Heterogeneity company

Chapter 515 for three minutes

Fierce! In addition to this word, you can't figure out other words, this battle, the ground under the feet of the two times has become unrecognizable, and the open dirt is stained with large pieces of blood and smear, and these things Most of the sources come from the old body.

It is not only a matter of saying that there are some people who are present. Whether it is speed, strength, and the reactionin is blessed, this is not the most desperate! The most desperate thing is that the growth of Friedrich does not seem to have ended, and his strength is still growing rapidly during this hand.

The only thing of Lin Lao far more than the other party is that almost allergic self-healing ability, can say that in addition to Zheng Jiaru, he has never seen who has such a fast self-healing ability, it is the Balls that combines the ability of the blood. Can't.

The break of the broken arm collapsed almost a moment of hurting, Lin Lao accused his self-healing process, and at the same time he should respond to the enemy's storm.

"The old guy, I recognize your strength!" Friedssian between Friedri stared at the other party again, and the beginning of the arms and covered the light in the measuring white. I nodded: "Even if I was forced to be Level, you also insist on covering the source in the body table to prevent me from being invaded to the body, you will be stronger than that of the feng head! "

Talking about the ambition of Friedriko opens the arms mad: "But can you defense?" Said that he bowed his hands full of eyes intoxicated and confused: "Now there is no need to hide you, each When the upper magic is completely magical, it will push your body a part of the machine to the extreme, and I am enhanced is the power! Perhaps it is your anger of the devil's adult, today I am particularly Devil's deepening, my strength is in endless growth, I feel that I have made my advanced shackles for many years have been loose! "

Said that he looked up to the old drama: "I want to thank you! My old guy will constantly become stronger and you are constantly consumed. How long can you support such a battle? Or Let's let go of the elders to help you? "

"How can you not prepare to break away from running away?" Lin Lao picked up the ground scrap, revealing a heartache, slowly wrapped around his hand on his palm on the side of the palm offered. .

"Hey, I am not ready to escape, I think who will join hands with Buckhouse who will not know anyone!"

"three minutes!"

"What?" Friedrih saw the inexplicable words of the inexplicable words in Lin Laokou.

"Adhere to three minutes"

"Hehehe! The interracial person who likes it is a mad" "Friedri Head heavenly laughs:" Since I will defeat you within three minutes! "

The voice of the voice just falls again to the original place again. The air is constantly transmitting the boxing of the boxing of the air, and the two moves are interlaced with each other. In Friedrich, Friedrich is more in the situation of Lin Lao's situation. Let Yan Yan are worried, this moment, Lin is almost completely in the situation of beating. In addition to doing effective protection in the head chest, it is difficult to take the hand to make an effective fight, cold and not secret in the other party attack. [31 31xs.] The root made underneath is also messy, and weak waves are not the key to the other party.

After a series of attacks, I pursued my body, the whole body, Friedrich, bombarded the arms of Lin, in order to protect the head and bomb! A boring forest, the old man, with a shock wave, I was awkward, and I took the road to the shed, and I killed the Mozu who was watching the battle in the face.

Looking at the thin arms of the stunned on a table and chair, it was the blood of the blood, the people in the shacks were different, and the young people in the investigation department were resentful, and the jumped to try to jump out of the tent and Frei. Delhi is desperate, and most of the magic funds in the shed distegorned and despised.

"Hey!" Samijina looked at Yao Wuyangwei slowly moved to the Fu Delid, and then looked at the old-armed wounds rapid healing and re-growing Lin. Look at this side, turn to the fight against the other side of Buckhaus.

"Tang Dragon Sip is what you confuse the stupid woman with Qatar plus autonomy! I have implemented this plan! I am a thousand person's life! Today I want you to experience the boundless pain ten times a hundred times!" Friedrich Turning over the double boxing stepping steps to step to watch the war.

"Hey! Are you really okay? Let me find me!" He said that he looked at the head of Wang Friedrich.

"Damn, hard-wrapped guy!" Friedrih curse, looked back, seeing Lin Lao returned to the figure behind him, he impacted a white eye: "The old man lying there Is it not good? Do you want to find yourself to find a bitter! "

Looking at slowly transferred to attack your own Friedrich, Lin Lao took out the jacket of the uniform of the investigation hall from the quarter, shaped on the ground, and put his hand and sigh: "Three minutes have passed, I can't do it! The baby will pay the next battle for the old man." After he touched his whisper and smiled and smiled: "Do you have a smoke?"

"Lin is old, is your lady not let you smoke?" The words threw the passage with the unknown cigarette from the quite.

"Goodle!" Lin Lao took a cigarette to unpack it in his mouth: "That is the old woman who is in the world, I haven't played so long for a long time."

I looked at the two people who were completely cold onside, Friedri Head on the green and gains and snorted: "Don't name it!"

After that, he took a sharp step to Lin Lao, but he heard the voice came from himself: "I didn't listen to the old man said! The next enemy is me!"


Friedri's returns to the furious firms, on the fist, hey! Double fists meet in the air, blood splash!

The rumor and Friedrich were all in the scene. After a moment, a scream, screams from the mouth of Friedrich.

Looking at his collapsed right arm, he stood in the same place, in the face of strong Friedrih, it is indeed plus horsepower to waving a full punch, can follow his computational power. There should be a flatness, the difference will not be too big, he has been prepared by using all the measures to suffer, who can think of this, the arm is actually discounted by him this?

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