Heterogeneity company

Chapter 501 Attitude

Looking at the space channel of the underground room, Gu Yishui is no longer as nervous before this time, not because he is not worried about the safety of the righteousness, but before this, the hall has been in the long morning. Since the old hall, the old hall did not count, his heart was still a lot, although he still led the good hands in the hall, it was waiting.

As the spatial barrier gradually collapses the rays at the channel, the spatial channel is finally formed after the flash is gradually stabilized.

In the figures of the figures in the brilliance of the shadow, it took advantage of Sands to see the four-person appearance. After a long time, it was a long and smiled and said: " , this is enough!" We have come back again for a day! "

I was a hurry: "I have no time to say so much, consolidate the space channel, I have the prisoner of the natural disaster army, the needs of the two menus! Fast! Fast! Fast!"

Gu Yishui went wrong with his face, and the staff guarded him to call him to help, while pulling the : "What is the situation?"

"The situation is very complicated, the old rules go to the side!" Call the top of the old and the hall of Shanglin, there is a meeting! The situation is very serious! "He said the side of the side:" People who have a command will capture the captive Go, I caught the natural disasters and the two somes, there were red samnows, there is living. "Said that he said in a few storage items from the arms, and continued to say:" There is also a body, let our people Study studying their physique. "After he finished, he will tell Gu Yishui together with the doubts of the Tianzhi Legion.

"Well, you now have more and more mature!" Gu Yisheng's satisfaction nodded to turn the necklace to Yao Xuefang, and then, Yu Zhongmin, in this command, resettle the prisoner, followed by people with Lin Lao Return to the hell of the hell.

Through the space channel, looked up in Lang Lang clear sky. I didn't feel the previous time. The old man said that I said: "It looks like you attacked a natural disaster column!"

"Two!" He said with a smile and reached two fingers.

"It's hard for you, you can open the situation here so quickly! 'Lin Lao heard the kind smile, patted the shoulders of the , who can think of being scared in the warehouse a year ago, Now one of the top beam columns of the investigation hall.

Gu Shenghui looked at the army to listen to the army who heard from Zhang Wang, whispered: "Those people are the magic power you came to the last time?"

"Just, did you see the horse riding? He is the uncle of Qatar plus autonomous leadership, called Bai Lang, the one of him is the head of their Knights Leohad." He said with Gu Yisheng's line of view. It is pointed to the two people in the team, and the eyes of the two people who have the prostitutes of the two people are riding the gift. Gu Shenghui also expressed his slightly.

After returning to the ceremony, Gu Yisheng took a step to the side of the side: "I call us this is not only to escort the captive and so simple, let's talk about what is going to!"

Gu Jingshibo felt a betel nut from the pocket, and then shouted in the mouth and chews the mouth and shook his mouth in the mouth: "You are really doing the owner to pick up a big sale in the house!"

"Is it difficult? If you don't do it with them, you will not be able to follow them in the original plan." He said that this is a little bit of a matter. If you should take such a big thing, you will not give support.

"No, it's hard to support you again." Gu Sheng Hui said that he said: "It is difficult for you to open such a large situation in this short time. If you evacuate it, not only you have an important value in the minds of Sifer and others. Dropping, along with our investigation halls will also be light, reassuring, since there will be that the elite will adjust the elite to help you involve this war. "

"Yes!" Lin Laohui bearded: "Hey, do you know why do we support your action in hell?"

: "Understand, naturally, in order to drag the footsteps of the natural disasters invaded."

"This is only the reason, more importantly, we must support the Mozi resistance." Lin Lao said that this is the first to say that after the prison, he continued: "The natural disassembly is completely occupied by the preserved premium, they A goal may not be us, but if the Moz is lost all the places and hopes, their last hope ... "

"Their final hope must be in a few big faces, which seems to be the weakest, as the final refuge, we did not usher in the Tongzi Army first ushered in the battle of the magic invasion." Tao.

"If they are forced to the road, we will definitely make such a decision, so we must not only give them hope, but also show our power to shock them, you have already opened a good head, can't ruin it, so many years It's time to let other faces to see our truth! "Lin always said that the body of the original body was fierce, and the boundless momentum slowly released, and the distant eight-shred huge beast was low. Plain with horseshoe, riding in the horse, the old man who is looking at the Leohad face, and it is expected to send a strong person at the old man.

"Yeah, this time is more than you are conducting special training, our old guys are not idle, this time I just want to try my strength and new ability to get!" Zuohua knows oneself The old friend's mind, the same release itself, the two eight-step awaken the power of the two eight-order awaken, let the group of the farmers in the distance, the knee is soft, and the knees are not dare to get up, and Brang It is more downtown with Leohard to turn over the face of the face to face it.

I heard the measures in my heart: "How many people are prepared in the hall?"

"There are many people, there are still many things in the world, and new people should train daily tasks to be implemented, they will come to elite!" Gu Shenghui came back to continue; "Since it is a shining debut, not only to be a complete Complete the task, but also to shock the moon's duplicate ambiguity, the masters that can be moved in the hall! "

"Call!" He said that Gu Yisheng's state of the laughter was long and taunt: "This time I said in front of others, I am not afraid of circle!"

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