Heterogeneity company

Chapter 516, Lin Lao's ability

Compared to the hair of the hair, it is more shocking or Friedrich himself. As a magist of harm, it is not enough to let him lose their tragic point, but the original harmful, the original, Friedri I can't wait for a pain and horror and a horror. This is lost.

"Silly kid, what is it! Continue!" The legs of the legs sat in the old mouth of the grass in the grass, looking at the new clothes from the quenteen, looking at the whispering.

The wind has to be retired.

If the left flash is silently chased by the wolf, look at the situation in the case, and find that he is still in the peak state, Friedrich finally moved this. He didn't sway his punch, and the right hand shook a long sword appeared in his hand, and the testiness was pursued.

The light sword and the long sword wiped out a spark in the air. After a few times, Dr. Friedri did not know what is the same. Under the joy, it could not help but increase the arm of the arm, but when its magic just fed an arms In an instant, a pain came from the arm, looking down to the whole right arm Harace turtle meal, the flooded flow, the long sword in hand couldn't hold a fade in the ground.

In this moment, the other party can't let this good opportunity, and the words of the squad will put the light swords in the hands of Friedry, and the sword flew over the sky. It is followed by a scorpion, and it is a knee hiking to the enemy's chest.

The Friedrih of the Angry, regardless of the waving of the left felings, he does not hide and tempered by the face, and he welcomes the other party with his head. The sound of bone breaks should be hit by the fidelity of the squat, and the right arm is unable to smoothing.

boom! The knee of the Yan Yan's knee is a truthfulness in the chest of Friedrich. It is ready to take this opportunity to attack the enemy. I didn't expect this Mozu. It was really awkward. After being attacked, it was not only after the attack. Then, the body, the head of the head, and Zhang was full of kids in his neck.

If you select the weakest place in the body, the neck is undoubtedly one of his biggest soft ribs. It is biting by Friedri, which has also stimulated the fierce fierce. He also refunded his knee, hands hand With the head of Friedrich, at hand from the other's chest, the blue light shines to pick up a miniature electromagnet.

boom! boom! boom! A series of explosions came from the battlefield. After the smoke was swaying in the body, he went back to the neck. He looked at the deep dental printed in the neck. He couldn't help but fortunately, he didn't choose to struggle, but hard Otherwise, even if you don't die, you have to tear the meat.

Compared to the opponents standing opposite his opposite, there is a lot of wolves. Now Friedrich has no appearance of the scenery, the whole body, the whole body, blood injury, the head and chest crystallization, the pertinence, protect The body's screwl is also bombarded half of the blood, the left arm has begun to heal the right arm in a slow regeneration.

"Old guy, what did you do to me?" Blood drip replied in Friedrie pointed to the ground, he looked up to the old opening of Lin, the old opening of the forest.

Through the first hand, he has already understood that although the scorpion is exhausted, it is completely in the scope of his own, and the current situation is not in the opponent's powerful, but the body has a problem, thinking about it. Question 1.31xs.net sets with this old guy who has worked with himself.

"I didn't tell you the obligation, today you are dead, but there are still many enemy missions. Do you think I will announce the secret of my own move?" The nostrils spurted a smoke forest old bomb. The soot refresses in the hands.

Friedry greeted his head, his left arm, a black aperture, with him, and shrouded the three in the grass in it. Then, all the eyes were faintly and said: "I have already slammed the knot Tell me the answer! "

Lin Lao looked at the black aperture over the sky and felt its power and low headshot to Friedri shook his head helpless: "Meridian!"

"Meridiary?" Friedrich heard his words.

"Well, you can understand the passage of the source in the body, my ability can feel the meridians of everyone, and manipulate it, I can use the manipulator to make people self-healing and even regenerate, I can also force the meridians Enhance your body, I can more power through the endogenous energy of the enemy. "

Said that Lin Old stopped and stopped his waist; "I am also worried about the Moi and human meridians. My ability will not work. It has proved that your meridians are indeed different. In order to this, I also fed some hands and feet to find out the law of your own source. "

"What have you done?" Friedrich's browbow chaised, and also wanted to know that the truth is in the moment, and the offensive is quietly listening to the story of Lin Lao.

"Nothing, just injecting some power in your meridians to open the limited method, stimulates your energy constant expansion." Lin Lao said that he saw that he had nodded, and Fried, Friedrich, continues to explain: "People's meridians are the same as the pipeline, and the abilities and cultivators can expand this pipeline through the step-by-step cultivation. Large transportation amount, thereby absorbing more sources to use. "

I heard this, I nodded, and he was absorbing the red natural disaster because it was not enough, leading to the energy silt in his meridians, he couldn't move.

This work, I listened to Lin, and I would like to say that I am willing to open the valve existing in your body in order to protect your own meridians. The energy that is uncontrolled in a short time in a short time in your meridians. Time is long ........ "

It is said that this Lin is ugly to look into the face of the face. Friedrich is extinction of the cigarette butters in his hand: "Now your meridians are already thin as paper walls, and it will be broken by the inside outward."

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