The tension in the house is slower.

"Then wait! Take a look at how they say!" Yan Yan sat in the chair and looked at the brain.

Xifd has really not allowed to wait for a long time. After the night, the next day, Xi Fer came to the front of the house with the next time, and then opened the door.

"I gave me a cup of you, then!" After being sitting down by the rumor, I looked at the commanding machine to give myself to her own tea, Sifer smiled and said with the initiative.


"Yes! Coke! Give me the bottle!" Sifer nodded again.

Unscrew two bottles of ice, can be given to the two, and he is sitting in the opposite side to watch the two people waiting for each other.

"Ha!" Sifer's long spit out a breath, put the remaining half bottle Coke pier above the desktop, fingers gently Mo smooth bottle, and slowly open the mouth: "Mr. Tang, It must be doubts for what happened last night. "

"We opened the sunroof and say bright words, Miss Xifer told me that you have a problem in your holy city? I hope to listen to the truth!" Dai Yan is lazy to see the mountain directly, although Lin Johao said that the hell's place is not a problem. However, he didn't even mean that the holy city will be fine. In case the holy city is broken, he will escape from the arm, and the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The exact answer is obtained in the mouth.

"Mr. Tang, if our holy city is broken, what do you want to do?" The unsuitable West Fer opened the first time.

"There is no need to cover up now. If the Holy City is broken, I will take my departure directly, if you want me to take you, but it is limited to ten people. You and I have the exemption! "

West Fer heard a gift: "Mr. Tang can say this sincerely, let me move! If there is a day, I will wait for the Devil, but my sister is still small. Hutang Mr. can take her away. "

I nodded: "I said that your holy city didn't have problems?"

"I swear to you in the name of my mother, the holy city is not a big problem, at least I have to get the information now!" Sifer sat down position and laughed.

"Then, last night ....?" .

"The Holy City is temporarily, we have to be a great disaster!" Bewron is full of sighs: "Mr. Tang, you still remember the last time you broke out, the defensive space barrier's natural disaster army left your own position. ?"

"I remember! I also let you find anything about whether there is something related to this?" Yan Yan did not understand.

"It was related to this, when we didn't know how it was clear, our star was captured by the natural disasters in that action!"

"Star Lord?" Yan Yan's brow wrinkled for so long, or heard the word first time.

"Yes' star!" West Fer said that he had unprocessed his collar, remove a star on the neck of Jie Yuci, and he was in his hand, and Yan said that the disc will recognize it from the pattern. This matter: "Is this a star inlaid in Rafael chest? Is this a touch of this refuge?"

"It is!"

Yan Yan said that he lowered, and this star is smarter than he first saw it. At this time, West Fer explained: "In our hell, except for the highest devil, strength, strength The highest, the princes of the territory, the Duke, and again, it is the guard, Star Lord of the devil. If you have a powerful power, it is the magic of the magic. It is the star owner, we can use the power of the Devil to excite the various lascles released, depending on it is the power of these Star. "

"Oh! There is this hidden love." After the Bank of the Bulls, I was interested in the stars, and the stars in my hands were said: "Then the Star Lord is arrested, can not be displayed?" "

Xifl shook his head and said: "The Star Lord, which attacked the attack, guards the devil in the holy city, and even if these star owners are unfortunately sacrificed or have been born in the new Star Lord, the problem is not a stars. The star of the dish, but the Star Lord of the Shrine Star! "

It said that this Sifer took the star in the hands of the words to continue: "When the natural disaster army was stunned, the army of all over the country was split, and there was no choice but to break around to the Holy City, but the magic god adult in order to take care of it. In order to preserve strength, the Mozu of the enemy's enemy is also left behind, the four-star Zhou, who is relying on the space of these four star owners, and established this seat shelter camp. "

It is said that this Sifer's face is a sad and resentful color. "You can discover and live in a natural disasters in the four star owners!"

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