It is important to have a major time to determine the plan. Gu Yisheng no longer delayed the leader of the Lin Lao and returned to the present, and convened the people in the next action.

After all of them left, Bayang went to walk to sit in the space channel, looking at the magic for driving the mother in a diamond, and stunned, the little, said: "Mr. Tang, the few people Is the adults are the assistance you invited? "

: "This is just part, why are you not satisfied?"

"Satisfied, satisfied! The momentum of the two old people, I have experienced a few Dukes in the Holy City, and they have the success rate of the Savior of the Save the Savior, which will be greatly improved." Bai Lang When you hear such a person is just a part of the aid soldiers, excited to come back and forth in the sky. He now really doubts that it is true that the party is true, or his brother is bless! Let yourself meet such a once thought is a disaster star, now I can't wait to hold the Fuxing in my hand.

It is foreseeable that if this is really able to gather the strikes of the refuge, the Star Lord is rescued from the Tianshi Legion, and the strength of the soldiers plus five natural disaster columns, and it will be able to settle Qatar plus autonomous collar. Future status.

"Well, then why do you think that the two old people have the top masters of your Mozu?" Asked the excitement, Bai Liao, not the secret.

"Hey!" I heard this, I'm saying that I have a good understanding of my words, but I don't dare to say something to the cornerstone, I don't know this time. He has answered him in a state of stylus.

"Don't be nervous, the truth is good!" He said that his embarrassment slightly smiled.

Although he said, Bayon is still sinking, he said: "Call! This two old people are only emitting anantity, I can't see them actually, I can't make accurate judgment." After I finished him I said: "But only with the momentum of the holy city is still a line distance."

When he said that he looked at the expression of Yan Yan and is clear, he hurriedly said; "This is normal, I said that they are already strong! There are not a few in the holy city, the top masters and the top The master still has such a gap, but this gap is enough to determine the victory. "

"I know, do you know that Frad I?" If you think about it, I suddenly asked a inexplicable.

"Frad, I've listened to a half-talent reaction:" Hey, are you saying the blood family in the magic plan? "

"Do you know him?" I didn't expect to ask what I didn't expect anything to say a little horror.

"Know that some information will always receive some information to these Weizheng's own plane." Byndo sat down to shrug the shoulder.

"Then he belongs to what stage in your words?"

Bewron looked at the expression. Something is a very embarrassing, quite unexpectedly replied after half a day: "It should also belong to the top level."

"Oh!" He said that there is a little low-end head. Although it knows that Frad I is a very powerful enemy, but I didn't expect him to have such a prestigious, and the blame is not so taboo, absolutely a top? How much gap is with you?

Shake the head to temporarily smash the mind, and you will look at the old smile; "Let's come here for so long, we still don't know if your magic strength is divided? What location is you?"

Byron heard the slight smile: "I understand what you mean, even if I still know how to be in the nine, I will know that your cornerstone is in the nine floors, and the road is the plane, and the three corpses are three affairs. And Peng. And Take Six Roads, Human Dew, Human Due, Animals, Ashura, Hungry Ghost, Hell Road, including the magic circles from the trainee witch to the highest level of San Violet witch has detailed level division, but we The Mozi is different from you, we have no detailed division, in our division, under, medium and upper three, and can reach the upper magistrate is not to take the major army to serve as the army, and it is selected to enter the Holy City. Most of the Devils, and most of the princes in the army will become a nobles, this is the most powerful strength of the prince's status, and I can break the entrance of the Mozu, is in the stability period. "

The nodded nodded, and then, she looked at the captive team that moved in the space channel quietly in her hand.

After most of the day, the space channel of the prisoner was completed, and the space passage for a long time was gradually adjacent to the collapse. Looking at the slow space channel, Bai Lang won't happen: "Mr. Tang, your aid troops have not come. ? "

My superior has already told me before, I will re-open the space channel after three days, when they will send people to support, this is the fastest dispatch speed, and I can see about your investigation. Let's take it! Three days! Three days, you have to come! "

After listening to the words, the old face is red. It is the so-called concern that the chaotic is true. If he wants to understand the joints, you can't help but smile: "Wait! Wait! I am too anxious to ignore this, Mr. Tang, then let's go first and then here? "

"Forget it, I will come back to return to it. I am taking this! You will bring it back!"

Bayon naturally won't really leave the leadership, but the order is at the time of the order, and the Leohad personally returns to Xifel to the situation, in order to express myself The emphasis on a group, please be sure to relative to the upcoming team.

After three days, Yan Yan ride is hoped by the military array of exquisite armor, and Xifel is hoping to change the space barrier, and the space barrier is slowly broken. Dizzy is getting more and more tight, and you can't help but ask the Bai Lang next to you. "Uncle, is their aid trick really saying so important?"

"Only the two old people I have seen were enough to cause me to face attention. If there is no exaggeration of the words, the words are just part of this team, then everything he plan is not to be realized." Said Bai Lang It is honest that there is a person who has seen the interior of the mouth in the mouth.

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